
Faces of Baja

burro bob - 6-29-2004 at 01:27 PM

Wow is this group posting some great shots.
I'll only post two photo's on this subjest out of respect to the host, and the fact that I don't have more than two good ones.
Also I want to start a trend to caption the photo's. Don't just show us the shot give us a litttle info.
Examples as follows;

Papa Fernandez
I took this shot when he was 108. He passed away several months later.
I was on a trip to Punta Final with the great grand daughters of William Lacy when we stopped at his camp.
He was taking a nap when we approached but woke up right away. His dog never did.
He was lively and animated and obviously enjoyed the company. I'll always regret the question I didn't think to ask.
burro bob

burro bob - 6-29-2004 at 01:34 PM

I took this about the same time as the Papa Fernandez pic.
She was living at a little beer stop at Cinco Islas.
I wanted to get a shot of her and her pup but my dog was always hanging around just out of the shot and the pup wasn't real happy.
When she finally kneeled down next to her dog the hammock was in ythe way. I patomimed for her to lift it out of her face. By the time she figured out what I wanted the pup had had enough.
I only got the one shot before her dog split. She followed soon after.
I only saw her once more, maybe a year later, in the back with her mom.
burro bob

David K - 6-29-2004 at 05:57 PM

Thanks Bob!!!!

Papa was a good friend of John Wayne. The Duke used his influence to secure the land on the north shore of San Luis Gonzaga Bay for Papa... so the story goes...

(sidenote) In the motion picture 'American Wilderness' my parents arriving at Papa's in their Wagoneer (in 1965) is shown. The filming crew was based there while the stars were hunting bighorn sheep. The movie was in theaters in 1971. It was so rare to see a new (American) vehicle in that part of Baja, I guess they had to get it on film!

Geez David

jrbaja - 6-29-2004 at 06:12 PM

1st the satellite shots and now I have to go buy a movie. Would you stop!:lol:

JESSE - 6-29-2004 at 06:58 PM

Great pics thanks!!!