

David K - 12-31-2009 at 01:10 PM

I get interesting requests in email once in awhile. This man found my El Marmol web page and contacted me... Here is some of his 3 letters, and the photo below. Photo is his copyright, not to be used beyond here.

>>> Discovered your site today, while looking for some info or pictures on the El Marmol onyx mine. My mothers grandfather, George P Brown, was the manager of that mine back in the 20's. I have some old letters that include a description of the school house, when it was originally built to be a house for my grandfather Mark Baldwin and grandmother Margaret Baldwin. My grandmother wrote an article for the san diego historical society and I'm using it as the backbone of some ideas for a book or play or ? I have many family letters from 1906 to the 30's discussing the life and trials of Baja. I have a great picture from Jul 1913 of the family on Cedros island, where George was running a Copper Mine. Punta Prieta is described in one of the letters as a beautiful place back in 1908? The Santa Catarina camp and the mule teams haling onyx to the seahore and the onyx being taken out in pongas, all described in Steinbecks book, make me want to go there and at least see it all<<<

I asked to see the photo...

>>> I'm thinking of driving the route my grandfather took from tecate to ensenada then to el marmol, then to santa catarina, punta prieta and to the beach, where they loaded the onyx onto the ship. it shows as a fishing camp now on a recent baja map. here's a picture of the Brown family on some coastal point on Cedros Island in July 1913. I've been google earth searching for the exact place but with poor results so far. The copper mine is in the north part of the island. any ideas where this picture might have taken on the island? they had to leave in 1914, because of the revolution/ uprising apparently<<<

I asked if I could post the photo here on Nomad for more feedback...

>>> yes, I'd love to hear from someone else who might have had a relative down there, or who has been to cedros and may have taken an actual picture at that same spot. I have the original 3x5 black and white photo and this one was apparently blown up12x17 and then color painted. I retain all rights to use this photo in any publication or commercial use.<<<

Pretty cool how the Internet helps us explore the Past!

BajaNomad - 1-1-2010 at 12:34 AM

In "Land Where Time Stands Still" by Max Miller (1943), he notes a "Kenneth Brown" "who runs El Marmol" (at the time), and having a "famous father before him, who worked the old copper mine on Cedros Island".

What's the connection between Kenneth Brown and Mark Baldwin? Just curious.

[Edited on 1-1-2010 by BajaNomad]

max-miller2.jpg - 49kB

BajaNomad - 1-1-2010 at 02:34 AM

Originally posted by David K's a picture of the Brown family on some coastal point on Cedros Island in July 1913.
Guess that answered my question somewhat already.


BajaNomad - 1-1-2010 at 03:05 AM

I've not been to Cedros Island before.

Having said that, the rocks in the background of the picture look similar to those in the attached photo taken at the mouth of Canon de la Mina.

Canon de la Mina is the large canyon (running left/right; with the dark shadow) just to the north of the old mining building(s) labeled "A" in this Google map:


[Edited on 1-1-2010 by BajaNomad]

MouthofCanondelaMina.jpg - 50kB

Mexitron - 1-4-2010 at 06:28 PM

Very interesting David--thanks for posting! Nice pic of Cedros too from Doug with the Agaves. Cedros is a place I've still yet not explored and it looks magnificent.

David K - 1-5-2010 at 09:55 AM

Great work Doug!!! I emailed the sender of the old photo a link to his thread. He was hoping to find the spot where the photo was taken. Unreal that you found the likely spot... thank you!