
Cry for help from La Playa

Marie-Rose - 7-12-2004 at 09:47 PM

Has anyone seen the postings on Fred Metcalf's Board about the horrible situation near San Jose,at La Playa? I feel so bad for these locals and yet am at a loss of what he might be asking us "Baja Lovers" to do to help the situation. My husband saw the atrocities this spring and seems to think the damage has already been done. Just what we need...more golf courses!!:mad:

Oh Marie! Oh Marie!

Skeet/Loreto - 7-13-2004 at 05:58 AM

Marie! their is nothing that can be done! The Canadians know that their Dollar goes Farther in Mexico, they know that they want all the things that go with 'Living the Good Life Cheaper", so off to Baja, where Million are Collected from those with the Money and the Dreams of Living on a Beach{Such as Loreto Bay village}

As long as the most important thing in life to a Human is "Money' it will contuine and there is nothing anyone can Do.

It will take a change in a Generation to where children are taught to think about other people, instead of only themselves.

It might even take a War aganist Canada , America, England, and all other "Freedom loving countries to Wake people up to the Value of Freedom as opposed to Slavery!

My Prayers are with you and all others who desire to live in peace and Love!


"In God I Trust"

wilderone - 7-13-2004 at 10:24 AM

Yes - you can all do something. Write, donate, call, email - the operative word here is "DO." All of the organizations in the United States and Mexico whose mission it is to do something about this, need to know that you do not support this kind of "development." The only way they will know is if you tell them. A group is made up of individuals. Do your part.

International Community Foundation., foundation president Richard Kiy:
Established in 1990, ICF is a public charity working to foster lasting philanthropy to benefit under-served communities throughout the Americas and Asia. With over 70% of ICF?s recent grantmaking benefiting charitable causes along the Baja California peninsula, ICF is committed to assisting US. donors with charitable giving needs from Tijuana to Los Cabos.
For individual donors wishing to make a difference in Mexico, ICF also offers a reliable and efficient tax-deductible vehicle without being subject to the restrictions set forth in the 1996 U.S.-Mexico Tax Treaty which stipulates that tax-deductible individual giving in Mexico be limited to one?s Mexican-sourced income.
International Community Foundation
11300 Sorrento Valley Road, Ste. 115
San Diego, CA 92121
Office: (858) 677-2913 Fax: (858) 677-2918
Pro Peninsula
P.O. Box 7175 San Diego, CA 92167
Tel: (619) 723-0700 Fax: (619) 374-7162


The Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources (Secretar?a del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, SEMARNAT) is a government agency whose main purpose is to create a State environmental protection policy reversing the tendencies of ecological deterioration and establishing the bases for a sustainable development in the country.
The generation of scientific and technical information on environmental issues and the training of human resources, in order to inform society, support decision making, encourage the protection of the environment, promote the sustainable use of natural resources, and support the Secretary of the Environment and Natural Resources in reading its goals. IS:
SEMARNAP - Perif?rico 5000, Col. Insurgentes Cuicuilco, C.P. 04530, Delegaci?n Coyoac?n, M?xico
Ra?l Marc? del Pont Lalli. Direcci?n de Publicaciones.
Instituto Nacional de Ecolog?a
Perif?rico sur 5000, Col. Insurgentes Cuicuilco
Deleg. Coyoac?n, C.P. 04530
Tel.: (55) 54 24 64 35, fax: (55) 54 24 52 41
Contain the destruction of our natural resources and to revert the processes of environmental deterioration.
Ensure the unrestricted access to society to the duty of doing environmental justice in a prompt manner.
Involve Society and its organizations in the surveillance and induction of the compliance with environmental law. Society and its organizations must be informed and have a responsible participation.
Strengthen the presence of the Attorney General for Environmental Protection and to extend its territorial coverage, with a federalist criteria.
Construct an efficient and modern institution, under criteria of honesty, transparency and trustworthiness, transmitting a new image to society.

Corrently Mr. Luege is the Attorney General for Environmental Protection, at the ministry of environment and National Resources
Address: La Ley al Servicio de la Naturaleza?. M?xico D.F. 2002. Derechos Reservados. Desarrollado por
Kiven S.C.
Federal attorney for environmental protection:
Edificio AJUSCO
Carretera Picacho-Ajusco 200
Col. Jardines en la Monta?a
Deleg. Tlalpan, C.P. 14210, M?xico D.F.
tel. 54-49-63-00
De cualquier parte de la Rep?blica marque sin costo al tel?fono

Presidente Vincente Fox
c/o Mexican consulate
1549 India, SD 92101


WiLDCOAST is an international conservation team dedicated to preserving endangered marine species and threatened coastal wildlands of the Californias. Through community-based conservation, we work to eliminate threats to ecosystems and to develop reserves to permanently protect sensitive areas. Our partnerships with local people, governments, and nonprofit organizations are critical to the successful recovery of imperiled species and the defense of their coastal habitats.
925 Seacoast Drive
Imperial Beach, CA 91932
Phone: (619) 423-8665
Fax: (619) 423-8488

Nature Conservancy:
Our Mission
To preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive
Worldwide Office
The Nature Conservancy
4245 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100
Arlington, VA 22203-1606
Southern Baja California Program
Calle Alvaro Obreg?n #460 Of. 206
Colonia Centro
La Paz, Baja California Sur 23000
(52) 612 125-9444
California Field Office
201 Mission Street
4th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 777-0487

Pronatura A. C
What they do: Los seres humanos, al igual que todas las especies que pueblan la Tierra, nuestro planeta, formamos parte del rico espectro de la vida, del cual dependemos para sobrevivir: los ecosistemas naturales nos proporcionan alimentos, medicinas, agua, ox?geno y diversas materias primas.

El mundo vivo est? lleno de belleza natural y es extraordinariamente diverso. La Tierra es nuestra casa, pero tambi?n el hogar de millones de especies que han evolucionado junto con nosotros en todos los ecosistemas del mundo. De su funcionamiento adecuado depende el equilibrio planetario.
Asp?rgulas N? 22 (antes Pino)
Col. San Clemente, C. P. 01740, M?xico, D.F.
Tel./fax (55) 5635-5054


Alfredo Zavala Gonz??lez, oversees protection of the Sea of Cortez islands for Mexico's National Commission of Protected Areas
Qu? es la CONANP?
La Comisi?n Nacional de ?reas Naturales Protegidas, Conanp es un ?rgano desconcentrado de la Secretar?a de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, la Comisi?n est? a cargo de la administraci?n de las ?reas Naturales Protegidas, uno de los instrumentos b?sicos de la pol?tica de conservaci?n de la biodiversidad, tambien es responsable de instrumentar los Programas de Desarrollo Regional Sustentable no s?lo en ?reas Naturales Protegidas sino en otras Regiones Prioritarias para la Conservaci?n que no cuenten con un decreto de proteci?n.
Direcci?n General de Manejo para la Conservaci?n
Subdirecci?n de An?lisis de Informaci?n Espacial

Camino al Ajusco #200, Col. Jard?nes en la Monta?a, Delegaci?n Tlalpan, M?xico, Distrito Federal, C?digo Postal 14210,
Conmutador +52 555449 6300, Correo electr?nico

Marie-Rose - 7-13-2004 at 12:00 PM

Thank you "wilderone"
That is exactly the info needed. I hope other Nomads will take the time and make their feelings heard!!