
Mulege Red Cross Carne asada fundraiser

ecomujeres - 3-29-2010 at 04:28 PM

I already posted this on other thread, but not likely many will see it there so, here it is again:

The Mulege Cruz Roja is having a fundraiser this week.

Carne Asada meal (includes ensalada, frijoles, tortillas) - 40 pesos

Wednesday, March 31

2 pm-6 pm

At the "Y", near entrance arch.

Also for sale: sodas, beer, desserts

So, come enjoy the food and company and support a worthy cause.

ecomujeres - 3-29-2010 at 05:00 PM

Here´s more info on the organizing of the event:

There is a committee of 10 women, las Damas de la Cruz Roja, who are responsible for organizing the event. Each of these women and their families or friends are donating all the food and supplies to the event.

They only item so far that they will buy is the meat.

Cruz Roja from Santa Rosalia and from La Paz are helping with a few of the supplies as well.

They are raising money for their supply fund, which is used to purchase items such as syringes, alcohol swabs, gauze, oxygen, gasoline and other misc. supplies needed to stock the ambulance.

All of the people working at Cruz Roja in Mulege are volunteers who are giving of their own time in providing this vital community service.