
Gringos Living in Baja

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bajalera - 10-31-2004 at 05:50 PM

Okay, Hosay! Just don't let this widespread attack of spelling paranoia (sp?) get in the way of what you have to say.


I love when they say

jrbaja - 10-31-2004 at 06:24 PM

Eli - 11-1-2004 at 09:34 AM

Thank You mucho Hose A. & J.R., you have proved my point perfectly!


Baja Bernie - 11-1-2004 at 10:02 AM

AND------this is the lady that worries about her spelling!
I do believe it is at least partly what you say, how you feel about what you are saying, how you feel about the people you are saying it to, and just a tad about how you spell it. That is, in my mind, the essense (spelling) of communicating among (amongst) humans.


"Aw Betty,

You are a beauty, but a little pale there next to the ol Man. Anyway, I remember him talking you up, he kind a had a crush on you, I think. But, please don't tell Dona Lupe, it would break her heart to know that he was out until 3 a.m. playing with the likes of you.

Thanks for the memory and the smile it brings me as I look upon this picture of him."

Hasta, Sara


jrbaja - 11-1-2004 at 10:16 AM

Yoo R sew welcum thare Eil.:lol:


Baja Bernie - 11-1-2004 at 04:40 PM

There is no 'e' in thare. Sorry!

Love This Place

Capt. George - 11-2-2004 at 07:15 AM

Osprey, I too live in a small fishing village
and have managed to become a part of (their) community. I would much rather live around their culture then try to incorporate mine.........I find it much more peaceful here...........I am not looking forward to change........seen enough of that in the states..........George aka el Vikingo

bajalou - 11-2-2004 at 05:34 PM

Well, the lord knows I need it, but looks like that only works with Internet Explorer - which I try not to use - so alas - I guess I'm on my own.


Et al

Baja Bernie - 11-2-2004 at 08:22 PM

As a charter member of poor spellers Anonymous and a writer of books on Baja I feel very insecure when people start making noises about spelling.
Here is a solution that works for me when I just can't find another word that I can spell---Open word, type what you will and then use the spell checker-- then when it is so 'perfect' that everyone (well almost) will be pleased, just select all, copy and then paste onto your reply. AND then you are looked up to as a truly educated person and a good speller.
So who really cares? It really is the message you are trying to get across not the spelling points you will acrew (woops! now what does that prove). I just failed to follow my own fail proof system.
Must be fun being right all of the time. I hope someone will tell me about it because I will never be in that category.

Packoderm - 11-2-2004 at 08:31 PM

For me, I think it is a better idea to copy and paste everything to Word then try to correct the words one by one until all of the red squiggly lines disappear. I never right click on a word with a red squiggly under it. It is good to make the correction to each word in this box right after figuring the right way to spell it from word.

I sure as heck didn't know that disappear had one S and two Ps. What a language - English spelling is hard.

Must have been a slow "news" day?

Debra - 11-3-2004 at 06:38 PM


See ideas under the Spelling thread!

jrbaja - 11-3-2004 at 06:53 PM

It get's better:lol:
And Bernie, no one is right all the time. Ever.

And Bernie, you rite wonderful books and they have nothing to do with the way things are spelt. That is not the most important part.
But, in case some can't find thare way here, I will put the roots of wut Im a sayin on the other thred.
And believe it or not, it ain't that bad.

And plus, these "controversial" threads sure suck em in don't they? If I bunch up a few panties along the way,... heck darn, sure beets fixin the ruf!:lol:

[Edited on 11/4/2004 by jrbaja]

rts551 - 11-3-2004 at 07:25 PM


Could it be that you are in the middle of some very wonderfull people?



Baja Bernie - 11-5-2004 at 08:10 PM

Are you afraid of heights? Just buy some 'wet patch' and hoist Carol up on that ruf. Soon your tiki will be black and dry.


jrbaja - 11-5-2004 at 09:18 PM

You almost A?ejo'd my keyboard.:lol::lol:

I have seen so many instances here of the deadly "dripping mastic' hahahahahahaha.

But, after running const. crews and customer service most of my life, I still remember very little hahahahaha.

Tomorrow, we do the roofs over the bamboo bathroom and bay window. The rest was finished today.
Unfortunately, I was barely able to move today because of the work yesterday. I am turning into a wuus!

I think I need some mountain tamales and caving to get back in shape! But first, the water test:light:

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