
Irma y Antonio

Natalie Ann - 7-28-2004 at 08:53 AM

Someone has just posted on Fred's Board that Irma y Antonio are no longer managing Alfonsina's. Does anyone have more information about this? I thought Irma said they were vacationing in August this year, but perhaps I misunderstood (not an uncommon happening for me). I have some items promised to Irma and had planned to deliver them Sept/Oct.

Natalie Ann...

Mike Humfreville - 7-28-2004 at 07:31 PM

Check out the thread on Fred's board. Apparently Lkn4surf had a translation problem ( thank you for the info just the same - better safe than sorry amigo!) or something. Anyway it seems that Antonio and Irma will be back to Alfonsinas after their vacation. Perhaps, just as a means to let how many of us care, you should take them these threads when you deliver your goods to them.

Also, check your e-mail.

Natalie Ann - 7-29-2004 at 10:35 AM

Thank, Mike. I'd also just received that info. And you can bet the farm that I'll be letting them know just how much we all love and care about them.
Also, Mike, check your email. :)