
Camp and Camino By Artur North

vacaenbaja - 3-21-2011 at 12:24 AM

If anyone wants to enjoy a real good read of Baja days gone by
I would suggest this book for your rainy night.
I was going to buy it when I found the full version online on google books. see if this link works. enjoy

kaybaj - 3-21-2011 at 07:01 AM

I agree excellent read!:D

LaTijereta - 3-25-2011 at 04:20 PM

Also checkout "The Mother of California" by Arthur North (his follow up to Camp and Camino)... It has alot of stats about Lower California from the time..
I was lucky years back to get my hands on copies of each

David K - 3-25-2011 at 05:47 PM



The 1977 reprint included many color photos from Prof. Michael Mathes. The cover is a bit off, North's expedition ran from Dec. 31, 1905 to Sept. 6, 1906...

EdZeranski - 6-15-2011 at 11:53 AM

Camp and Camino is one of my favorites on my Baja shelf. I was able to find an original as well as the '77 reprint. Mother of California hasn't turned up yet but I'll keep looking. Other fun books on the Desert Southwest by Joseph Wood Crutch and J Smeaton Chase are right up there too.

Loreto least for a few more days

elgatoloco - 6-15-2011 at 12:37 PM

I have a 'book' called Lower California written by B.F. Elliott. It is essentially a pamphlet that he printed up in 1917 that recounts his experiences of living and traveling in Lower California for 25 years from 1880 to early 1900's . In the introduction he talks about how he just wants to share information he has gained by personal experience and he states "my mission was that of a preacher of the gospel and one thing I have asked of God and will ask it also of any Government that may have rule over that country is that it may be free from the bondage of the custom house and that is also be free from the importation,sale and manufacture of intoxicating liquors". He talka about taking a boat from San Diego to Ensenada in 1894 "a town of about 2000" then heading out of foot with donkeys carrying provisions with San Quentin the destination. The printing I have has a forward and some notations and minor editing by Walt Wheelock dated 1987.

Neal Johns - 7-11-2011 at 04:02 PM

The Mother of California is also available free on-line: