
Mark & Olivia; Playa Buenaventura

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ramuma53 - 2-26-2012 at 11:46 PM

David K
There is a sequence of events that is not possible to avoid.
As you say, it is impossible for a person that is in front of a security guard pointing a gun at him, to spray him with pepper spray, it would be suicide and justifiable homicide and in consequence Olivia would not be here among the living if that was the case.
Then the true must be different and the only sequence is the following:
Olivia was caught stealing in my hotel, my guards chased her and caught her at the bridge where she had nowhere to run and was unavoidable to enter my property again and be caught in it by my guards: as they approached she started spraying them with pepper spray, but that mean that she was not able to see any gun pointing at her, or it would have been suicide; it also mean that she was armed for the occasion, as any thief would be to facilitate his escape; but no thief is suicidal and would surrender when pointed with a gun. This makes clear that the guns were not used to threaten her, they were displayed when my guards were attacked and even then, my guards fired them in to the air or she would have been killed and in a justifiable way.
There you see a criminal confronted with very careful security people.
There is not any another explanation but the one I offer and she did it to justify the intervention of her new friends in the justice department, who came and invaded my property.
Also, blocking access to her property is impossible, because she has no property, she does not own any land not she is even pretending that, she has a Federal Zone concession and a contract with the ejido for Km. 94.5, while my Hotel Buenaventura is on Km. 93.8, more than 700 mts. South of the border with the Ejido, then Olivia cannot claim anything inside my property by law, but since she failed in court, she is doing it the organized crime way, by force and in an illegal way.
She is not even denying it, just see her own words as Latina, she is hoping that the news about this crime will die away in the news, but she is not remembering who she is facing, I was the ABC newspaper and have lots and lots of news people friends who line to have the opportunity to help me; remember that I have 2 news associations awards for my writings in Rosarito B.C.
This is just the last intent she will have, I have tried to live with a bad neighbor, I have made concessions because of Nomads intervention, like allowing her to cross my property and allow her customers to cross and park at my property, but this time all that ended for her own actions, one cannot live side by side with a criminal, the crime will always reach you.
Yes, from now on, I will enforce what the law allow me. To deny access to my property to any person I do not like and for sure I do not like her or Nark.
Since she is strictly in Federal Zone, I am forced to allow passage through my property every 800 mts. If it is impossible to do it any other way; the law does not say that I have to allow her the most convenient way, only where it is more convenient for me and for me it is not convenient lo allow her to enter through my hotel anymore.
Also, since Federal Zone cross the highway federal zone to the north, she has free access to the road to the north, she just have to build some ladder and her customers park on the road and that is possible, only she has to invest a little and her customers walk a little.
Then I am complying with the law when I close forever her access through my hotel and no authority can force me to do other way.
Also, I have just claimed that Federal Zone that she has not paid for 7 years and will be taken away any day now; the fact that she is a convicted criminal make it impossible for her to have a Federal concession; Nark also will be returned to the USA any day now, because he claimed to be a Mexican to be able to stay in Mexico, but he just claimed the help from the American Consulate in Tijuana, claiming that he has being kidnapped and that violate the clause for his staying in Mexico, that forbid him from asking for any foreign country help.
As you see, they are in law violation, not me; I will just have to ask for the Mexican laws to be enforces while she has to ask her organized crime friend for the laws not to be enforced. WHO DO YOU THINK WILL WIN?????
Some of you will think pessimistically and say that Organized crime but I have always been an optimist and I believe in Mexico, so I say the law will be upheld.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 12:11 AM

David K
do your own advice, but it frequently during the night and then you will see the real Olivia and Nark.

Also you are wrong about me not being there for years, I was there on December and it is provable because I were there to the public notary and public offices to pay my taxes on my land and obtain an offical paper saying I do not own any debt on my property.

David K, what would you do a known criminal that you find walking inside your property during the night and with pepper spray on his hands?????? what would you do if you have a legal owned gun on your hands and the intruder spray you first with that pepper spray that is an illegal weapon in Mexico??????

Please, you have to be honest and logical; I know you know Olivia and Nark personally and go frequently to her restaurant, but be aware that you know a facade, a facade to cover her real activities.

You know the place, you know that she has very few customers, but she spend a lot of money. That is impossible and you know that it is impossible to hide money.

If you were that small restaurant owner, would you be able to spend like her?????

I do not think so, because you would try to live from your work.

Also, many other Nomads lived there for years and knew about her illegal activities since 20 years ago, some even added money to that business.

The last of them, just went out leaving everything when he knew that the Federales were looking for Olivia's American partners. I liked him very much and he acted as a friend, but we caught him one day making signals at 4 AM to the drug boats, alone up the road; he was very disturbed when he knew I knew that the light was caught by us and identified him even at that hour in the dark, telling us that he was running; would you belive anybody would run at 4 am on a lonely road like that, during the night and alone.

My friends, many people know but they are just not talking, but also not denying it here.

I agree, you need solid proof and you will get it, like the fact that she has an order to serve a jail sentence and she is still walking and even go to help her friend the Estate District attorney, saying that he did not help her to invade my property.

Baja South has been just flooded with Federal Police and I do not think they will all be bought: I think this is not the time to have a friend like Olivia and much less to allow her to invade private properties and that will come out at the end and be proved here.

Some ask me why I bother writing here and answer some very partial questions that just avoid the real points.
I do it, because I am also offering advice on Real Estate in Baja for free and to do that I need credibility: I already have it with some of you because I have tried to help them, but the main reason is that this is part of the advice, none of you will be able to say that you came in to Baja without knowing where you were coming.

Also, because I believe that you are the customers and you need to know where you are going to spend your money if you are going to do it.

Some of you are now more Mexicans than people born here, you love Mexico and you have watched how peace went away, tourism also went away and only the mavericks remained, but you remain there because you believe the good Baja will retune and I agree with shoe who think that, but believe that it will not return by itself, we have to bring it back, that is why I write here.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 12:18 AM

I do not know if you have that kind of impulses, but wooosh has a real reason to have his opinion on me, he know me personally and he know I have tried to help him any way I can.
You on the other side do not know me and you just try to put some dirt on people, but to be able to put dirt on someone, you have to have the dirt on you.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 12:28 AM


You ask questions but do not read very much; Elinvestigat8tor say that I have proved something because I did it with documents that I have shown here while Olivia has never offered any but any proof that she owns anything or even proved that any of my documents are false or wrong.
That is why he says what he says, because he has the time to read, something that clearly you do not have.
Elinvestigat8or is not easy to convince, but he is fair and when he sees something he say it, also he take the side he believe is the right one, while some others take the most convenient, even knowing that it is wrong.
It is matter of being honest, something that some people does not take care to be.

Also, this thing or reading and writing here, has a menaing; it is for people who want to do something, for people who want help with knowledge that he has and may be usefull for others, just try it some time, you may like it.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 12:55 AM

You obviously are not very honest, since you just read some parts and avoid letting in what is not convenient to you.

You say that Olivia had possession of 3 buildings, how come she had possession of 3 of my buildings???
To do that, she has to win in court against me and she has won nothing against me or my property. She has tried for sure, but the Agrarian Magistrate, informed the Federal judge that he hds no case against me or my legal property title and that mean, that the building she may have won, are not in my property.
You must also know, that the Mexican constitution, article 14 and 16 forbid any authority to take any kind of property, without previously take that person to a court with jurisdiction on that matter.
I challenge the Estate District attorney to show any, but any ruling by a court with jurisdiction against me or may property.
It simply does not exist and they know it, and because of that, they have my manager and security chief in what they call “arraigo” that mean in custody without any legal charges filed against them.
They do that, because they are not able to show any but any legal proof that they acted with previous legal order against me or my property.
It is very easy, if Olivia has a court order, why not show it, and then why not formally charge my people???????????
No my friend, this time they made a big mistake and they are trying to come out of a mess as clean as possible, but this time it will be impossible, they made a big mistake and they will pay for it.
My people were detained inside my hotel and inside my property and that mean they were not invading any property, because they have legal powers from me to be there; they were not guilty of stealing anything because they were in my property and no other people’s belongings were there but mine and that is why they have not charged them formally, they cannot.
The actual governor, belongs to the PAN party, the Presidential candidate for that party, is offering life in prison to any public official who help the organized crime and she will have to start with their own people, the Baja South Estate governor and Estate District attorney and his people.
Latina (Olivia) cynically above said that the news about her crimes will pass away soon and she is wrong, this is just starting, soon the National associations will jump to protect one of their own and no criminal will be able to get what does not belong to him.
To start, tomorrow another whole page open letter will be displayed in the SouthCaliforniano, I will post it here translated for you to see that the news will not die soon.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 01:14 AM


Well you would not confess that you bough other thing, of course.

Just ask Stan Valentine family, he lost over USD$250,000 and paid for everything on Olivia’s restaurant, including the pool table.

Just ask Mr. and Mrs. Christ, who were robbed out of USD$50,000 by him and Olivia, then took them to court and won, ruling the court that they must return the money and ask them is they have received a penny back as ordered. I can give you the court case if you want so you can refresh your memory.

That mean, you did not know them very well or you did not want to see much when you were around them.

On those days, they were bringing young girls from Sinaloa to be with old gringos at the restaurant, that is why they built a room beside their house and that is why, no permit for that room exist or has existed before. But of course you never noticed that; How come you never noticed that or the plane they were using for weekly trips to Sinaloa or the several big boats they had; well having a 5 ton load boat, is normal for a hamburger stand that hardly was using 100 kilos a month, don’t you think.

My friend, everything is out, no way to hide anymore.

wessongroup - 2-27-2012 at 01:48 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
Who in Mexico has Primacy over land ... the State or the National and/or Federal Government???

The Mexican Constitution is the top law in Mexico as in the USA.
The Mexican Constitution article 27 say that all the land inside Mexico's borders is by origin National property and that private property has to come from it.
That mean, that originally all the land inside Mexico's borders was National Land and to come out of it, the nation has to issue a National title, and then it is private property.
My title was issued by the Federal Government, national land office and it came out of National Land and that mean it is Private Property.

One of the qualities of a National land Title is that is not effectable by agrarian actions and that mean that Ejidos cannot grab that land; the logic is that if the Nation sold that land, it would be illogical that the Government takes that land to create an ejido that is given to ejidatarios for free.

Estates cannot give away, take or do anything with National Land, any such action would by void by law, also they cannot grab land from a National Land title like mine.

One of the many requisites needed to issue a National land title is that all ejidos inside a 7 Km. radius, agree that they do not want that land and Ejido La Purisima did exactly that, signing and stamping its seal on the official document and that mean they agree that my land was not theirs or not even want it. in a unavoidable consequence, no ejido cantract can affect my property and if that is the case, Olivia’s contract is by force outside of my property limits and by force she is wrong.

Thanks ... that helps a lot for me ... :):)

Diver - 2-27-2012 at 05:42 AM

Hey Ramuna,

Are your goons out of jail yet ??

Is Olivia in jail yet ? Mark ??

No ? No ? No ?

That's what I thought ! :lol:

Credibility !! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


ELINVESTIG8R - 2-27-2012 at 07:00 AM

Keep on posting Rafael regardless of what narrow-minded people say about you here.

Mark and Olivia, please post your official paperwork somewhere so we can see that what you say is true and correct as Rafael has done. I would like to believe you are good people as people here say about you.

I realize this venue is not a court of law but since this issue is here please post something that people can hang their hat on to see that you are telling the truth about your property.

I for one want to believe because when I look at your pictures and see your smiles you look like good people. Like I say, I truly want to belive you guys are good.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 08:33 AM

27 Febrero 2012
C. Presidente de la Republica FELIPE CALDERÓN HINOJOSA
C. Procuradora General de Justicia MARISELA MORALES IBÁÑEZ
C. Gobernador del Estado de Baja California Sur MARCOS ALBERTO COBARRUBIAS VILLASENOR
Respetado Sr. Gobernador:
El C. Procurador de Justicia del Estado LIC. GAMIL ARREOLA LEAL, El Sub Procurador de la Zona Norte LIC. HUGO GALINDO CAMACHO y el Agente del Ministerio Publico de la ciudad de Mulege LIC. ALOY AGUIAR YEE , invadieron el Hotel Buenaventura de mi legitima propiedad, sin orden de juez, sin denuncia previa y con todo el cinismo del mundo en apoyo a la criminal conocida María Olivia Higuera Aguilar alias La Vaquera o La Tía como es conocida por la PGR y su esposo el norteamericano Mark Jerome Burbey.
En ese operativo ilegal, que el mismo procurador EN SU PORTAL DEL ESTADO, declara que el Sub Procurador de la Zona Norte lo realizo para asegurar el predio, ACEPTANDO Y CONFESANDO QUE LO HIZO SIN ORDEN DE AUTORIDAD COMPETENTE, operativo ilegal en el que se detuvo a todo mi personal, sin siquiera decirles el motivo, incluyendo a mi licenciado Joaquín Cuesta Romero, todo sin orden de autoridad y bajo el grito de que ellos eran la Ley.
El C. Procurador, claramente ayuda a la Vaquera para robar mi propiedad y en su conferencia de prensa cínicamente la cita para que ella misma declare que el Procurador NO LE AYUDO A DESPOJARME DE MI PROPIEDAD y si es así, por que no la detuvo en el acto de apoyarlo, sobre todo cuando la Vaquera esta sentenciada por vender Caguama, una especie protegida en su restaurante, por que no la detuvo por estar confesa de falsedad ante autoridad, por que no la detuvo por las 10 averiguaciones previas que tiene por robo, robo con violencia, daño a la propiedad, intento de invasión, asalto a mano armada, intento de asesinato y muchas mas, que su procuraduría le ha permitido cometer con impunidad hasta la fecha y no solo en administraciones pasadas.
El C. Procurador dice que el ahora si aplicara la ley, a pesar de que administraciones pasadas no lo hubieren hecho, pero es el caso que, las administraciones pasadas no ayudaron activamente a los criminales a despojar propiedades, y no niego que si los encubrieron pasivamente no persiguiéndolos, pero el actual Procurador, no solo los ayuda pasivamente, si no que se convirtió en su brazo armado y con eso, deja indefenso a todo el estado, no hay nadie a salvo de las ambiciones de los criminales.
Mi inmueble esta totalmente legalizado, con titulo de propiedad emitido por el gobierno federal, esta registrado ante el Registro Publico de la Propiedad y el Comercio, paga impuesto predial, hay una inversión de millones de dólares y el Hotel Buenaventura es la única fuente formal de trabajo en 30 kilómetros a la redonda y por sus acciones esta cerrado y en franco pillaje protegido por la autoridad que se supone debería protegerlo y sin embargo, la Vaquera opera una tiendita de drogas sin papel alguno de propiedad, debe 7 anos de su concesión de zona federal, se le sorprendió vendiendo especies protegidas y se le sentencio por ese crimen, se le abrió investigación por falsedad ante autoridad judicial y esta confesa de ese crimen, acusada de intento de asesinato de un Americano y sin embargo, a esa criminal conocida y sentenciada pero en libertad inexplicable la llama el Procurador de Justicia a apoyar al Procurador negando el apoyo, cuando el apoyo es claro y a la vista de todos.
A la Vaquera no se le pido papeles de propiedad y a mi para investigar me piden hasta para la gasolina, a ella no se le persigue por los crímenes denunciados formalmente, probados y confesos y a mi personal se le inventan crímenes y se le arraiga ilegalmente, a mi personal el Ministerio Publico Aloy Aguiar Yee le quito el dinero que traía, me pide $30,000 pesos por devolverme los vehículos del hotel y me amenaza con inventarnos todos los delitos que pueda si no dejamos de mencionar su nombre. Es eso a lo que el Procurador se refiere con que ahora si aplicara la Ley.
Sr. Presidente, Sr. Gobernador, El Procurador y sus actos denigran al segundo estado con mayor velocidad de crecimiento en el país, así no podemos crecer pues no hay seguridad para la inversión, mientras ellos solo esperan que pase la tormenta de noticias para que queden impunes y eso de la propia voz de la Vaquera.
Sra. Procuradora, admiro su valor, pero sus agentes me preguntan a mi que a que horas son los desembarcos, eso seria mejor que se lo preguntaran a la Vaquera, además me especificaron que ellos no van a ver lo de el despojo y yo le recuerdo que mi denuncia es por despojo por parte de las autoridades Judiciales del Estado y eso es de competencia federal y por lo tanto suya, no se trata de combatir el narcotráfico y cerrar los ojos a todos los demás crímenes de los funcionarios, crimen es crimen y un crimen alimenta a otro.
Sr. Presidente, ya denuncie ante usted esto dos veces en cartas que tengo selladas por su oficina de atención a la ciudadanía, le comunico que no ha habido atención y si hubo un poco, no hubo resultados.
Sr. Gobernador, usted ofreció acabar con los despojos en el estado, le pido que acabe con los cometidos por su propia gente que es el Sr. Procurador de Justicia del Estado Gamil Arreola Leal. O es que se refería solo a los despojos cometidos por otros. Así mismo, le recuerdo que el PAN, su supuesto partido, esta ofreciendo cadena perpetua a los funcionarios que se alíen con el crimen organizado y se les exigirá que cumplan con su promesa y que empiecen por los estados que aun controla y que esperamos no sea suya el primero.
Sr. Gobernador, Sr. Presidente, Estas cartas, seguirán apareciendo periódicamente hasta que su aparato de supuesta justicia libere a mis empleados secuestrados ilegalmente y castigue a los criminales que invadieron mi propiedad, así sean de su gobierno del Estado y de no obtener resultados se publicara a nivel Nacional y de no obtener resultados a nivel internacional y se solicitara el apoyo de todas las asociaciones relacionadas con el turismo.
Por lo anterior, como ciudadano exijo se respeten nuestros derechos constitucionales que en este momento son pisoteados en Baja California Sur y pido en base a ellos.
La liberación inmediata de mi administradora y jefe de seguridad.
La inmediata destitución y consignación de los funcionarios corruptos.
La instauración de seguridad para operar mi legal negocio en Bahía Concepción, ofreciéndole un lugar digno para instalar un destacamento militar.
La consignación inmediata de los criminales que motivaron este ataque injustificado e ilegal, María Olivia Higuera Aguilar alias La Vaquera y el norteamericano Mark Jerome Burbey alias el Nark.

David K - 2-27-2012 at 08:52 AM

"I know you know Olivia and Nark personally and go frequently to her restaurant, ... "

I have been to Mark and Olivia's twice, both time during the same week, in 2009. The first time we were staying at Playa Frambes Lighthouse Resort and the second time we were camping at Playa La Perla, just south of Playa Buenaventura.

I formed my opinions mostly based on the tons of nonesense you have posted here on Nomad during the turtle soup story. When I met Mark and Olivia and talked with other Concepcion Bay residents, that is when I was sure I picked the right side to believe.

What 'grown-ups' do is offer to buy something if they want it. If the other party doesn't want to sell, then they move on or try and co-exist. What 'bullies' do to get something they want from someone else is exactly what you are doing.

Your motel is in ruins, why are you spending all your efforts to force Mark and Olivia out of their successful restaurant when you can't even take care of your motel? They know how to make a business work, and you wonder how they have any money? What you are doing doesn't make you any money, it just causes grief.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 08:58 AM

On this one I agree with you on some issues at least for a while.:light:

My employees, who are not goons are still in custody, that is not jail, because they have not been charged with any crime to this day, but they are not free and by any logical definition, they are kidnapped by the Estate Judicial authorities, that if they had a clear legal case, they would have charged them with the crimes they allege they committed, so in this one you are not right, but only partially.

My employees at this time, keep being my employees and are earning 3 times their normal salary while they are in this situation; the money is given to their families, so they are not exactly very worried.

ON THE SECOND, you are right partially, they are not in jail today, but let’s see in the next few days and remember that the one who laugh at the end is the one who laugh the best.

TheyOlivia and Nark have 12 criminal cases opened against them that they have not been able to send to the dead files or the charges dropped.

They just committed a few more crimes while being helped by the judicial authorities.
So, you are right for a while, only for a while and I have the best chance to be right over you.

Who do you think has the most probabilities to go and stay in jail??????????:light:

Third one: Credibility

My friend, I am trying to help people who have very similar problems than mine by telling them the Mexican law and the best practical ways to achieve their goals; I do it for free and I earn my credibility with actions.

Who do you think, have a more solid credibility, you or I??????????

I understand that you are really making fun of the Mexican judicial machine and you are right, at this time it is a crooked system at least in Baja South; it was crooked to some point in the last administration, but now it reached new heights; heights that just went over some limits and everything that goes up, goes down. But yes, it won’t go down alone, it needs actions to be brought down and that is what I am doing.
Remember that old saying; the only thing needed for the dark side to triumph is that the righteous guys do nothing. Well it will not be this case and certainly not because of my inaction.:yes:

[Edited on 2-27-2012 by ramuma53]

Diver - 2-27-2012 at 09:07 AM

I am not making fun of the Mexican judicial system.

I do not need credibility in this matter - I'm just a spectator.

I am not your friend - maybe someday but not now.

Since nothing you have said so far has come true - you have limited credibility.

I also note that your latest response to me was written by someone with much better command of the English language than you have exhibited in most of your posts. What's up with that ?


Angel - 2-27-2012 at 09:39 AM

Hey Raphael, insinuating that Woosh may have a crush on you was not meant as an insult. Woosh is supposedly very openly gay, isn't he legally married to a dude? If he has a crush on you, it should be no big deal.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 09:48 AM

David K
You say that the Turtle soup was nonsense, but because of that nonsense, Olivia was prosecuted and sentenced to a jail period. Because of corruption this is the second sentence she is avoiding to serve, but it will not work for much longer time.

If you think that selling turtle soup killing 2 turtles who are protected by law all over the world is nonsense, you have a very crooked way of appreciate nature; clearly different form most Nomads here.

“What 'grown-ups' do is offer to buy something if they want it. If the other party doesn't want to sell, then they move on or try and co-exist. What 'bullies' do to get something they want from someone else is exactly what you are doing.”

Also you are wrong, because the only person who have demonstrated that owns the property is me, Olivia doesn’t even try, because she just claim to have a rent contract with the Ejido, then, you are not very well informed about the situation or who is Olivia or why she is doing all this.

Bulling is when you try to obtain something that does not belong to you by force and intimidation; in this case, who used illegal force was her and Nark, not me, I am only defending what is legally mine from people who does not have any right to try to steal what is mine. THIS DEMONSTRATES THAT YOU ARE WRONG WHILE YOUR ASSEVERATION IS BADLY SUPPORTED AND THEN, YOU CAN BE DEFINED AS A BULLY YOURSELF.:light:

“Your motel is in ruins, why are you spending all your efforts to force Mark and Olivia out of their successful restaurant when you can't even take care of your motel? They know how to make a business work, and you wonder how they have any money? What you are doing doesn't make you any money, it just causes grief.”

David K Bully, my Hotel may be in ruins, because by Olivia and Nark motivation, my employees were kidnapped and maintained illegally out of my property, not by my actions; a lot is missing because of the constant robberies committed by Olivia and Nark, BUT I MADE THE INVESTMENT TO MAKE IT WORK.

Successful restaurant is not one who sells protected species as soup, successful business is not allowing drug boats to land on your property to charge $5000 dollars for each one; success is not being a junky addicted to crack, cocaine and alcohol; successful restaurant is not one who spend 50 times more than the amount you earn. Certainly you have a much distorted perception of a successful business.

Certainly they know how to make their business work, but only for a while; good drug runners, keep quiet and maintain a low profile and today they are not exactly that.

Sorry David K Bully, but it certainly makes me money, only you do not know how or how finances do it legally; I can earn money with my property even if it doesn’t work today, but be certain that that Hotel will be up and working very soon and of course making money for me also. Now you are naïve and ignorant about finances and of course business.
Visiting a place 2 times and 3 years ago, does not qualify you as a character judge, Olivia was a different person 3 years ago, Nark not, because he has always been a bone head looking for easy life without hard work while avoiding paying child support.
Well you just defined yourself very good in a few words.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 09:51 AM

It is just me, only I am getting better at my english thanks to Nomads.

As I said, I work on my credibility and earn it.

For an expectator, you talk a lot, but keep it coming.

ramuma53 - 2-27-2012 at 09:59 AM

When I met Wooosh, he certainly acted and looked like a man and his companions were not gay looking, but of course, you may have more intimate information.

I do not have anything against gay people, I even have some friends who may be, but I am not one of them and that is why I just do not care about that issue, but sice it is immportant to you, you may be one of the ones who are, but are stil in the closet; be honest and come out.:o

Even your name may help you in that department Angel or querubin????:biggrin:

Woooosh - 2-27-2012 at 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Angel
Hey Raphael, insinuating that Woosh may have a crush on you was not meant as an insult. Woosh is supposedly very openly gay, isn't he legally married to a dude? If he has a crush on you, it should be no big deal.

You are some piece of work. You went to all the trouble to join Nomads under a new name just to post trash about other nomads?

In your twisted mind you see trashing the messenger as a defense of your friends (or self). If you have surfaced as a friend of Mark and Olivia you do not serve them well. If they were correct in any way, they would take the "high-road" above name calling, not the lonely road you are trolling on. You are just making Raphael's position more easily accepted. Thank you.

Apparently there is a whole sub-group of Nomads here who don't care about people stealing houses from each other or charging rent for places they don't own or killing and eating the protected Sea Turtle. Birds of a feather...

[Edited on 2-27-2012 by Woooosh]

David K - 2-27-2012 at 10:22 AM

wow... :wow: I predict this thread doesn't last much longer with the insults!

wessongroup - 2-27-2012 at 10:24 AM

Could a Legal working definition of "Estate's" be provided, as defined in Mexican Law.... thanks in advance

Skipjack Joe - 2-27-2012 at 10:39 AM

You mean that the only fair man on this thread is the only one supporting you (Investigator)?

Are you a fair man, Ramuma?

Woooosh - 2-27-2012 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by David K
wow... :wow: I predict this thread doesn't last much longer with the insults!

That is your strategy. Isn't it? I hope Doug keeps everything up so Nomads can see who the trolls and bullies really are. Bernie Madoff would have loved to run into this pigeon flock- oh yeah except they are all flat broke.

rgbajabob - 2-27-2012 at 12:21 PM

Munoz=====crazy deranged man with a keyboard and way too much time!

Woooosh - 2-27-2012 at 12:40 PM

Originally posted by rgbajabob
Munoz=====crazy deranged man with a keyboard and way too much time!

another newbie troll. You guys keep making Raphael's case for him. Keep it up. Everyone has time to make money. :)

What's the newbie bully/troll count on this thread? Raphael should be honored so many "new" members are joining the opposing team. Every troll post makes people want to avoid PB more and more.

Cypress - 2-27-2012 at 01:00 PM

newbie trolls?:?: Didn't realize that. Thanks for letting us know.:biggrin:

Woooosh - 2-27-2012 at 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Cypress
newbie trolls?:?: Didn't realize that. Thanks for letting us know.:biggrin:

What do you call someone who joins only to post twice on this thread- just to bully someone? Your friend? Is there something you do know that you wanted to share on this thread? Nope- more birds with the same feathers. The passive-aggressive thing must come with the feathers.

[Edited on 2-27-2012 by Woooosh]

Cypress - 2-27-2012 at 01:14 PM

Birds with the same feathers? Passive-aggressive? OK?:?:

wessongroup - 2-27-2012 at 01:22 PM

Originally posted by David K
wow... :wow: I predict this thread doesn't last much longer with the insults!

Maybe ... However, this has been up how long and what's the count on views and posts .. and it does not seem to be lacking input, at this time

Appears to be an "issue" which many find to have "legs" as it does not lose much in followers, even with the "hits" against the involved parties IMHO

It is about Baja and owning property and how to reduce "risk" which is a very important topic of many folks here....

Angel - 2-27-2012 at 01:38 PM

Hey Wutsch, I mean Woosh, I agree with Raphael about there is nothing wrong about being gay; why are you so insulted? I would be proud of your young Mexican boy; what is his name? So?

Woooosh - 2-27-2012 at 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Angel
Hey Wutsch, I mean Woosh, I agree with Raphael about there is nothing wrong about being gay; why are you so insulted? I would be proud of your young Mexican boy; what is his name? So?

Usually trolls stick to off topic- so why do you attempt to derail and ruin this thread about real estate law? But I do like that you are willing to show people the type of person you really are. Nice job on that.

You are a bully for creating the new screen name "Angel" and coming to this thread just to trash me personally instead of adding anything to the discussion. I think that is pretty much indisputable. Bullies like you are always a problem on the internet and it stems from low self esteem and cowardice- or you wouldn't have created "Angel" just to say it... would you?

But I like that you are willing to show people the type of person you really are inside. Nice job on that. Saves the rest of us a lot of work. Create another new screen name and try again.

If want to have a wooosh is gay thread in off-topic I'd be happy to participate. Not here though. That's the forum rules. Play by them.

[Edited on 2-27-2012 by Woooosh]

Skipjack Joe - 2-27-2012 at 03:00 PM


Hey, Woosh.

It looks like you've lost your taste for 'freedom of speech' somhow.


comitan - 2-27-2012 at 03:22 PM

I wan't my nickel back this train ain't going nowhere!

wessongroup - 2-27-2012 at 03:30 PM

Try the bridge ... ya, might find it there ...

Woooosh - 2-27-2012 at 03:48 PM

Originally posted by Skipjack Joe

Hey, Woosh.

It looks like you've lost your taste for 'freedom of speech' somhow.


Actually dirt diver, I promoted the continuation of free speech on the topic. I correctly told Angel to take it to "Off Topic" where I would respond. putz.

[Edited on 2-27-2012 by Woooosh]

wessongroup - 2-27-2012 at 03:50 PM

Ditto's ... come in the water is fine... :biggrin::biggrin:

Diver - 2-27-2012 at 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Diver
I also note that your latest response to me was written by someone with much better command of the English language than you have exhibited in most of your posts. What's up with that ?

Originally posted by ramuma53
It is just me, only I am getting better at my english thanks to Nomads.

I'm not buying it.
Your use of the English language goes from very bad to very good and back again.
At least 2 different people are writing your posts.
Again, what's up with that ??

Who are you really and what do you hope to gain ?
You are not furthering your cause in any way on Nomads.

Also wanted to thank you for the good laugh.
Last week; "I will have them out of jail by last Friday."
This week; "They are not in jail, they are in custody (in the jail) which is not the same because they shouldn't be in jail ........."
"Olivia is not in jail but she should be ..... and will be soon and ......."
Yur killin' me !! :lol::lol::lol:

UnoMas - 2-27-2012 at 07:30 PM

Where are the people who were the guests, tourists, or what ever you want to call them? They would be eye witnesses as to who did what, where, and who started the conflict, where are they?
Munoz you do have giant huevos to accuse all the people you have of working for the cartels or being bought by them :o:o:o If his were true you would be fertilizer by now........

Oh Wooosh you might try Munoz;s method and plant some drugs, send a gift of turtle soup, and have some armed thugs cut off the access to those squatters you have been having trouble kicking off your concession and see how it works out for you.:lol::lol::lol:

What's the Score ?

MrBillM - 2-27-2012 at 10:02 PM

I've lost track.

Is the Contest in O.T. ?

Getting out of Dodge..

EnsenadaDr - 2-28-2012 at 06:40 AM

Faced with a gun and threats, I'd be getting out of Dodge as quick as you could say Gringo. Sometimes life is more important...
Originally posted by BajaNomad
Someone asked me if this might be a phony or fake story.

I appreciate the concern, but it's not. It's a legitimate situation Mark & Olivia are presently faced with.


chuckie - 2-28-2012 at 09:47 AM

Aint phoney as to situation, possible some of the claims are...I'll be down there tommorrow...Just eating, not getting involved in any way...Too many cooks in that kitchen already..

Bajafun777 - 2-28-2012 at 08:06 PM

Just remember the rules in Mexico---Americans can buy and Mexican Courts can and will take away if Mexican citizen goes after your property. Yes this means with whatever documents they come up with 30 years or more later. Just the way it is and will always be! Note, nothing is worth losing your life over unless it is family, so my advise would be get out before they carry you out! I know it would be tough and most would hate to do it but watching someone you loved being killed right before your eyes would be worse!

If you want fairness there is none not even in the USA, as those with money can also take private property with the governments help, Just the Way it is!! Fairness is just something that will not be found anywhere. So, enjoy life, enjoy family, enjoy those things you have been told to do without as everything will kill you apparently. Take Care & Travel Safe---"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

ramuma53 - 2-28-2012 at 11:54 PM


I ratified the charges to the Federal Police against the Baja District Attorney Gamil Arreola Leal, Sub District Attorney North zone Hugo Galindo Camacho and Mulege District Attorney Aloy Aguiar Yee, with more than 3 hours showing documents.

Many will say, what do I care???

Well, maybe some not, but this will show a road to people who face problems in Mexico and how to solve them in Mexico. The more important point is that you really can solve problems in Mexico.

To those who did not believe in Mexico, I have bad news for you:

I.- Sorry angel, your laugh will end tomorrow, my people is coming out without charges, because the false charges were dropped a few minutes ago.

II.- Aloy Aguiar Yee the Mulege District attorney’s head is going to roll and will be prosecuted and fired at once.

III.- Hugo Galindo Camacho, North Zone District Attorney’s head will also roll and be fired and prosecuted also at once.

IV.- The Estate District Attorney was misinformed by his help and made a big mistake that he will correct tomorrow letting my people go without charges and with one big I AM SORRY, IT WAS A MISTAKE, cutting both of the Olivia’s criminal official partners heads, so he will keep his post for a while at least, because the South Baja’s Governor, is not exactly happy with him.

V.- La Vaquera and Nark, urgent investigation was finished by the Federal Police and found enough grounds to prosecute and was frankly incredible for them, that they are still walking the streets, so they will be prosecuted for all, but all their crimes, now for a change by a honest district atorney, beginning with the 10 criminal investigations that her partners in crime were keeping in the freezer, also she will be called to serve her jail sentence for the turtle soup and Jimmy's in juries.

I have been too optimist in the past on this matter, but not wrong and certainly hope that by tomorrow noon, all this will be over for my people.

My people will be taking a couple of days off, and my security chief a week, because sadly while he was in jail, his mother died.

After that rest period, my people will be back at Buenaventura, Olivia permit to cross my property gone and for you Nomads who like to go eat at her restaurant, you will have to hike a little to go there but not for too long, because in a very short time, you will find other people tending it, or if you like, you can go and eat with Olivia and Nark inside the Santa Rosalia’s jail where they will be opening their new restaurant and they will now be open 24/7/365.25 for about 50 years. who say this has no happy ending for all.

I know, from this time till tomorrow, several newbies will be making fun about this and that is why I write it now 0:51 AM, so they have at least some fun time; some because it will not last much.

All this mean, that if your constitutional rights are violated in Mexico, just have to go to the right level of government and do the right thing in a legal way and then your problems will be corrected with justice.

Please do not make the mistake I did, to try to fight the crooks with one hand tied behind your back, cry strong and high and your problems will be corrected by people who also believe we are in a law state.

The open letter published tomorrow, was already on the press when this information was communicated to me, so it will kick the Estate District attorney’s knees very hard; sorry, but the blow was already flying and he was responsible, because he made the wrong public declaration to the press at the wrong time and certainly looked like he was behind La Vaquera criminal.

My faith is in Mexico and tomorrow we will see if I am right or wrong about that faith but I know at the end I will be right.

Some of you are very pessimistic about justice, but being that way, make you hopeless and then decide not to fight, because you already believe you lost and that will become true.

Wooosh, remember that the one who get angry, loose, Nomads are smart people and see through their intentions, it is not necessary for you to expose them, they do it fine themselves. Remember, violence is the recourse of people who are not smart enough.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

ramuma53 - 2-28-2012 at 11:56 PM

To be published today at SoutCaliforniano

29 Febrero 2012
C. Presidente de la Republica FELIPE CALDERÓN HINOJOSA
C. Procuradora General de Justicia MARISELA MORALES IBÁÑEZ
C. Gobernador del Estado de Baja California Sur MARCOS ALBERTO COBARRUBIAS VILLASENOR
Respetado Sr. Gobernador:
El C. Procurador de Justicia del Estado LIC. GAMIL ARREOLA LEAL, El Sub Procurador de la Zona Norte LIC. HUGO GALINDO CAMACHO y el Agente del Ministerio Publico de la ciudad de Mulege LIC. ALOY AGUIAR YEE , invadieron el Hotel Buenaventura de mi legitima propiedad, sin orden de juez, sin denuncia previa y con todo el cinismo del mundo en apoyo a la criminal conocida María Olivia Higuera Aguilar alias La Vaquera o La Tía como es conocida por la PGR y su esposo el norteamericano Mark Jerome Burbey.
En ese operativo ilegal, que el mismo procurador EN SU PORTAL DEL ESTADO, declara que el Sub Procurador de la Zona Norte lo realizo para asegurar el predio, ACEPTANDO Y CONFESANDO QUE LO HIZO SIN ORDEN DE AUTORIDAD COMPETENTE, operativo ilegal en el que se detuvo a todo mi personal, sin siquiera decirles el motivo, incluyendo a mi licenciado Joaquín Cuesta Romero, todo sin orden de autoridad y bajo el grito de que ellos eran la Ley.
El C. Procurador, claramente ayuda a la Vaquera para robar mi propiedad y en su conferencia de prensa cínicamente la cita para que ella misma declare que el Procurador NO LE AYUDO A DESPOJARME DE MI PROPIEDAD y si es así, por que no la detuvo en el acto de apoyarlo, sobre todo cuando la Vaquera esta sentenciada por vender Caguama, una especie protegida en su restaurante, por que no la detuvo por estar confesa de falsedad ante autoridad, por que no la detuvo por las 10 averiguaciones previas que tiene por robo, robo con violencia, daño a la propiedad, intento de invasión, asalto a mano armada, intento de asesinato y muchas mas, que su procuraduría le ha permitido cometer con impunidad hasta la fecha y no solo en administraciones pasadas.
El C. Procurador dice que el ahora si aplicara la ley, a pesar de que administraciones pasadas no lo hubieren hecho, pero es el caso que, las administraciones pasadas no ayudaron activamente a los criminales a despojar propiedades, y no niego que si los encubrieron pasivamente no persiguiéndolos, pero el actual Procurador, no solo los ayuda pasivamente, si no que se convirtió en su brazo armado y con eso, deja indefenso a todo el estado, no hay nadie a salvo de las ambiciones de los criminales.
Mi inmueble esta totalmente legalizado, con titulo de propiedad emitido por el gobierno federal, esta registrado ante el Registro Publico de la Propiedad y el Comercio, paga impuesto predial, hay una inversión de millones de dólares y el Hotel Buenaventura es la única fuente formal de trabajo en 30 kilómetros a la redonda y por sus acciones esta cerrado y en franco pillaje protegido por la autoridad que se supone debería protegerlo y sin embargo, la Vaquera opera una tiendita de drogas sin papel alguno de propiedad, debe 7 anos de su concesión de zona federal, se le sorprendió vendiendo especies protegidas y se le sentencio por ese crimen, se le abrió investigación por falsedad ante autoridad judicial y esta confesa de ese crimen, acusada de intento de asesinato de un Americano y sin embargo, a esa criminal conocida y sentenciada pero en libertad inexplicable la llama el Procurador de Justicia a apoyar al Procurador negando el apoyo, cuando el apoyo es claro y a la vista de todos.
A la Vaquera no se le pido papeles de propiedad y a mi para investigar me piden hasta para la gasolina, a ella no se le persigue por los crímenes denunciados formalmente, probados y confesos y a mi personal se le inventan crímenes y se le arraiga ilegalmente, a mi personal el Ministerio Publico Aloy Aguiar Yee le quito el dinero que traía, me pide $30,000 pesos por devolverme los vehículos del hotel y me amenaza con inventarnos todos los delitos que pueda si no dejamos de mencionar su nombre. Es eso a lo que el Procurador se refiere con que ahora si aplicara la Ley.
Sr. Presidente, Sr. Gobernador, El Procurador y sus actos denigran al segundo estado con mayor velocidad de crecimiento en el país, así no podemos crecer pues no hay seguridad para la inversión, mientras ellos solo esperan que pase la tormenta de noticias para que queden impunes y eso de la propia voz de la Vaquera.
Sra. Procuradora, admiro su valor, pero sus agentes me preguntan a mi que a que horas son los desembarcos, eso seria mejor que se lo preguntaran a la Vaquera, además me especificaron que ellos no van a ver lo de el despojo y yo le recuerdo que mi denuncia es por despojo por parte de las autoridades Judiciales del Estado y eso es de competencia federal y por lo tanto suya, no se trata de combatir el narcotráfico y cerrar los ojos a todos los demás crímenes de los funcionarios, crimen es crimen y un crimen alimenta a otro.
Sr. Presidente, ya denuncie ante usted esto dos veces en cartas que tengo selladas por su oficina de atención a la ciudadanía, le comunico que no ha habido atención y si hubo un poco, no hubo resultados.
Sr. Gobernador, usted ofreció acabar con los despojos en el estado, le pido que acabe con los cometidos por su propia gente que es el Sr. Procurador de Justicia del Estado Gamil Arreola Leal. O es que se refería solo a los despojos cometidos por otros. Así mismo, le recuerdo que el PAN, su supuesto partido, esta ofreciendo cadena perpetua a los funcionarios que se alíen con el crimen organizado y se les exigirá que cumplan con su promesa y que empiecen por los estados que aun controla y que esperamos no sea suya el primero.
Sr. Gobernador, Sr. Presidente, Estas cartas, seguirán apareciendo periódicamente hasta que su aparato de supuesta justicia libere a mis empleados secuestrados ilegalmente y castigue a los criminales que invadieron mi propiedad, así sean de su gobierno del Estado y de no obtener resultados se publicara a nivel Nacional y de no obtener resultados a nivel internacional y se solicitara el apoyo de todas las asociaciones relacionadas con el turismo.
Por lo anterior, como ciudadano exijo se respeten nuestros derechos constitucionales que en este momento son pisoteados en Baja California Sur y pido en base a ellos.
La liberación inmediata de mi administradora y jefe de seguridad.
La inmediata destitución y consignación de los funcionarios corruptos.
La instauración de seguridad para operar mi legal negocio en Bahía Concepción, ofreciéndole un lugar digno para instalar un destacamento militar.
La consignación inmediata de los criminales que motivaron este ataque injustificado e ilegal, María Olivia Higuera Aguilar alias La Vaquera y el norteamericano Mark Jerome Burbey alias el Nark.

ELINVESTIG8R - 2-29-2012 at 06:32 AM

Diver - 2-29-2012 at 07:46 AM

More predictions by the Dreamweaver !! :lol:

$10 says your goons are still in jail tomorrow. :P

mulegemichael - 2-29-2012 at 09:34 AM

i'll take a piece of that action!

ramuma53 - 2-29-2012 at 10:06 AM

My first prediction became true, you acted exactly as I said you would, the same as Mulegemichael;)

wessongroup - 2-29-2012 at 10:39 AM

Interesting ... from faceBook to court ...

Will be following this case, for the final outcome.. as you have in the past posted "documents" which have supported your positon.

Thanks for the update 53.. always like supporting "documentation" ... it does seem to help .. in following an investigation and one's getting their legal claim into court for a "Legal" call... on the point and/or points of disagreement

Support the legal redress of any claim by either party and truly hope for a "Leal" decision based on fact .. PERIOD !! Whether in Mexico, USA or anywhere ...

As what do we have without the rule of LAW ... which exists to address problems of this type and all others... not much, other than he said, she said .. IMHO ..

Woooosh - 2-29-2012 at 10:52 AM

Thanks for the update Raphael. I know I would have given up against the squatter Ortiz had you not encouraged me to continue the legal fight, be persistent, stay non-violent and follow the law. I was beaten, attacked with a 2x4 and my family threatened while the squatter Ortiz had her police and PGJE friends hold all the charges I filed against her (in the freezer as you say) until the four years passed for her to get the "squatters title" (prescripcion positiva) and claim it as her private property. Too bad she didn't understand she went through all that for nothing- because a squatter's title can't take away a federal zone concession and make it private property.

The real estate laws in Mexico are not long-winded or complicated. With your help I was able to translate them and make the legal case to support our concession. It is just a long and tedious process to go step by step as you have shown me to do. The only thing I can't figure out is why it is my responsibility to defend a Federal Land Title, it should be the government defending the title once they award it.

I look forward to both of us resolving our legal problems correctly and completely while we are still young enough to celebrate a victory. Viva la Mexico!

[Edited on 2-29-2012 by Woooosh]

Diver - 2-29-2012 at 10:59 AM

Are they out yet ??
I can hardly wait. :spingrin:

"Thank you for the update Mr Ramunal."
Starting to sound like a broken record from an old TV News show.

I wonder if any of the former homeowners might have a chance to recoup some $ or their homes when all of this is finally settled.
What do you think Mr Ramuna ??

JoeJustJoe - 2-29-2012 at 01:22 PM

I don't know who is in the right here Mark & Olivia, or Ramuma.

This is a kind of real estate problem that should be played out in the Mexican court where facts are presented by both parties to the judge and not "Nomad" members.

However I do have a few comments:

I love the guts of Mark & Olivia, especially Olivia who goes up against Ramuma's hired gun holding a rifle and pepper-spraying the hired thug! It's not a smart thing to do on Olivia's part, and I'm not sure this is worth the fight, but Olivia has one admirer in me JoeJustJoe. The Nomad good O' boys supposedly ex-US military types would probably be running away with their tails between their legs! The Nomad women seem to have all the guts. Josie, aka La Guera a few years back, and now Olivia.

see picture from from page of this thread:

Ramuma's legal and Mexican real estate knowledge is impressive, and I sure wouldn't want to go against Ramuma in a Mexican court or dark alley. Ramuma might even have a good legal case here, and even if he didn't I'm sure he could make one.

Note to Diver: Why are you attacking Ramuma's English writing skills among everything else about him? His writing skills are fine, although he could get a little long winded at times. I think we're witnessing racist undertones here from Diver towards Ramuma.

Note to Ramuma: I think probably most "Nomad" members support Mark & Olivia over you because for no other reason than they're white and either Americans or Canadians, and they could easily put themselves in Mark & Olivia's shoes and imagine this could happen to them. Perhaps Ramuma if you stick to the legal case and didn't pound your chest so loud. I think you could have more "Nomad" members supporting you than just ELINVESTIG8R and Woooosh.( more about Woooosh in a minute)

If I have any criticism towards Ramuma is the way he uses secondary issues having nothing to do with the property dispute to destroy Mark & Olivia's reputation and credibility. Is unrelated crap like that even allowed in the Mexican courts?

C' mon Ramuma I doubt anybody actually believes the "Turtle soup" incident. The turtle soup smells "set-up" all the way, and even if it were true, and I doubt it is. What does it have to do with your real estate dispute? ( put them in jail and all your problems go away, and even if convicted it just means it was a good set-up)

Now the drug running thing is interesting, and it does lend support to a plausible explaining why the government officials are protecting Mark & Olivia. It's because they're all in cahoots with each other and Ramuma is the only good guy here. But where is the proof? Looks to be another hatchet job by you Ramuma to spread malicious rumors about Mark & Olivia. ( if M & O are involved with drug traffickers. How come they don't have their own Mexican goons to deal with Ramuma?)

My favorite Ramuma quote about the evil Mark & Olivia is they were bringing in young girls from Sinaloa to be with old gringos, and giving a new meaning to bed & breakfast. Really Ramuma? Were they underage and sex slaves brought to the hotel by padrotes, or are Mark & Olivia human traffickers too?

Where is the EVIDENCE and what does this have to do with the property depute? These character assassinations do seem to work, and already I can't help but not trust Mark & Olivia either, and frankly I don't care about this case either way, but it does have great entertainment value.

I also have a few comments about Woooosh. Woooosh seems to fall apart after getting trolled from Angel a newbie, and obvious "second handle." I'm giving 10-1 odds it's from Woooosh's friends from his favorite hate forum.

But the thing about Woooosh I have noticed a couple of times is his willingness to sleep with the devil if Satan is willing to help Woooosh out with his own real estate problems in Baja.

I think there are some serious possible issues here with Ramuma if he is employing hired guns, and the extent to which he is willing to take this issue, although he may have legal rights here.

In my opinion the only reason why Woooosh supports Ramuma is because Ramuma who is a Mexican real estate lawyer offered Woooosh some good advice. Woooosh then blindly puts on those narrow vision glasses an supports Ramuma 100 percent. I have seen this type of behavior from Woooosh before in his blind support for Fulano. Fulano was a "Baja Nomad" cancer who tried to hurt and has hurt lots of "Nomad" members, but because Fulano helped Woooosh with real estate advice. Woooosh thinks the world of Fulano, and doesn't care about the damage this insane nut does.

I hear Charles Manson is going to call up Woooosh and give him real estate advice, as only Charlie knows, and no doubt after getting the good advise. Woooosh will become a Manson cult follower.

PS I'm in no way comparing Ramuma to Charles Manson, but clearly Ramuma as a few scary issues, but I am comparing Manson with Fulano. They're a lot a like in so many ways.

Shame on Woooosh the selfish sheep for sleeping with the devil. I think Woooosh wrote the book, " Looking out for number #1."

JoeJustJoe back for a brief visit from being on hiatus, and returning to my hiatus state after this brief visit. ( Be sure to read my JoeJustJoe blog in the "OT)

Woooosh - 2-29-2012 at 01:53 PM

That was a fairly good summation JJJ. I don't know who is right or wrong, but I am understanding Mexican land law better. Not many Mexicans step up to help Americans in real estate law down here, and posts it all for free in English no less. Even if you don't like his tactics and the battles he chooses- you have to give Raphael a lot of credit for that. The multiple charges of varying levels of believability from Raphael towards M&O are interesting and disturbing at the same time. (You left out the guy hit in the head with the machete and left to die). With the legal system so slow and non-transparent down here there is the tendency to throw everything you have at them and see if anything actually sticks. Only time will tell us what did actually stick in this case.

As for that attacks against me personally, no big deal. I asked Doug to leave everything up and edit nothing because it shows the lengths of what a misguided group of Nomads will do (when in the right or the wrong) to attack the other side and try to shut them down. It intimidates the lurkers on the board from ever posting- and that is not good. I correctly asked them to continue the personal attack conversation in Off-Topic, but they haven't done so. I don't think this is Fulano acting as "Angel". "Angel" was the next Nomad member to join right after "XPBres"- so they are likely associated with this issue. They support their friends M&O and I understand that, up to a point. They are trying to kill the thread because the legal facts are working against them. 10 years ago in the Turtle Soup thread they had a huge advantage against Raphael because no one knew Mexican real estate law enough to ask the basic questions being raised now. For sure their bullying methods and blind attempts to defend M&O will keep more people from going anywhere near there.

In the absence of verifiable facts to the contrary, I continue to support those who have supported me. The enemy of my enemy is my friend- so to speak. That's all subject to more factual evidence being released about this case. Until them- it's just an exercise in futility.

[Edited on 2-29-2012 by Woooosh]

Diver - 2-29-2012 at 02:19 PM

Not sure about the enemy of my enemy stuff ,,, ?

Who is who's enemy ?

Or do you mean the enemy of my friend is my enemy ?

Then you are Ramuna's friend ?


Then you may never be allowed in Mark and Olivia's bar and you may never experience the pleasure of having Mark's parrot cr-p on your shoulder !
You may never be able to buy cheap drugs from their beach, eat their turtle soup or bed some of the young mainland girls.
But I bet you'll never get a free room in Ramuna's hotel either !!
I feel for you, dude.

Just funnin' ya Mr Wooosh.
It'll be interesting if there is ever a real conclusion to this mess.....
I'll buy you a beer and we can laugh about it.

On edit;
DK, you can buy your own. .:P

[Edited on 2-29-2012 by Diver]

Woooosh - 2-29-2012 at 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Diver
Not sure about the enemy of my enemy stuff ,,, ?

Who is who's enemy ?

Or do you mean the enemy of my friend is my enemy ?

Then you are Ramuna's friend ?


Then you may never be allowed in Mark and Olivia's bar and you may never experience the pleasure of having Mark's parrot cr-p on your shoulder !
You may never be able to buy cheap drugs from their beach, eat their turtle soup or bed some of the young mainland girls.
But I bet you'll never get a free room in Ramuna's hotel either !!
I feel for you, dude.

Just funnin' ya Mr Wooosh.
It'll be interesting if there is ever a real conclusion to this mess.....
I'll buy you a beer and we can laugh about it.

On edit;
DK, you can buy your own. .:P

[Edited on 2-29-2012 by Diver]

We'll just have to wait and see how this unfolds. I very much appreciate the civil tone today. It sounds like getting to the restaurant is going to take a ladder, a hike and a snakebite kit though- if Raphael closes the access. I know Raphael will keep us posted on the legal steps accomplished as part of his Nomad education project.

Free hotel night from Raphael? You missed by a mile. He offered us a brand new condo building for free actually. Still may take him up on it if it works to our mutual advantage. I hate to see that building just sit there empty and deteriorate.

(btw: Raphael saved US investors from a $5 Million real estate scam by presenting a legal, stamped SRA payment receipt for the land under that condo tower. The seller claimed a clear land title with title insurance. Raphael went toe to toe with Grupo Aries and they ran away and abandoned the building last July. So I'd say when Raphael is right, he is right in a big way. It was impressive to me because so few Mexicans would or have acted to protect US investors here in Rosarito Beach. None in fact, just him. )

Diver - 2-29-2012 at 03:53 PM

Almost 4:00PM.
Are they out of not-jail yet ?? :rolleyes:

Thank you for your update....... :yawn:

XPBRes - 2-29-2012 at 08:54 PM

Sr. Munoz offered us condos in trade for are improvements as part of his initial offer. His web site shows that development, just south of Buenaventura, again 10 years ago. He is having a hard time just making a go at this property and could not even keep a hotel that was already built managed and operated working. He promised us so much (desalination, internet, security, etc…) and none of it has come to pass, not even Olivia’s departure.

I want this to be over more than anyone, but that doesn’t make it happen.

I have very little doubt as to his right to the property, but the devastation is not acceptable. In 10 years since this mess started the only improvements to the beach were brought about by the homeowners-renters. Otherwise the beach has turned into a war zone.

There is so much that has gone on by both sides that it does make it hard to be unbiased. There’s going to be people on both sides making claims as to their good intentions. Most of these people are reacting to their personal experience with these 2 parties.

I ask any of them if they are in a lease agreement with either party or have invested $100,000 or more with them? Have any of you had these people move into your home when you’re not there?
We lived on the beach in harmony, we had a beer and hamburger with them and it was great, not quite the same thing!

I realize that a lot of the responsibility for what has happened to us falls on me.
The Baja, the Bahia are the real losers in this story, the others are just LOSERS!

[Edited on 3-1-2012 by XPBRes]

ramuma53 - 3-1-2012 at 06:19 AM

Junior Nomad, created just for this thread
You lie openly, if you refer to me, because I have never offered condos in exchange for improvements.

I do not offer condos, because my property has never been subdivided and a condo is a Condominium that needs a legal procedure to become a shared dominium unit.

No one has a lease agreement with me but maybe you are referring to Olivia Higuera Aguilar while she was Manager for Roberto Meloni.

At that time and that is the reason why she was fired, she started to believe she was the owner and started to defraud Americans, offering them part of a property she did not own for improvements.

The people who fell for this were.
Ted Clinite (left without a word when he knew the Federal police was investigating Olivia)
Thad Braxton (The last to leave without a word)
Mr. & Mrs. Christ. (Who later sued Olivia and George Michael and won without results)
Stan Valentine (Died at Buenaventura last year)

Using a contract she made with the Ejido La Purisima north of Km. 94.5, she defrauded them, making them belive that she was renting Buenaventura that is located at Km. 93.8; those contracts clearly say the locations but she lied and told them that the Kilometer number was changed.

Mr. Stan Valentine invested with her more than $250,000 dollars and all the furniture in the Restaurant now Olivia call hers, was bought by him and with his money.

Then Roberto Meloni fired her and she started to press those Americans to leave, they checked the Public Registry and found out that Olivia had lied to them.

Roberto Meloni called me to return my property and void his rent contract becuse he wanted to return to Italy with Franca; I bought what he had built on my land, Hotel Buenaventura.

ramuma53 - 3-1-2012 at 06:32 AM

My employees are still in jail.

The Mulege District attorney is inventing more and more crimes on them making true his threats.

The South Baja Governor, has failed to deliver the deals he made with my attorneys and he is now openly supporting the Estate District Attorney.

I will start publishing the open letters in Mexico city untill my employyees are free.

This will start to turn in to a political issue in the next Presidential campaign.

I am hiring one of the best criminal attorneys in Mexico city to help prosecute the case and free my employees.

The Mulege District attorney Aloy Aguiar Yee is hiding from the Federal Judge so he can not legally notify him about the Amparo filled by my attorneys, to delay their freedom.

Looks like the Baja Governor is going to put his head in jeopardy to protect Olivia, something we did not expect at this political time, because his party is offering to put the political figures who support organized crime on a life sentence.

Looke like the problem just started for the Baja South Authorities.

Diver - 3-1-2012 at 07:04 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
My employees are still in jail.

If you go down to visit them, I bet they have a cell for you too.
After alll, they were acting on your orders.

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-1-2012 at 08:04 AM


bajaguy - 3-1-2012 at 08:34 AM

A COMPETENT attorney/lawyer tries his case in court.....

An attorney/lawyer with no case tries his case in the court of public opinion or the press, and files frivolous motions with the court to delay and confuse.

Which is it with this case?????

Diver - 3-1-2012 at 08:43 AM

All good ideas; probably never happen, but good ideas.

Maybe it's time for you to consider growing up.

Woooosh - 3-1-2012 at 10:43 AM

I wouldn't put any more money or effort into it either until the legal battle is over. That's how some people lost their improvement investments there in the first place. I'm in the same situation- I would like to improve the disabled beach access on our concession- but until the squatter stops painting over the handicapped signs and trying to fence the access off to the public- it's a waste of time and money and puts me at personal risk. So I have to wait and watch while people struggle with their wheelchairs.

Some communities in the USA are struggling with neighborhood blight caused by foreclosures- same kind of thing. No one will do much until the legal battle is over unless they are forced to- as many banks now are being forced to do.

I would also question whether the business model of 10 years ago even makes sense there today. Mark is posting about the huge decline in caravans that used to keep the area busy. He also says some of the people who do come are splitting meals- although he hasn't raised the prices. It's just a tough time for all Baja. Fixing up the hotel won't bring them back- because now the problem is different. A hotel there may not make sense for another decade and the restaurant (with fresh food and produce) is probably a challenge on a daily basis.

I guess manana is manana in Mexico- for everyone.

[Edited on 3-1-2012 by Woooosh]

mtgoat666 - 3-1-2012 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
I will start publishing the open letters in Mexico city untill my employyees are free.

This will start to turn in to a political issue in the next Presidential campaign.

i doubt the pres candidates have any interest in getting involved in your little drama over your crappy hotel and the all-you-can-eat turtle buffet next door.

and looking at the pictures of your emplyees, they don't appear to be upstanding citizens any pres candidate would be interested in standing behind :lol::lol:

XPBRes - 3-1-2012 at 02:27 PM

Here is Sr. Munoz introducing himself to us for the first time back in 2002.
Maybe I made a mistake of saying condos but he clearly offers us a trade.

As I said before I have all of our corespondence from introduction to eviction.

He said I left without a word. I was told I would be arrested if I came back, and given an eviction notice. This was because I did not support his effort to have federal agents stay in our improved lot. I found out later he had already entered our property in violation of our lease.

Mr. Ted & cheryle Clinite

As you now know trough Roberto Meloni and Franca, I am the proprietor of Buenaventura's lot; Roberto and Franca have already checked our titles in Catastro and the public registry in Santa Rosalia and are now convinced after having an attorney at law counsel with them.
We have been gathering all the technical proof that Buena Ventura is in fact in our lot since 3 years ago and a few weeks ago we got the results from our engineer and Federal zone expert witness; we didn't want to act without having all the legal proof and technical data; our lot is 376 hectares or about 750 acres, a lot bigger than San Buenaventura's and we wanted to be totally sure; this is why we waited until we had all the technical data proving what we already knew.
We just got the Ejido legal map confirming that Buenaventura's lot is out of ejido land and we are now ready to show everything to you or anybody who is affected by it.
3 weeks ago I went to Buenaventura hotel and talked with Mrs. Olivia, who offered to sell all the buildings to us; she accepted that she had or have no claim to the property and that she have only a provisional permission from the Federal zone and was trying to get in a deal with the ejido; I told her that San Buenaventura is not in Ejido's Land and most of the buildings are out of the Federal Zone and she agreed.
Last week we went again to Buenaventura and we were not able to find her, she was in Tijuana; we talked with Mr. Roberto Meloni and found that the buildings were his and not Olivia's property; we showed him our legal titles and gave him the Public registry coordinates so he was able to verify our claims; we told him to ask Olivia to wait for us in Tijuana to reach an agreement but she didn't want to wait for us; Mr. Meloni the next day went to Santa Rosalia with his lawyer and accountant and found that all our titles are right and even the city taxes are paid till December 2002; he also found that he has been paying city taxes in excess apralel to ours; the city agreed with him and is in the process to credit what he paid to our account and they also told him that San Buenaventura is in our lot.
He also discovered that the ejidos don't pay city taxes, confirming that Buenaventura is out of ejido land with Santa Rosalia's catastro; after checking everything with his lawyer, he found that he have no legal claim to the lot or any right to it; of course he can go to court and postpone the inevitable, but he is a practical and intelligent man; he got in contact with us and agreed to reach an agreement with us. He came to Tijuana and checked with some lawyers again with the same answers; our legal titles are solid and current.
I have a legal title given by the Mexico's Federal government, it is registered since 15 years ago on the agrarian registry, National land's public registry and Santa Rosalia public registry; it is also registered in Santa Rosalia's catastro office and the city taxes are paid and current until December 2002.
We now have the legal right to ask everybody to return what is legally ours without having to pay for the buildings and having the right to ask for payment for the use of our lot for the last 10 years; that is our legal right but we feel it is not our moral right since you didn't know and acted on good faith.
That is why we agreed with Mr. Meloni to pay him for his hotel and the deal is legally close now having received part of his money, we are now the legal owners of the lot and the hotel's buildings and even the business and the deal have been reached in front of the public notary who verified all our rights.
We have been trying to reach an agreement with Olivia, but until now she have been eluding us; tomorrow we are going to San Buenaventura to receive the buildings and lot from Mr. Meloni and hope we find her there.
It is our best hope to reach a an agreement with her but trough her attitude and actions to evade us we feel it is going to be difficult.
We know you think that this is a problem between us and the Ejido, but really, in practice, it is only your problem since you are the one who live there; the ejidos never get the damage even when they loose; the ones who will loose everything are you.

We know contemplate two cases:
First scenario: You the legal possessor of the houses, go with the ejido and tell us that you are going to legally fight our legal claim to the land; of course, we are ready and we will press the charges and fallow suit against you and the ejido; we will claim a rent for the past 10 years or the time you have been using our property and the immediate return of our property; we are now in the process of developing the lot and since we will have to stop everything until a judge decide, there is going to be some damages to us too; our lawyer is Lic. Guillermo Ruiz Hernandez, a very well known attorney in the whole Mexico as your attorney can tell you; it may take a year or a little more but we will get our property, rent and damages back from you, since the "ejido" are "poor peasants" without any money or property.
Second scenario: you get an attorney to check our legal titles; once you have his advice, you reach an agreement with us, returning your possession to us; we will lease the property to you at the same price you are paying now; not in advance or anything like that, just a normal business relation; you will not suffer even a day of inconvenience; in case the ejido or Olivia try some legal action against you, we will accept formally the responsibility to defend you in court as soon as you provide us with attorney's power.
My name is Rafael Muñoz Martinez, attorney at law and civil engineer, my partner's name is Juan Ernesto Corona Flores; he owns the Corona Hotels in Tijuana, Rosarito and Ensenada and Castillos del Mar in Rosarito; I am Playa Encantada's owner in Rosarito; if you want to know more about us you can look at my web site there you will find our legal titles to playa requeson including San Buenaventura and our development plans; that information have been there for years.
We are very well known in Tijuana, Rosarito and Ensenada as honest businessman; I was a senate candidate for Baja California in the 2000 federal elections and we give a great value to our names and words; Mr. Roberto Meloni and Franca can tell you about it and we found them a very honest and intelligent people.
I used to advise the American consulate in Tijuana about the legal rights to the land in the Rosarito Area and they know me; for sure you must know about the Punta Banda affair in Ensenad, where several U.S.A.'s people lost their houses; I told the American consulate what was going to happen one year in advance; I mention it because it is very similar to your and my case:
1.- my owner's private property title, is exactly the same kind as ours, given by Terrenos Nacionales.
2.- The American people had exactly the same kind of contract as yours; with an ejido.
As you know, they lost the legal battle and had to leave their houses without receiving a single penny.
We just want to evade the legal battle and hard feelings; I am the "Tijuana to Ensenada's coast binational counsel"'s president and have been helping american people in situations very similar to this one you are now; but be sure, we know how to fight legally since we did it for years in the Rosarito's area against the "Ejido Mazatlan"; we are famous for that legal battle against a corruption giant, who expended millions of dollars; we won in court.

As I told you, our plan is to develop the property in the short run; if you don't want to stay with us, we will legally apprise your house and will reach an agreement with you to pay for it now, or you can stay with us and get a substantial discount on one of our houses in our development; you can check our plans in our web site.

I am sorry that we can't wait two weeks much lees till October for your answer because we will have to start our legal actions by the second September's week; if we get a response from you or your friends, before that date, we will be happy to meet with you in San Diego California or we will be happy to entertain you in one of our hotels in Tijuana or Rosarito, but we need your response before that date; if we don't receive it, we will understand we are against the first scenario.
thank you for your attention
Rafael M Munoz
Attorney at law & civil Engineer
San Buenaventura's legal owner

[Edited on 3-2-2012 by XPBRes]

larryC - 3-1-2012 at 02:53 PM

Well, it sounds to me like 10 years ago Munoz was willing to work with you. You decided not to. Now after 10 years of fighting he is bitter and tired and willing to fight to get the use of his land back. Looks to me like it could have been handled differently in the beginning.

XPBRes - 3-1-2012 at 03:07 PM

We all took his deal and signed leases. The last renter just left last year. I wish I knew what you meant by handling it differernt. We did what he asked gave him money signed over our property gave him power of attorney. We lost our case with his representation to the ejido, not his fault, then were evicted.
Please Larry help me to understand what we could have done differently?

Burbs - 3-1-2012 at 04:51 PM

The Munoz Con Letter!
As You Know...
They(who are they... guys in the white coats?)
As I told you...
I am sorry....
I told her that San Buenaventura is not in Ejido's Land and most of the buildings are out of the Federal Zone and she agreed.
Playa Encantada owner! Ya right...What happened?
Provide us with power of attorney!(scew me please)
Eluding you!
"ejido" are "poor peasants" without any money or property.
Rafael M Munoz

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-1-2012 at 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Diver

Maybe it's time for you to consider growing up.

Don't thinkl I have forgotten!

Diver - 3-1-2012 at 11:15 PM

Gee David, your little cartoons are SO impressive; NOT !
I'm sure "Mama" would be proud. :rolleyes:

So you make sure and let me know when something Ramuna claims actually comes true. :lol:

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-2-2012 at 05:15 AM


Lobsterman - 3-2-2012 at 06:41 AM

Mr Munoz,
Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear that your loyal employees are not out of jail yet. Smart looking bunch. Must be hard on them and their families. Unfortunately those trumped up charges are still sticking due to the corrupt public employees in southern baja funded by the drug cartels. What a shame. There are those of us waiting in the wings for this mess to be settled. I'm glad you're perservering forward to clean up that crooked crowd of shameful people. I'm re-starting my efforts to come back to BOC betting on your successful endeavor. Even going back to work part-time to make a few more bucks for more toys to keep down there. My current boat is just too big to haul down there. Did it once but not again. I'll even cook my delicious BBQ recipes on a weber for your guests pro bono once you get your hotel back up and running.

David, love your animations. You da man.

Ira, go crawl in a clam shell where your biased ignorance will not be displayed for all to see.

[Edited on 3-2-2012 by Lobsterman]

larryC - 3-2-2012 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by XPBRes
We all took his deal and signed leases. The last renter just left last year. I wish I knew what you meant by handling it differernt. We did what he asked gave him money signed over our property gave him power of attorney. We lost our case with his representation to the ejido, not his fault, then were evicted.
Please Larry help me to understand what we could have done differently?

You know the story of what happened much better than I do. I obviously misunderstood. I guess there isn't much more you could have done. So it was Mark and Olivia's orders to have you evicted? Is it true that they only claim a federal zone venture? From looking at GE it looks like their restaurant is well out of the federal zone, and on someones provate property.
I guess I would like to see what Mark and Olivia have in the way ownership papers of agreements with the ejido. Do you know if the ejido even claims this property, or is Munoz the only claimant?
wow what a mess, I am sorry for your loss,

Diver - 3-2-2012 at 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Lobsterman
Mr Munoz,
I'm re-starting my efforts to come back to BOC betting on your successful endeavor.

Back on the hard drugs again, eh ?

Cypress - 3-2-2012 at 08:31 AM

gnukid!:light: Very good question. Enquiring minds want to know.:D

ELINVESTIG8R - 3-2-2012 at 09:27 AM

I would never kill anyone trying to take my property in a legal fashion! That said I would kill anyone trying to kill me without hesitation. You attempt or spray me with pepper spray you are going to be shot and possibly killed. I will be damned if I will allow someone to disarm me only to kill me. If someone comes to within 35 feet with bear spray and does not stop when asked deadly force will apply if the person starts lifting the can and pointing it toward me. God, would that be a graveyard move!


Diver - 3-2-2012 at 09:35 AM

Originally posted by ELINVESTIG8R
I would never kill anyone trying to take my property in a legal fashion! That said I would kill anyone trying to kill me without hesitation. You attempt or spray me with pepper spray you are going to be shot and possibly killed. I will be damned if I will allow someone to disarm me only to kill me. If someone comes to within 35 feet with bear spray and does not stop when asked deadly force will apply if the person starts lifting the can and pointing it toward me. God, would that be a graveyard move!

You are very tough. :P
Can we see your muscles ! :lol:


Diver - 3-2-2012 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by gnukid
Has Munoz made any improvements to the property in the entire time he has claimed the right to the land to develop? Or has all developments been made by others then been taken by Munoz?

Sure seems to me that an "owner" would maintain his property.

Alternately, it makes sense that someone who does not have confirmed ownership would be crazy to invest in the property.

Well ...... if the "crazy" fits ........ :lol:


David K - 3-2-2012 at 09:43 AM

Is that what you believe David??? Muñoz wasn't even there... nor has been. It is like little Israel surrounded by countries wanting it it disappear. Mark and Olivia are fighting for their very existance.

Muñoz' hired thugs (with guns fired) blockaded Olivia's restaurant... Did you not see the SOS in the sand...? See Pompano's photos and read his post during the blockade. They threatened tourists too... and now they are in jail.

Barry A. - 3-2-2012 at 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Diver
Originally posted by gnukid
Has Munoz made any improvements to the property in the entire time he has claimed the right to the land to develop? Or has all developments been made by others then been taken by Munoz?

Sure seems to me that an "owner" would maintain his property.

Alternately, it makes sense that someone who does not have confirmed ownership would be crazy to invest in the property.

Well ...... if the "crazy" fits ........ :lol:


Wow-----that's an interesting "take", Diver. I rented for about 5 years and I always treated the property as if it were my own-----------after all, the property reflects YOU while you are using it--------I long ago got out of the rental business because of folks that apparently felt as you do. :no:


ramuma53 - 3-2-2012 at 10:26 AM

It is refreshing to see an honest opinion, even when it is not exactly on my side. You have my respect to your opinion.
Concerning the other issues, those issues have been discussed here on other threads, like the turtle soup and real estate advise and are all related in the way that provide the grounds to explain why the events today are explainable.
The turtle soup may sound like a set up, but she was convicted in a court of law and at the end, she accepted her crime and the facts that she never was able to explain were:
When she was detained, she said on the turtle thread that the turtle soup was not hers, THAT SHE WAS ONLY COOKING IT FOR SOME OF HER CUSTOMERS in her restaurant (Clearly a federal crime admission) especially for an Ensenada couple that was not detained or found ever; if she knew them from Ensenada, why they were never found??? Why was she cooking a protected species in a commercial restaurant????
When she was caught, a Marine commando caught her with the turtle soup pot on her hands, trying to go out the back door to throw the soup to the ground; why was she running if she had nothing to hide??? The turtle’s heads were in the kitchen trash can, the shells on the Restaurant pick up and we are talking about two big sea turtles named Caguamas, and that mean, that was a big soup pot, not just a little, also she was caught in the act by 3 different Federal Agencies acting together to avoid corruption by one office alone; based on that fact alone, it was almost impossible to set her up, she was actually caught by the Federal Police, Marine Commandos and Fisheries department and she was not the only one caught with Caguana that day, the authorities were making an inspection along the whole coast, they caught 3 people and Olivia was only one of them. Confirming this, the Fisheries department knew about her menu from her own cynical publicity and a tip was offered to the Federal police and curiously the tip came from her own restaurant telephone.
This serve as ground base to appreciate the kind of people Olivia and Nark are, they are every day criminals, they made crime their business.
Concerning the ladies brought form Sinaloa and calling Nark a pimp, I would have to defend him, because that act was organized not by him, but by the real Olivia’s husband, Michael George, not him; Nark appeared on the old lady’s door a few years after Michael George left her for a 16 year old who was “working” on her restaurant. He is a bonehead, a coward and many things, but concerning to me, not a pimp.
Concerning them being Americans or Canadians, only Nark is American, Olivia is more Mexican than a cactus and only she think she is white people. Remember that the renegades Mexicans are the worst racists even if you see the cactus on their forehead.
I do not think race has anything to do here, in that case Nomads would be all on my side, I have blue eyes and I am white to some point but 100% Mexican (my Grand Grandfathers were form Spain and England, I have cousins named Harrison and Kennedy). While Olivia Higuera Aguilar, has Baja ancestry for several generations; simply not the issue here. The reason Nomads know her is because during the day, she run her restaurant and give preference to White people, discriminating sometimes Mexicans or Mexican looking people; that is what happened when the Jimmy Highs incident happened; Jimmy, went to her restaurant together with a dark skinned looking guy and they discriminated him and did not want to serve him; Jimmy complained loudly and was attacked by Nark and Olivias employees and latter Olivia helped kick him; they hit him over the head with a machete an thought he was dead and threw him to the sea, but he walked up and cried and was rescued by people from my hotel while Olivia was saying in public, kill him, kill him fast. I do not deny that Jimmy Higgs is a nuisance when drunk (almost every day) and loud speaker, but a nice guy after all.
All this events set the ground to appreciate who Olivia and Nark are in reality.
Concerning the issue that this should be solved by a court of law, it was solved already, Olivia has a rent contract with the ejido La purisima, she does not own anything, even the restaurant is in Federal zone and not owned by her; in court, the Ejido Dropped the case against me because I showed a legal title where they had participated, signing and sealing my papers as neighbors, something that would put them in a criminal road if they continued, so they just dropped their claims, but Olivia being just leaser, continues trying but has lost all cases against me, she only supposedly won against some Americans (Ted Clinite, Stan Valentine and Thad Braxton all Nomads here) and she trying to take the houses from the Americans, lied to the judge saying my houses were the ones she rented. At this time, there is not court case going against me and certainly no ruling has ever affected my property or me.
In other words, she took me to court and lost all but all cases against me and now she is trying the hard way, using her organized crime partners.
Sorry but she tried with the wrong guy.

odd analogy

mtgoat666 - 3-2-2012 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by David K
It is like little Israel surrounded by countries wanting it it disappear. Mark and Olivia are fighting for their very existance.

i suppose the israeli arms strading/smuggling is analogous to mark and olivias alleged drug smuggling?

and who is munoz -- is he palestine, hezbolah, or egypt?

do israelis eat turtle?

mtgoat666 - 3-2-2012 at 10:38 AM

i do puzzle over the turtle soup incident. i only recall munoz posting the story -- has mark ever rebutted the story?

i can't really lend much credence to munoz's story until i hear the other party's response.

mark, care to comment about the infamous turtle soup story?

ramuma53 - 3-2-2012 at 10:42 AM

What you see is agrpup of Mexican workers ilegally detained and that is not funy, because they are there to earn a living as any of us.

The other photo, where one of my employees together with the guy working for Olivia named Eduardo Villa Arellano, they were at the army post and what they were doing there, you should ask the military, because they have worked with them several times on their business, specially Eduardo Villa Arellano who at tmes I have seen with them derssed as a commando and on their vehicles.

ramuma53 - 3-2-2012 at 10:46 AM

They can not refute it, Olivia was convicted for that crime and initially was Mark who on the Turtle soup thread first told the story that they were cooking the turtle soup for an Ensenada couple and their own words would be difficult for them to refute.
The only difficult fact to explain is why if she was convicted and sentenced to a jail time, she is still walking the streets and defending the Estate District attorney.

wessongroup - 3-2-2012 at 10:49 AM

A little help on who's who... and who has "primacy" on the site.

Federal Police, Ibanez

Baja District Attorney (North), Leal
Baja Assistant District Attorney (North), Camacho

Baja South, Govenor, Villasenor
Mulege District Attorney, Yee

Estate District Attorney ????

Still trying to understand jurisdiction on the site...

Why, would the State of Baja North, be involved in this site ??

And who and what is an "Estate District Attorney" ... is it a legal entity which is linked to a Ejido ?? and if so what "legal" requirements would this entity fall under in Baja Sur, Baja North and the Mexican Republic ??

mtgoat666 - 3-2-2012 at 10:51 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
They can not refute it, Olivia was convicted for that crime and initially was Mark who on the Turtle soup thread first told the story that they were cooking the turtle soup for an Ensenada couple and their own words would be difficult for them to refute.
The only difficult fact to explain is why if she was convicted and sentenced to a jail time, she is still walking the streets and defending the Estate District attorney.

sorry, ramsanus, I don't believe anything you write until independantly verified. you simply are not trusted to tell the truth. you don't seem very credible.

ramuma53 - 3-2-2012 at 10:57 AM

David K
Olivia and Nark are not fighting for their existance, they are fighting for their business and so we let them alone there to be able to continue unloading drugs and keep puting powder up their noses every day.

Why would Olivia have to fight there, she suposedly is an ejidataria and have land in several places????? why would she invest so much money to defend a concession that is not her property????? why she want to steal my land, specially my land where there are a lot of land without so many problems?????

My friends, she want to be there, because it is one of the two places where you can unload big heavy boats and I do not think Nomads boats full with fish.

Why would an old lady carrying pepper spray would go during the night in to my property when she know she is not welcomed???????

Why would she attack armed people with just pepper spray risking her life for something that is only a Federal concession.

Why would she ask for help that way???? because she was seting the stage for her friends to act.

How come that when any of us mortals need the Mulege Police to investigate a murder or robery, we need to pay the gas for the police to go investigate and sudenly when Olivia cry that she was strugled, 20 police man one district attorney and one Sub General District attorney promplty jump not to investigate but to help her without a court order or anything.

Do you know why the Judicial Police chaged their name to Ministerial Police??? because they were no longer able to investigate without being part of a formal criminal investigation and only on the orders of the District attorney on an formally opened case and that was not the case her at all.

Diver - 3-2-2012 at 11:04 AM

Sure. I get it.

In all of Baja, Bahia Conception is the best place to unload drugs and Olivia's place is the best of all the miles and miles of beaches. Makes sense to me.

Curious exactly how much money Olivia has spent chasing this dream ?
Maybe she just likes throwing her money away, huh ? Sure, that makes sense too.

And sure, I can see how ALL of the police, Feds and DA's are conspiring against you; why wouldn't they ? Makes a lot of sense.


Diver - 3-2-2012 at 11:11 AM

And why would she carry pepper spray when she see's guys with guns, aggressively occupying the property ? Makes no sense ?

And why would she be so brave to confront men with guns while carrying only pepper spray ? Doesn't make sense if it's not really her property does it ?

And why are your poor employees still in jail ? And why don't you head down there and bail them out in person ? Oh yeh, they're all against you and maybe they would put you in the slammer as the instigator ?

And why is Olivia the big criminal not in jail yet ? Oh yeh, everyone is against you.

It's all becoming clearer now.


desertcpl - 3-2-2012 at 11:13 AM

Originally posted by mtgoat666
i do puzzle over the turtle soup incident. i only recall munoz posting the story -- has mark ever rebutted the story?

i can't really lend much credence to munoz's story until i hear the other party's response.

mark, care to comment about the infamous turtle soup story?


Alan - 3-2-2012 at 11:18 AM

For the life of me I just can't picture drug running in BoC. What cartel would be so stupid to send a boat into that bay which would be so easy to close off escape from and then run clear down to Buenaventura to offload them. Even after they get them off the boat they would be faced with trying to get through how many check points on the only highway northbound with very inhospitable terrain to try to circumvent. There are just too many easier ways to get their product north that entails far fewer risks.

All of the claims of cooking turtles, drug running and now even prostitution rings (are hookers even illegal in Baja?) just seem too prerosterous to be credible.

Cypress - 3-2-2012 at 11:19 AM

Bay of Conception is a good place to land drugs? One way in and one way out, sorta like a dead end street. Doubt if any drug runners would knowingly steer into a trap. ;D

Alan - 3-2-2012 at 11:21 AM

Originally posted by Cypress
Bay of Conception is a good place to land drugs? One way in and one way out, sorta like a dead end street. Doubt if any drug runners would knowingly steer into a trap. ;D
My point exactly.

wessongroup - 3-2-2012 at 11:36 AM

Got gunkid, thanks

As for investing in this site given the current legal dispute, it would be a high risk, from a lenders stand point .. with little hope of getting a loan IMHO

And if one were to "put" money into same, without a sound ruling from a court ... well, to each his own ...

Know someone living on ejido land currently ... La Mission ... and that owner is connect to some of the higher levels of the Mexican Government and does just about what HE wants ... if ya don't like ... lump it... as it is HIS land after all is said and done ..

Don't enjoy court all that much ... and try and remove myself and my family from "risk" as much as possible .. some how I feel it is MY responsibility

I don't try and find fault with any who finds these arrangement workable for them ... as I still do like the beauty and all the rest which goes with Baja .. but, that is just me...

Enjoy the day, and life ....


Trueheart - 3-2-2012 at 11:54 AM

Alan & Cypress:

I have been thinking exactly as you have just stated about this location being completely non strategic for drug runners. Just doesn't make sense. Too easy to become trapped.

Woooosh - 3-2-2012 at 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Trueheart
Alan & Cypress:

I have been thinking exactly as you have just stated about this location being completely non strategic for drug runners. Just doesn't make sense. Too easy to become trapped.

What is the airfield and plane connection to the drug running allegations? Is it supposedly an air to water drug transfer or something? Or is that something different.

mtgoat666 - 3-2-2012 at 12:44 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
Many many years ago, satellites were launched that see everything. You are familiar with Google Maps, well the government has access to realtime movements of all boats/planes and can see everything in fine detail. All planes and all boats are tracked and identifiable. There are no movements anywhere that are not tracked. All boat and plane traffic on the Sea of Cortez and Pacific is tracked at all times.

be sure to wear your tinfoil helmet!

Cypress - 3-2-2012 at 01:39 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
Munoz is making allegations of drug running of Olivia while his staff are in jail for robbery and violence with a weapon, one of whom have a prior arrest for moving cocaine through an inspection stop? And David E and Whoosh openly support them?

People need to take stock of the people involved in this case and consider what we're dealing with more critically and seriously and stop being so easily manipulated.

Some people are way too easy to manipulate.:biggrin:

Woooosh - 3-2-2012 at 02:09 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
Many many years ago, satellites were launched that see everything everywhere in detail. You are familiar with Google Maps, well the government has access to fine detail of realtime movements of all boats/planes and can see everything in fine detail. All planes and all boats are tracked and identifiable. There are no movements anywhere that are not tracked. All boat and plane traffic on the Sea of Cortez and Pacific is tracked at all times. There are NO secret drug shipments.

[Edited on 3-2-2012 by gnukid]

So that explains how the human and drug smuggling continues along the baja coast to this day? They know the smugglers are there and watch them on radar and do nothing? I don't know about that. Depends who is watching the radar screen I suppose, but the fact the Pacific is used for such purposes is indisputable, no? It may not be a likely smuggling scenario, but that doesn't make it an impossible one.

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