
Fish Story

backninedan - 9-30-2004 at 08:50 AM

My wife and I went out of the Loreto marina yesterday and headed over to coronado for bit of pargo, trigger, dinner fishing, we quit after getting 10 triggers.

I had been putting them in the live well to keep them nice and fresh, so a few were still kicking when it came time to clean.

I ignored the fact that a few were still flopping (mistake # 1) and began cleaning, I got my fingers a bit close to a toothy mouth (mistake #2). Wellll, much to the hooting delight of my neighbor Antonio, it bit the crap out my finger tip, leaving several bloody but not serious gashes on my ring finger.

Im sure Antonio has told all his friends about the stupid gringo that was bitten while cleaning fish.

Oh well it was good for a laugh and I just had to pass it on.

I can relate

bajaloco - 9-30-2004 at 10:38 AM

We also like to fish triggers. We were down on the east cape in july, fishing triggers and pompano from kayaks. It was a total catch and release day on light tackle using frozen squid. All of the sudden, all the baitfish in close to us are going nuts. Then my wife hooks up on a Dorado. She is having a great time and I paddle over to her to assist. In the excitement, I didn't reel in my line, and as I reach her I get hit so hard and fast that all I see is my rod shooting off the bow like a rocket. Oh well... Anyway, she dies laughing at me, lands the dorado, and drops it in my kayak for me to un-hook. I get the fish loose and it bites me on the knee...Lost my rod, reel, fish, and a little flesh. It was a great day...

When fish fight back

jrbaja - 9-30-2004 at 12:17 PM
