
What stinking potholes???

bajalou - 10-1-2004 at 10:40 AM

I just made another round trip to the old country and was astonished - someone stole the potholes I last reported near the south end of the Sierra Pinta's on Mex 5!!!
For you pothole lovers, you'll really have to search to find one - and the rest of the drivers will be really happy. Of course, this condition might not last very long, so enjoy it while you can.


#1 - 10-1-2004 at 01:04 PM

The potholes were dug up and sold to tourists as souveniers. :lol:


Bruce R Leech - 10-19-2004 at 05:07 PM

the rode between Santa Roselia and Mulege is rough and has potholes. thay repair Them every day but the trucks pond tham out agin in about a week.

Bruce R Leech Mulege Baja