

vacaenbaja - 1-3-2013 at 09:44 PM

Okay I was doing some New Years cleaning and came across
a box that had some stuff from a 1996 Baja Trip to a popular
surf spot.
One of the items was the recipe for the fish batter.
Mind you when it was given it was for a commercial portion
as that was they way they prepared it. You will have to tweak
the amounts to make a smaller batch.When it came down to
the Mustard,salt ,pepper and oregano no quantity was given.
I suppose that you can google up similar recipes for a guide on
what amounts to use in a smaller batch.

1 can of Coca Cola

1/2 can of beer

1 bottle of mineral water

1 Kilo of flour

1 cup of blended garlic

Mustard, Salt, Pepper, and Oregano

Play with it and see how it turns out.