
Siamese twins gray whales born in Ojo de Liebre

shari - 1-18-2014 at 10:27 AM

You have probably heard by now of the conjoined or siamese twin gray whales that were born in Ojo de Liebre (Scammon's Lagoon) on Jan 5th. They did not survive but were removed from the lagoon and put into a freezer to be studied are some photos of the operation.

Here is the story for you.

If anyone is in the barrio of Gn on tuesday & wednesday, we will be at the lagoon...looking forward to seeing more new babies!

windgrrl - 1-18-2014 at 11:07 AM

Strange and beautiful. I hope their bodies are returned to the sea when studies are done.

It Just Breaks My Heart

Gypsy Jan - 1-18-2014 at 01:17 PM

That they didn't survive, but that is the way of nature.