
Rain in Ocenaside

bajalou - 12-5-2004 at 05:48 PM

For a lot of us Bajaites, rain in Oceanside is good news as David K isn't able to tend the sprinklers and has time to post more of his great pictures and stories and remind us of the wonders of Baja

Keep it up David


David K - 12-5-2004 at 06:42 PM

El Rosario Sidetrips 11/04

I was working on the El Rosario page some more and enjoying the Charger game!

I am taking requests! I just hope it is warm and dry in two weeks when Baja Ken and his group of Jeep Rubicons try and follow Neal Johns (in a Toyota) up 'basketball hill' and see the 1942 pole line road (that went from Ensenada to San Felipe).

[Edited on 12-6-2004 by David K]