
Wild puppies at KM 67 Playa Los Cerritos

RandyMacSC/SO - 12-22-2004 at 01:23 AM

A number of months back I posted a story about a wild dog that kept sleeping at the foot of my motorhome door when I was camped at km 67 Playa Los Cerritos during February 2003. Of course, I was feeding the wild mama dog, so why not camp outside the restaurant door at my place. Room service at it's best.

Anyways, I finally found the one photo that I have of her puppies and thought I'd post it.

I could not get too close to her puppies for a few weeks, and then finally mama allowed me to get close to her little ball of treasures.

This photo was taken just before I went hiking in the Sierra De Lagunas. When I returned 7 days later my digital camera was all but toast (dropped wile hiking), so I couldn't take any real close up photos of mama and her puppies before they were adopted by people from San Fran area.

I tried to get up close to the puppies on a number of occasions but each time they would run and hide in the thick green bushes making photos near impossible.


[Edited on 12-22-2004 by RandyMac]