
Weather in BOLA mid-February?

BigLou - 12-23-2004 at 06:27 PM

Anyone know what kind of weather I can expect in BOLA in mid-February? Too cold to fish? What kind of fish? Advice? Traveling in a VW Camper. Thanks. won't need AC

capt. mike - 12-24-2004 at 08:35 AM

that's for sure!

you WILL need a wind break at times though!!:o

bajabum - 12-24-2004 at 09:31 AM

There are always big moss back yellows, Cabrilla, grouper, trigger fish, and misc bottom dwellers around in BOLA. Just expect to do more fishing than catching at that time of year and pay attention to the winds, you usually have to get out and back in early.

Work the deep water by the gravel bar on the back side of Smith with Iron or live bait (if you can find any). Hit the points and other structure with krocs & plastic swim baits. The action will probably be in the bottom 1/3 of the water column.

Best bet is probably Isla LaGuardia. If the wind allows try El Rincon.

Find Rubin Dagget at Campo Dagett if you need a current fish report or a panga to rent...hes the best!

Make sure you use plenty of hops juice as it is nearly impossible to catch fish in Baja without it!

Feliz Navidad!

bahiamia - 12-24-2004 at 11:29 AM

Weather still chilly in February, and the winds are definitely a factor and something to consider. I would not want to be out in the channel between "The Big Island", (Isla Angel de la Guardia) and Bahia's shore when the North winds are blowing.

It gets downright nasty out there. Same thing when you've been fishing down towards Animas and try to head back to Bahia and the winds have already picked up.

There will be some nice days, though and you can always find some fish around the near islands. But it would have to be an exceptional day before I would head out La Guardia in winter.


fishinrich - 12-24-2004 at 03:01 PM

Big lou---I spent the entire month of february last year in bola. The wind blew 90% of the time. For the whole month I only got to where the big yellows were 4 or 5 times. The rest was fishing around the small islands in the bay. I do not think I ever was on the water after 10am due to the wind. Us locals that stay at daggett's bring tarps and wrap the cabana's to block out the wind. As long as the sun is shining it is nice but no sun means cold. It rained 2 or 3 time during the month. The only thing that kept me there were the yellowtail because when I could get them the gettin was great. fishin rich