
How about Baja BooHoos on the byways?

vgabndo - 12-30-2004 at 12:01 AM

This spot will be recognizable to many. Unforgettable to the trailero!

Familar's Another Baja BooHoo!

Pompano - 12-30-2004 at 06:52 AM

Vgabndo, I am indeed familiar with the scene. I drive those curves every day. There are 72 between my house in the Bay and Mulege..all dangerous to careless drivers. There have been dozens of wrecks in that area since the road opened..and lots of fatalities. The worst scare comes when you meet that most dangerous of all travelers...the Baja Road Bicyclers..oblivious to the lives the endanger.

Here's another Baja Road danger and definetely a 'BajaBooHoo'. A winding snake of over 100 Airstreamers headed down the Baja Highway in 1974-75. They were the first of many to come. Traveling slowly down the middle of the road (lots of potholes back then, too) they were VERY dangerous to pass and would hold traffic up for hours. We quickly learned to store up supplies when told of an approching a horde of locusts, they gobbled up all the gas, diesel, & groceries. I snapped this photo next to La Posada in Conception Bay. Not too far from where your 'trailero' photo was taken.


Capt. George - 12-30-2004 at 08:31 AM

Deborah and I got our first taste of it last year.....A Norte Americano heading at us, we were northbound....bay to our right, no where to go but DOWN. Had his trailer mirror completely extended (no trailer, DUH). Deborah literally had her head out the window hanging over the cliff, no mas, no mas!! This beauty had his driver side tire on the line...yep, smash, mirror to mirror....lucky my window was closed and took the hit, window exploded. We stopped at Santispac just up the road and waited....nada...I now drive with my drivers side mirror in, who's coming at you?????

Last week heading south from Vizcaino, at night, I flashed a semi to let him know my dims were on (very bright dims, F-350). He decided to put his left signal on and head into our lane, my passenger wheel was over the edge, don't know how we didn't roll....I know it was intentional. Be careful out there, this ain't the states..............Vikingo


Capt. George - 12-30-2004 at 08:32 AM

Never got a clear answer on Dusky...

a simple yes or no......

adios. George

woody with a view - 12-30-2004 at 09:24 PM

we have a term for those moments when a bus is coming up behind going 90 mph and up ahead is an 18 wheeler coming at you. you don't know whether to hit the brakes so the bus can pass before impacting the cow pusher on the truck or just hold on and let fate roll your dice. it is at that precise moment in time when someone, usually a passenger (the driver is to engrossed in morbid mental fantasies to think of anything else!) yells out, "MEXICAN ORGASM!!!":lol::o:lol::o