
Mulege in Oct.

Joelt - 8-31-2003 at 02:08 PM

I'll be heading to the mulege area in the begining of oct. and would like to know what we may catch at that time of year. I hope that there are still dorado around. Any Info would be appreated. Thanks.

Pescador - 9-3-2003 at 07:42 PM

The dorado will all depend on whether or not the water cools. They are almost totally dependent on water temp. If they have gone south, then you can concentrate on yellowtail and bottom fish. Are you taking your own boat or fishing with an outfitter? There may be some pockets of warm water at that time but they have a tendency to be farther out. Last year we were still catching a few dorado at San Lucas Cove but they had pretty much gone by Oct 10th. We went clear south by La Paz and there were some in but it took a week or so before things really heated up down there.
Watch the reports just before you go and you should be able to get a closer update.

Joelt - 9-10-2003 at 07:39 PM

Thanks Pescador, I hope to try some of the lures I got from you last spring. We are going to go out with an outfitter from Mulege the first day then on a friends boat afterwords. They say that they always get into dorado at that time of year. I hope so. Thanks for your reply.