
New T-Shirt Design especially for those loveable...

RandyMacSC/SO - 1-13-2005 at 04:08 PM

P-nche Gringos.

Got to thinking late last night after reading all the P-nche Gringo debate stuff.

Now that would make a neat T-SHIRT design for my friend JRBaja. Okay, make the T-SHIRT design and send it to him. Forgot to mention that I designed T-Shirt logos when I was 12 to 20 years old. Had my own little T-Shirt design and printing business, and it was a blast.

For JRBaja. I made this T-SHIRT design especially for you, so you are the controller of the design. I am going to print one off for myself and I will definitely be wearing it in the Baja when I come down next season. Sure to get a rise out of those who just don't get the humour of it all.

The image shown below is a small one, and I will send the real I LOVE P-nche GRINGOS T-Shirt design logo to JRBaja so he can get them printed if and whenever he wants.

Of course the text can easily be changed, so the logo text on the design can say anything you want.





[Edited on 1-13-2005 by RandyMac]

[Edited on 1-13-2005 by RandyMac]

[Edited on 1-13-2005 by RandyMac]

Maybe I'm in the wrong line of business....

RandyMacSC/SO - 1-13-2005 at 04:20 PM

Wasn't certain what the reaction would be, but there is obviously a demand, if Hose A wants 2 within a matter of seconds of posting the message and the I Love P-nche Gringos T-Shirt design.

It's more fun making fun designs and printing T-Shirts than managing software engineers and mega projects. I need to rethink my job.

The T-Shirt design and printing business was Less stress, more fun.

Perhaps JRBaja can take some orders and get them printed and then the money it brings in (minus his costs etc.) can generate some funds for his very worthwhile projects in the Baja? Just a thought. His choice.

RandyMac :spingrin:

[Edited on 1-13-2005 by RandyMac]

Here's what the T-Shirt will look like Hose A

RandyMacSC/SO - 1-13-2005 at 04:48 PM

Put in your order with JR. That is if he wants to do this? His choice. I'm just having some fun.

Man, I have got way too much time on my hands lately. This stuff can definitely be a distraction. But relaxing to me.


Perhaps I'll get some printed up...

RandyMacSC/SO - 1-13-2005 at 05:17 PM

Originally posted by Hose A
I will take 2.

Hose A, if you do want a few (2), then perhaps I can get a few printed off on those iron on T-Shirt sheets that come with the photo printers and send them down. I'm back in Canada and packing more stuf to go back to Switzerland, so my time is limited (wouldn't know it from all my recents posts) but I'll do my best.

I'm currently modifying the design for my buddy Big Mo this past few minutes. he's alot like Jr and he hates cheap people, so I'm making him one with I LOVE CHEAP PEOPLE on the design. I'll see if I can get that T-Shirt printer stuff later today. I'm sending 2 to JRBaja but that will be later when I get back to Switzerland next week.

This is just fun for me, so I can't create too many.


[Edited on 1-14-2005 by RandyMac]

Gypsy Jan - 1-13-2005 at 07:56 PM

Ohhh boyyy!

Great fun!

Here's some slogans for you, RMc, and you can supply the images.

"Speak softly and smile", or "You're in another country, A--lh**l"; Use "Por favor" (Please), and "Gracias" (Thank you).

"Talking loud is rude, shut the f*** up."

"Mexico is their country, Pancho Villa did a Rumsfeld on all the rude Americans he met."

or, my favorite,

"If you want to complain to Jose about how fast he gets the margaritas to the table, he wants you to meet his..."