
Truly Inspiring People I've met in Baja California...

RandyMacSC/SO - 1-14-2005 at 03:14 PM

-- One of the Truly Inspiring People I have met in Baja California --

by RandyMac
Special Correspondent
Baja Nomad

You may have met Melissa Crabtree, or have one of her inspiring CDs. You might have met her on a Sea Kayaking adventure near Loreto, or La Paz, or in the Mercado in Mulege. And if you've ever had the chance to listen to her songs you'll be transported immediately to a world of mammoth cliffs and rushing rivers, as her biography describes, and then you'll understand why I think she's a truly inspiring person and adventure nomad of Baja California.

Her distinctive husky alto and heartfelt adventure stories filled with a river of emotions coupled with a pleasingly twangy-style take me back to Bahia Concepcion, to El Requeson on the calm waters and open air, or to km 67 Playa Los Cerritos, especially when I need my fix of Baja California.

Oh how I wish I had just a smidgeon of Melissa's talent and sense of adventure to kayak the Sea of Cortez, if only for a day.

As you'll read from her web-site bio, Melissa has done her thing to make environmental issues front and center through her wonderful music. She's the artist that released her first CD while touring across the country (U.S.A) in a vegetable oil powered van, to protest America?s petroleum addiction.

The ONE-Day I met Melissa on Playa Los Cerritos Baja California Sur, Mexico
I had the pleasure of meeting Melissa in Baja California, at my camp at KM 67 Playa Los Cerritos in January 2001.

I was sitting in my chair taking in the Pacific Ocean breeze one morning and I noticed this person walking on the beach, back towards Los Cerritos. I had seen her earlier that morning heading south towards Cabos San Lucas from the surfer camp area. I noticed she had her arm in a sling when she came back towards Cerritos and thought she could use a coffee or a cold drink, so I motioned for her to come up from the beach and take a rest after her morning walk.

From my brief encounter meeting her, I could tell Melissa?s a nice down to earth person. And she has this real country girl beauty, I must admit. Why do you think I camp away from everyone else? To take in all the wholesome beauty that Baja has to offer. After a nice conversation, she left and came back later in the day to give me a CD that she was working on. She was down recuperating after a shoulder operation, and felt the Baja was the best place to do it.

I've listened to her tunes ever since, when I get the urge for that outdoorsy, on wild side of things type tunes.

After reading her Bio and Outdoor Guide information from her web site, I see she has frequented the Baja over the years from 1992 to 200? mainly as an Instructor for the National Outdoor Leadership School in Mexico.

She's spent each winter, 2 to 4 months each year leading 3-week expeditions in Baja California in the Sea of Cortez area from Mulege to Loreto to La Paz, and also 2-week Magdalena Bay whale watching sessions.


Brief Biography from her website:
Whether singing about the majestic beauty of the Rio Grande River, offering political commentary on environmental issues, or catching her partner in bed with the Maytag repair technician, Crabtree?s enthusiasm and love for the wild side of things sets even the most sedentary soul?s heart on a wondrous journey.

Crabtree has been living her life as an outdoor guide and musician. With the wilderness as both her home and her muse, her songs transport the listener to a world of mammoth cliffs and rushing rivers. Playing live, Crabtree delivers heartfelt stories with her distinctively husky alto and pleasingly twangy guitar-style. She loves playing on the back porch, and brings the same easy-going, down-home style to the stage...

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I sure hope others post of their chance meetings of truly inspiring people that they met in Baja California. Whether an artist, painter, or musician, carpenter, mercado clerc, butcher, taco vendor, guide, waitress, cook, ranchero, or anyone else from the many thousands of diverse backgrounds that were born in, moved to, live part-time, frequent or briefly visit the Baja California peninsula.

That's one of the many things I very much enjoy about my time in Baja California, is having the privilege of meeting truly inspiring people (if only for one day) such as Melissa Crabtree.

MELISSA definitely walks off the beaten path.

Special Correspondent
Baja Nomad
(Special! still can't believe that)

[Edited on 1-14-2005 by RandyMac]

[Edited on 1-14-2005 by RandyMac]

Please post your Truly Inspiring Baja related people stories...

RandyMacSC/SO - 1-14-2005 at 03:24 PM

And please if I might ask, keep this as a message thread related to inspiring stories of people you have met in the Baja. There are thousands of other people and visitors that enjoy Baja related stories and don't want to digress into banter and babble.

I am trying to turn over a new leaf and post stories that matter, and inspire people to visit Baja California for all it's beauty. The Baja is not about me, or a select few people, it's about a community of people from all walks of life, from many nations and diverse backgrounds that enjoy each other's company if only for a brief moment, a day or two, or a lifetime. Yes, it truly is one of the world's most beautiful places.

Thanks a bunch in advance, :biggrin:


[Edited on 1-14-2005 by RandyMac]