
Ringing Ear

RenoJoe - 5-28-2016 at 01:48 PM

Is there a medication available in Baja for relief of ringing ear?

bajabuddha - 5-28-2016 at 01:55 PM

YES! A mariachi band or Quinceńera.... take with 3 Pacificos. However, it only lasts until the music wears off.

Seriously, I should mention if you do have Tiinnitus there ain't any meds for it... but there are a few things one can do for it, such as having soft background noise like easy music or tv on to help distract the constant ringing. Key is, SOFT sounds. Also there are other mitigating factors like your blood pressure that make a world of difference.... best see an Ear Doc sometime.

[Edited on 5-28-2016 by bajabuddha]

pauldavidmena - 5-28-2016 at 02:18 PM

I've got a fairly bothersome case of tinnitus as a result of listening to too much loud live music over the years. According to The Lancet medical journal, there is no effective medication for it, although there are some treatment options. I usually try to block it out, although there are times when it keeps me awake at night. I guess I'm reaping the dividends of the folly of my youth.

weebray - 5-28-2016 at 03:59 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RenoJoe  
Is there a medication available in Baja for relief of ringing ear?

No meds in Baja California or anywhere else in the world for that matter.

Bob and Susan - 5-28-2016 at 04:33 PM

maybe you should go the could be as simple as a good ear cleaning (earwax)

doctors know

alacran - 5-28-2016 at 07:20 PM

I had this problem when in basic training in the army, at night, came too close to an ammo pit, I had Tinnitus, could not sleep, got addicted to sleeping pills, went to Walter Reed hospital, no cure.
Was offered a medical discharge fom the army .
Did not accept it, still sometimes I get the ringing in the ears, not bad anymore.That was 40 yrs. ago.
In that time we did not sue.

MMc - 5-28-2016 at 07:32 PM

White noise helps, low background noise. At night I listen to George Noory on coast to coast cause I get bored and nod off quick. During the day any background sounds helps.

BajaBlanca - 5-28-2016 at 08:42 PM

We had a guest once who had ringing in the ear and he had a fan going all night which he said worked.

I wish you luck with finding something that works well for you, I imagine the irritation must be awful.

Barry A. - 5-28-2016 at 10:12 PM

I have it almost constantly, but I only realize it consciously when somebody else mentions having it. Thanks a lot. (-: Most of the time I just ignore it.

Good luck-------it is annoying.

BigWooo - 5-29-2016 at 04:19 AM

Working around loud equipment most of my life, I have it pretty bad. I've tried most everything that claims to "cure" it. Nothing works. The best cure is to live in Baja on the beach where the sound of the surf drowns it out...or like mentioned earlier, put a fan on in the room where you sleep.

Osprey - 5-29-2016 at 05:40 AM

I hear a dog barking AND bells ringing = rintintinitis maybe.

pauldavidmena - 5-29-2016 at 07:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Osprey  
I hear a dog barking AND bells ringing = rintintinitis maybe.

When my dog barks in my ear I develop Titotinnitus.


RenoJoe - 5-29-2016 at 08:52 AM

I've tried the V.A. Twice cleaning and pills. No help so far.

TMW - 5-29-2016 at 09:36 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
I have it almost constantly, but I only realize it consciously when somebody else mentions having it. Thanks a lot. (-: Most of the time I just ignore it.

Good luck-------it is annoying.

Same here Barry. I've had it since crashing hard on my motorcycle in 92. It doesn't really bother me. Sometimes it loud and sometimes not sometimes I don't think about it. It gets louder when I grit my teeth.

durrelllrobert - 5-29-2016 at 10:46 AM

A warm tounge has alway worked for me. Takes my mind off of it for the next couple of minutes :?:

vandenberg - 5-29-2016 at 11:48 AM


My tounge doesn't reach that far:biggrin::biggrin:

[Edited on 5-29-2016 by vandenberg]

surfhat - 5-29-2016 at 01:21 PM

The sound of the ocean is the best therapy, as we all already know. No meds needed. No negative side effects. It couldn't be a simpler remedy.

If you can't hear it directly, supplement your environment with a water feature. Try it . You will like it. Mikey would like it. One would have to have a memory to relate to that last reference, but the truth remains. Water features, wherever they are, in whatever form they take, are transforming in their nature.

Thanks to all here. Give thanks to our vets over this memorial holiday in their honor.

pauldavidmena - 5-29-2016 at 03:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by surfhat  
The sound of the ocean is the best therapy, as we all already know. No meds needed. No negative side effects. It couldn't be a simpler remedy.

I'm with you on this. I need to start asking my doctor for more than a week's supply each year.

bajabuddha - 5-29-2016 at 03:19 PM

They're making some pretty kewl indoor fountains these days; may just have to go shoppin' for one soon...... too bad I can't fly-cast in the house.

Kencito - 5-30-2016 at 11:40 AM

The University of California at San Francisco offers tinitus treatment of various types though none are considered "cures". They use neuromonics
to desensitize people to the tinitus sound among other therapies that can help.
The first time I realized I had tinitus I was in Baja listening to the quiet and I kept hearing the shhshhshh sound. At least I knew it wasn't being caused by stress in my case.

willardguy - 5-30-2016 at 11:59 AM

im guessing earplugs make it doubly worse?

KurtG - 5-30-2016 at 12:29 PM

The ringing in my ears seems to have been blood pressure related. Since losing 85#'s with an accompanying drop in blood pressure it has improved dramatically. Very minor now. Just one of many benefits.

AKgringo - 5-30-2016 at 12:52 PM

I just checked my blood pressure (115/74) and my ears are ringing so loud I'm surprised my dog doesn't notice it! I know, it doesn't work like that, but it is damned annoying sometimes, and my left ear is worse than the right.

I can't hear crickets anymore,because that is one of the frequencies that is masked, or missing to my damaged ears.

bajabuddha - 5-30-2016 at 01:01 PM

This is where a visit to a specialist is a good thing; BP can be a mitigating factor, but so can many other things. It can be neurological damage as well as physiological pressure. If it does boil down to Tinnitus, face it, we're S.O.L. and have to find ways to live with it ('white-noise', soft background sounds, etc.). Earplugs would be putting gasoline on the fire. Only thing worse would be an endless loop of Tiny Tim and his ukulele.......:no:

SFandH - 5-30-2016 at 02:40 PM

Lots of drugs cause tinnitus, so I've heard.........................;)

Prescription drugs of course. Google it, webMD or some such website.

A simple aspirin everyday sometimes causes it.

[Edited on 5-30-2016 by SFandH]

pauldavidmena - 5-30-2016 at 02:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by willardguy  
im guessing earplugs make it doubly worse?

Headphones without sound do seem to amplify the ringing for me. I'm not sure if that's physical or psychological, but that's my perception (and therefore my reality).

movinguy - 5-31-2016 at 02:34 PM

As others have said, no effective treatment but many ways to try and manage it. Had a brain tumor (acoustic neuroma) removed a few years ago which left me deaf in one ear along with raging tinnitus 24/7. One can (must, in fact) learn to ignore it but in stressful situations it can drive you batty . . .

joerover - 6-2-2016 at 08:48 AM

the fat lady works for these people

55steve - 6-2-2016 at 10:20 AM

I'm currently going through aggressive treatment for hearing loss & tinnitus. It is a painful procedure that involves inserting a needle through the eardrum and injecting steroids - I have done one treatment and have 2 more to go.

AKgringo - 6-2-2016 at 10:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by 55steve  
I'm currently going through aggressive treatment for hearing loss & tinnitus. It is a painful procedure that involves inserting a needle through the eardrum and injecting steroids - I have done one treatment and have 2 more to go.

Interesting, I was not aware of such a procedure! I think it would be of great service to more than a few Nomads, if you would report on your progress.

It certainly didn't come up with the VA doctors that that have checked my hearing loss. I served in Armor, Infantry, and Artillery, and ear plugs were never available.

55steve - 6-2-2016 at 01:33 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Quote: Originally posted by 55steve  
I'm currently going through aggressive treatment for hearing loss & tinnitus. It is a painful procedure that involves inserting a needle through the eardrum and injecting steroids - I have done one treatment and have 2 more to go.

Interesting, I was not aware of such a procedure! I think it would be of great service to more than a few Nomads, if you would report on your progress.

It certainly didn't come up with the VA doctors that that have checked my hearing loss. I served in Armor, Infantry, and Artillery, and ear plugs were never available.

I noticed an improvement after the first injection - I'll post up progress after the next 2 procedures.

My hearing went bad on my right side after a severe bout with shingles - my overall hearing was at 60% loss - after 2 months of oral steroids (prednisone) it had improved to 35% loss and my weight went from 210 to 225. This new procedure won't pack on any lbs as it's "targeted" therapy.

SFandH - 6-2-2016 at 04:21 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 55steve  

My hearing went bad on my right side after a severe bout with shingles


I've seen some gnarly commercials about shingles produced by a company claiming to have some kind of preventative medication. I'm planning on asking my doc about it at my next physical but I thought I'd see if you have an opinion. ???

bajabuddha - 6-2-2016 at 04:33 PM

Dos Centavos worth? The steroidal injections sound like treatment for a viral infection from Shingles, which is a herpes virus. As mentioned several times, different things cause Tinnitus... I think the majority is shock-damage (artillery, concerts/ Stratocasters, target shooting hobbies) and then we have infections, misc. trauma, hypertension, the list can go on. A GOOD specialist (VA is low on my list) will sort things out.

55Steve, please keep us all posted; I'll bet half the BN's have a ranging stake in this.

SF and Handsome, ask your Doc on your next physical for a consultation with a SPECIALIST to diagnose. Companies 'claim' to have some kind of preventative medication, including a few political parties in today's society; doesn't mean they ain't QUACKS. Buena Suerte.

SFandH - 6-2-2016 at 04:57 PM

Naw, I don't have shingles, I just don't want to deal with it. Terry Bradshaw has me spooked. Political parties? I think Trump has shingles of the brain.

55steve - 6-2-2016 at 05:12 PM

Two docs saw my shingles and stated that it was the worst case they've ever seen. It was from the back of my head totally around my right ear and down along my jowl. It was extremely painful and I spent the better part of 6 weeks on a heavy dose of hydrocodone every 6 hours. I honestly didn't think I was going to get better. The specific virus is herpes zoster which is introduced when you get chickenpox.

I've heard the "inoculation" that is available is only 50% effective and probably isn't covered by insurance. The cost is around $200.

I am definitely on the mend at the 2 month point but it will be a while before all is well again.

SFandH - 6-2-2016 at 05:15 PM

Thanks for the reply. I know it's horrible stuff. I'll ask the doc but right now I think it's worth $200 for 50% protection. Insurance in a way.

AKgringo - 6-2-2016 at 05:24 PM

Since I was a candidate for future shingles complications, I asked for the vaccination and got it through the VA. As far as I know, I was charged just a normal co-pay, around eight dollars. It wasn't mentioned in any annual check-ups, I had to ask for it.

Edit; It is a live culture that was kept refrigerated, so you may need to plan ahead for it to be available.

[Edited on 6-3-2016 by AKgringo]

KurtG - 6-2-2016 at 05:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AKgringo  
Since I was a candidate for future shingles complications, I asked for the vaccination and got it through the VA. As far as I know, I was charged just a normal co-pay, around eight dollars. It wasn't mentioned in any annual check-ups, I had to ask for it.

Edit; It is a live culture that was kept refrigerated, so you may need to plan ahead for it to be available.

[Edited on 6-3-2016 by AKgringo]

My VA Dr. urged me to get the shingles vaccination a couple of years ago and I did so. It did require an advance appointment because of the need for fresh refrigerated serum. I was warned about some side effects but didn't have any.

Barry A. - 6-2-2016 at 09:59 PM

Shingles------------I got the shot about 5 years ago. My insurance paid 100% of the cost. (Medicare and Blue Cross)

I had shingles about 20 years ago---------WORST thing I EVER went thru, and my case was a "light one" only lasting about a month.

Get the shots!!!

vandenberg - 6-3-2016 at 08:14 AM

I had shingles when I was just a teen. Mainly around my waist area. Nothing to fool with and painful.
However the ridiculous statement made on Bradshaw]s commercial that one in three people gets shingles in their lifetime is ludicrous.
I have been in the bar business all my life and can count the number of people I have known with it on the fingers of one hand.

SFandH - 6-3-2016 at 08:58 AM

Here's what the Harvard Medical School says:

I'm going to get the vaccine.

55steve - 6-3-2016 at 10:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by SFandH  
Here's what the Harvard Medical School says:

I'm going to get the vaccine.

Great info!

55steve - 6-8-2016 at 12:20 AM

I got my 2nd of 3 steroid injections through my eardrum today - again, very painful but seems to be helping. The good news is that the needle hole from last week was not detected.

bajabuddha - 6-8-2016 at 01:09 AM

55steve, thanks for the motivation. I get my shingles vaccination tomorrow afternoon.

Far's Tinnitus is concerned, again there's so many different causes and reasons for it. I'm gonna take the risk and maybe cross one off my list; got enough of it already. Good luck on your journey, and thanks for the feedback; keep it coming. Steroids, like Cortisone are just plain weird; they don't really know how they work or why they work, but sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't and sometimes they make matters worse. Again, good on ya.

movinguy - 6-8-2016 at 09:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 55steve  
I got my 2nd of 3 steroid injections through my eardrum today - again, very painful but seems to be helping. The good news is that the needle hole from last week was not detected.

55steve - hope it works for you. I had the injections - helped temporarily , but when my hearing started to fade again my doctor ordered an MRI and they found the neuroma (tumor).

Might want to discuss with your doctor . . .


55steve - 6-8-2016 at 10:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by movinguy  
Quote: Originally posted by 55steve  
I got my 2nd of 3 steroid injections through my eardrum today - again, very painful but seems to be helping. The good news is that the needle hole from last week was not detected.

55steve - hope it works for you. I had the injections - helped temporarily , but when my hearing started to fade again my doctor ordered an MRI and they found the neuroma (tumor).

Might want to discuss with your doctor . . .


Yeah, an MRI is in the plan if this doesn't work. What did you do about the tumor? Please send me a message if you don't want to discuss it in this forum

[Edited on 6-9-2016 by 55steve]

movinguy - 6-9-2016 at 09:45 AM

Steve - check U2U

vacaenbaja - 4-10-2019 at 01:46 PM

Well for what it worth not first hand info. My aunt has had this maddening malady for years and had to just live with it after seeing countless doctor for relief. I was recently informed that she has found relief taking the herb MORINGA. Now Google that up and you will find that it is credited for curing more things than snake oil. But according to my aunt it worked for her. You will also see that different parts of the plant are good for different things. Most citations say stay away from the root as it is toxic. good luck let us know if you try it and it works

LancairDriver - 4-10-2019 at 03:51 PM

Some ambulance chasers have found that some company sold ear protection to the military over the years that wasn’t quite up to specs. They are flooding the airwaves looking for some old vets who can’t hear so well and could use a few extra bucks to join the lawsuit.

Quote: Originally posted by alacran  
I had this problem when in basic training in the army, at night, came too close to an ammo pit, I had Tinnitus, could not sleep, got addicted to sleeping pills, went to Walter Reed hospital, no cure.
Was offered a medical discharge fom the army .
Did not accept it, still sometimes I get the ringing in the ears, not bad anymore.That was 40 yrs. ago.
In that time we did not sue.