
Gonzaga Road

Tim - 2-1-2005 at 04:21 PM

Just got back from 5 days in Baja. One the way north of Gonzaga Bay we ran into two groups of surveyors. We talked to one who told us the road would be paved soon with completion scheduled within the next 3 years.


Mike Humfreville - 2-1-2005 at 04:36 PM

Have you read the report that Fox's wife is buying up Alfonsinas and areas around San Francisquito. While remaining unsubtianted, they certinly have weight.

Maybe that's why they're paving the road???

Hope all is well with you. We'll be building a place in Bahia de Los Angeles soon. Come and visit us!

Bruce R Leech - 2-1-2005 at 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Mike Humfreville
Have you read the report that Fox's wife is buying up Alfonsinas and areas around San Francisquito. While remaining unsubtianted, they certinly have weight.

Maybe that's why they're paving the road???

Hope all is well with you. We'll be building a place in Bahia de Los Angeles soon. Come and visit us!

Mike can you please tell us where you got these reports? I'm very interested in this. thanks

bufeo - 2-1-2005 at 04:50 PM


Just where did you see these surveyors?

Tim - 2-1-2005 at 04:56 PM

Hi Mike,

New place in Bay of LA? That sounds awesome. I know you and MA love it down there.

I did read the post about Fox's wife but didn't hear any of that news from Antonio at Gonzaga.


The 1st set of surveyors were about 1/2 mile north of the Checkpoint near Gonzaga. The 2nd set were approx. 15 miles further north. The 1st set were the ones I talked to. The guy said they were definitely paving and that it would start "soon". He also said that the paving was scheduled to be completed in 3 years.

I know there have been rumors of paving for years but the fact that there are finally surveyors out there makes it seem that it'll be sooner rather than later.

i'll be there Wednesday

yankeeirishman - 2-1-2005 at 05:52 PM

Was the gas station open?

hi yankeeirishman

Tim - 2-1-2005 at 05:59 PM

Yes, gas station is open. There is a man in a red pickup who appears to be living there. He has a trailer behind the station. He even has a dog and a clothesline to hang up laundry.

We bought gas and I think it was around 6 or 7 pesos per liter? Can't remember exactly but I do know it was cheaper than we thought it would be.

TMW - 2-1-2005 at 06:13 PM

If they have to pave it I hope they put more than a 1/4 inch of asphalt on it. On the other hand if that's all they do put on it in a year or less nobody but true lovers of Baja will be there.

bajalou - 2-1-2005 at 06:19 PM

The Pemex price should be the same price as in TJ, Mexicali or San Felipe


oh thanks

yankeeirishman - 2-1-2005 at 06:52 PM

.Txs 4 that info on the gas. You know...I hope they do not pave that road. I was hoping that Punta Final be lost to development since we are looking at a lot there too.

bufeo - 2-1-2005 at 09:48 PM

Thanks for the reply.

tim40 - 2-1-2005 at 11:03 PM

The road is a done deal and taking odds on it. I would personally love to buy Alfonsinias...if anyone has leads let me know.

Gonzaga last June

MexicoTed - 2-1-2005 at 11:04 PM

I was in Gonzaga last June and we left via the Puertecitos road. On the way up we stopped for a swim (about 10 miles north from Bufeo) and when we came out three vans pulled up from Century 21.

We spoke to them and most were from california. They told us the raod would be done within four years and that some big tracks of land were being bought up for El Dorado Ranch-type developments.

At the time, I thought 'yeah, I've heard that for years and years', but maybe it was true now.

tim40 - 2-1-2005 at 11:27 PM

Absolutely is and this time for the correct reasons unstoppable reasons....demand and need.

osoflojo - 2-2-2005 at 03:13 PM

I read a posting this morning on the Baja Bush Pilots site linking the Fox aqusition of the property in question to the paving of the road. I did not know that it was as far along as it sounds.

baja Steve - 2-2-2005 at 06:30 PM

Bruce, I just came through there today and also talked to the same people and they told us the same and the money was already set aside for the project.

let me add to this

yankeeirishman - 2-3-2005 at 10:17 AM

Here's a paragraph from a letter I got a few months ago.....
"I bought this Punta Final property in 1989 with a partner. Five years later, he moved to the East Coast and I bought him out; I was retired by then.
In early November, government surveyors were seen surveying the highway south of Puertocitos. This may indicate that the long-speculated paving of Hwy 5 from San Felipe to Hwy 1 may be becoming a reality. This should increase property values south of Puertocitos just as values shot up when the road from Mexicali to San Felipe was paved".

Punta Final

VDAWG - 2-3-2005 at 12:35 PM

I am heading for PF tomorrow, I will ask Antonio at Alfonsina's if he knows of anything.
I'll report when I return.

yankeeirishman - 2-3-2005 at 06:17 PM

hey...tell him to check his hotmaill account! I am trying to get a booking on next thursday!

David K - 2-3-2005 at 07:03 PM

I am not sure why all this new surveying is being done, since the new road is already there... just not paved.

The original 'new highway' surveying between San Felipe and Laguna Chapala was done just before April, 1974... That is when I saw the white painted rocks in a cross, every so often. Luis (of Nuevo Mazatlan) showed me the one behind his house a few hundred feet away. He was so jazzed about the paving coming soon! It never came... while he was at Nuevo Mazatlan.

Well, it wasn't until 1982 (8 years later) that the new road was built between San Felipe and Puertecitos... Then about 10 more years before they started paving it (painting the dirt black, as it was so thin). The portion from San Felipe to Nuevo Mazatlan was re-paved about five years ago.

The Puertecitos to Gonzaga new highway was built in 1986, and it went on to meet the Laguna Chapala to Puerto Calamajue road (built about 1983) at a point we know today as 'Coco's Corner'.

Seems to me they would just have to lay a fresh base over this 'newer' graded road, and pave the thing. Why the re-surveying???

[Edited on 2-4-2005 by David K]

Bob H - 2-3-2005 at 07:15 PM

Surveying could be for the infrastructure and for future development.... ugh!:(