
Last call for transport

yankeeirishman - 2-2-2005 at 08:49 AM

If you live as far as Punta Final, I be happy to transport items of need, for free. Have room for several large boxes. LMK within 24 hours.

[Edited on 2-2-2005 by yankeeirishman]

Braulio - 2-2-2005 at 09:36 AM

Yankee -

I have a big bag full a softballs - there must be close to a hundred that I've been meaning to transport down south but haven't had room. It measures about 1.5x1.5x3 feet or so. Maybe a little less.

If there are any nomads on your route who could find homes you're welcome to them.

I also have a bag full of baseball mits - but the mits are for hardballs - probably for ages 8-12 or so.

I'm out in Fair Oaks.

when where and who

yankeeirishman - 2-2-2005 at 11:00 AM

No problem. I need a address where to pick up. A address where to drop off. Time to pick up in Fair Oaks (BTW I used to live at 4545 New York Ave). Email me with this info to: my landscaping business email site. You need to do this today, so I can pu by Thursday.

bajalou - 2-2-2005 at 11:02 AM

If you pass any BofA's or WaMu's that are handing out samples, bring some along.



yankeeirishman - 2-2-2005 at 11:05 AM

Sounds like Braulio is donating these items to BajaNomads to hand out to any needed kids in their area. Anyone want a drop off? If so, please email with an address to see you. Correct me if I am wrong Braulio.
Originally posted by Braulio
Yankee -

I have a big bag full a softballs - there must be close to a hundred that I've been meaning to transport down south but haven't had room. It measures about 1.5x1.5x3 feet or so. Maybe a little less.

If there are any nomads on your route who could find homes you're welcome to them.

I also have a bag full of baseball mits - but the mits are for hardballs - probably for ages 8-12 or so.

I'm out in Fair Oaks.

[Edited on 2-2-2005 by yankeeirishman]

[Edited on 2-2-2005 by yankeeirishman]

Braulio - 2-2-2005 at 11:14 AM

Yeah - you got it Yankee.

We'll touch base here in Sacto today - but what you need now is a place that can use them.

Thanks man.