
Loreto Aereocalif

synch - 2-7-2005 at 04:08 PM

Rapid decomp

Bruce R Leech - 2-7-2005 at 05:54 PM

is there a story that goes with that picture?

air panes

msawin - 2-7-2005 at 08:31 PM

My fishing buddy and I were bass fishing up out of Los Mochis a few years back, just two months after the Air Alaska plane that took a nose dive out of LAX coming home from Cabo. We had taken out of Los Mochis heading north when our Areo Calif. flight hung a lefty to Baja. We no more than got going and, The plane would not presurize the fuslage... No biggie. Spent four hours in La Paz for the fix and then home.. The following week on the news, usa news building up all flight problems, brought a story of an american flight that could not stabilize air pressure..... don't fly in -em..


Worldtraveller - 2-7-2005 at 10:39 PM


When & where did this decompression happen? What caused it?

Tucker - 2-8-2005 at 07:38 AM