
Just another day in TJ

aguachico - 5-8-2017 at 06:59 AM

Living in TJ I see many cars in various states of failure. I'm never much in a hurry while I'm there, so I tend to lend a hand when possible. Having a big diesel, long jumper cables and a tow rope helps quite a bit.

Yesterday, in the rain, I noticed a guy pushing his car UPHILL over a bridge while his wife was behind the wheel, kids in the back. The guy had just given up as it was impossible to get it to the crest. Since this was a bridge, on Via Rapida, there are only 3 traffic lanes and he was in the far right... truck lane - no emergency shoulder.

I pulled about 50 yards ahead and prepped my tow rope. Backed to him. Hooked him up and towed him to the pemex that was a mile or so away.

Feels good helping people that are trying to help themselves. Feels even better nailing the tow right next to the gas pump.

elgatoloco - 5-8-2017 at 07:16 AM


Udo - 5-8-2017 at 07:25 AM

In Ensenada, this happens a lot. I too carry a tow rope to help out.
But in some of my instances, the driver did not have enough cash for gas, so I help him there also.

BajaBlanca - 5-8-2017 at 07:34 AM

awwwwwwwwwwwwww great thread!

BajaMama - 5-8-2017 at 03:28 PM

Our fav save in Baja were the fish camp guys in PC, their panga got sideways on shore in high surf and the 250 diesel did the job.