
So happy ! check out the grades!

BajaBlanca - 6-12-2017 at 10:27 AM

We worked together for a whole year and it paid off!! Two of the scholarship candidates showed up yesterday at the house with news.

"We have good news and we have bad news"

Hit me with it all, I answered.


The bad news is that we have to leave tomorrow for La Paz.

I am ecstatic - these two worked very hard, they were both the very first to arrive at the English/mentoring classes every day.

Ramiro will become an architect and Javier will become a Civil Engineer.

and this, my friends, is how I feel :

[Edited on 6-15-2017 by BajaBlanca]

DawnPatrol - 6-12-2017 at 12:27 PM

wow you must be one proud educator. Their parents must also be very proud. Congrats to all!

woody with a view - 6-12-2017 at 12:28 PM


Barry A. - 6-12-2017 at 12:29 PM

Fantastic, Blanca. Well done!!! Good news is ALWAYS so welcome these days.

JZ - 6-12-2017 at 02:12 PM

Great for them!

SFandH - 6-12-2017 at 03:52 PM

Pretty cool Blanca. Good work!

Architect and a civil engineer, two professions that Mexico needs. Anywhere in the world for that matter, but Mexico for sure.

I'm curious, what does a year tuition cost? I just checked, and at San Diego State basic full time tuition for the 9 month academic year is about $7,100.

MMc - 6-12-2017 at 05:01 PM

You are changing lives, good for everybody!

shari - 6-12-2017 at 05:24 PM

happy is as happy does amiga...great work with these wonderful kids!!!

jbcoug - 6-12-2017 at 05:36 PM

Blanca, you just keep the pipeline flowing! Congrats to you all!!!!!!!

BajaBlanca - 6-12-2017 at 06:42 PM

Thanks for the supportive words!

Tuition is $250 dollars or less per year, $125 per semester with two semesters a year, and five years of schooling. Rent food internet transportation runs $200 dollars per month on average. That is 100%.

If anyone is interested in sponsoring:

Ramiro and Javier need $130 each monthly. Rent is free but that would cover food etc. in La Paz. I found tuition sponsors last night!

Cristina, Karime and Adriana don't have acceptance letters yet.

Once accepted=

Cristina will need tuition, she will not have to pay rent. She will major in Oceanography in Ensenada. She is not shown in the photo below.

Karime will need tuition and rent/food/transportation. She will major in Languages in Ensenada and become a translator.

Adriana will need tuition and rent/food/transportation. She will major in Psychology in Ensenada.

Here is a photo of the whole group, left to right is Javier, Karime, Adriana and Ramiro.

Here is the Christmas 2016 party photo with most of the kids in the program (a couple could not make it). Javier in back with a cap. Ramiro towards the right in a maroon sweat jacket. Adriana and Karime to my right.

Bear in mind that these kids had to be on the honor roll every time to qualify. I require excellent monthly evaluations from their teachers in order to qualify. Three students were dropped between August 2015 and Dec. 2016 for not meeting the requirements.


I am still so happy for the two who are on their way to La Paz as I write. This, for me, is what it is all about.


[Edited on 6-13-2017 by BajaBlanca]

TMW - 6-12-2017 at 08:04 PM

Excellent Blanca. You all can be proud.

BajaBlanca - 6-13-2017 at 09:28 AM

So, I now have three tuition sponsors and a possible rent sponsor!

Working on making dreams come true for the kids.

100% of donations goes to them.

Javier's dad stopped by the day before the two boys went to La Paz, he said that when they got the news that their son had been accepted, the whole family cried and danced in the livingroom. One of the best assets these kids have is that their families believe in them and nurture them. That makes my mentoring all the more easier.

Can't wait to hear later on today how the first day of orientation went for them!

David K - 6-13-2017 at 10:08 AM

Good work Blanca!

BajaBlanca - 6-14-2017 at 06:09 PM

They are enjoying La Paz but one of them already is homesick for his other friends.

Does anyone have an anti-homesick pill?

Cliffy - 6-14-2017 at 08:18 PM

Motivation is key, its needed every day.
Very cool Best of wishes for all

amigobaja - 6-14-2017 at 08:31 PM

In the US its daddy's Master card, a puppy and pot.

KurtG - 6-14-2017 at 09:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by amigobaja  
In the US its daddy's Master card, a puppy and pot.

Oh what crap! I know so many outstanding and hard working high school and college kids here in the US. I think these great young people are going to do a better job than we did. I'm not real proud of my generation right now and no, I am not a Boomer. Slightly older than that. I know that there is a long tradition of cranky older folk complaining about the younger generations but I'm calling BS on the above post.

Sorry, Blanca, for the high jack but I couldn't let that pass without comment. You know that I admire your efforts.

fixtrauma - 6-14-2017 at 09:32 PM


BajaBlanca - 6-15-2017 at 03:00 PM

I too know so many outstanding kids working so hard to achieve their dreams in the US! Our educational system is very different from the Mexican system. I am glad that I have had this opportunity to see both up close.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I feel a huge responsibility to my sponsors, I want to help those kids who hopefully will continue to be awesome professionals. Who will continue my legacy long after I am gone.


BajaBlanca - 6-15-2017 at 03:43 PM

I asked the students to send me their latest report cards. Enrique is a sophomore and this is what I just got! He is studying Engineering at the TEC in La Paz. Boy am I proud to help this kid!!!

In the group photo above, Enrique is the second over from the left, in black. He is a sophomore.

[Edited on 6-15-2017 by BajaBlanca]