
Another Pushing the button Thread

Bajazly - 2-8-2018 at 05:35 PM

So as not to hijack Fishbucks discussion, I'll start this one.

So it seems my business landlord wants my space to expand their operation. They don't want me to go away they want to move me to a different part of the shipyard. Not having any interest in moving my equipment, again after moving in 2.5 years ago, I just ignored the request. Fast forward 9 or 10 months to December and they are back with the same request. Jokingly one day I said in a meeting with them, if you want me to move, buy me and there was a little discussion on what they would get and this and that and they left.

The next day the CFO shows up and asked me what I want for my shop, which by the way they are one of my customers, and I didn't really have an answer but said I'll figure it out. After some foot dragging and hemming and hawing I talked to some people smarter than me who came up with a figure I was fairly disgusted with. I figured I had nothing to lose by starting high so I did. The next day the counter offer walked into my office. Being not exactly what I wanted, I figure I could dicker a bit and keep some stuff for myself as my counter offer.

They bit and have bent over backwards and gave me everything I wanted plus more but they are anxious to make the deal happen by the end of the month. I'll work for them for 4 months and at the end of June, I'll be unemployed for the first time in 38 years. The payout will be over 5 to 8 years, whatever I want, for tax purposes so I'm thinking it's time to head to Mexico. I have some property in San Felipe but I haven't built anything on it yet, gotta get on that right away.

I plan on building a shop space first then either a loft type thing on top of it or a house type thing next to it. I get the stairs thing getting older so haven't exactly decided which way I will go there but depending on costs and how much I want to do myself, that will be figured out soon.

So a few questions have popped into my head as far as going concerning getting my stuff there and figured some of you fine folks could shed some light on this for me.

Other than household stuff I have 6 or 7 pieces of machine shop metal working equipment, a small water jet machine as well as a few tons of assorted metal I will bring to have stock to make things with. Not sure what I will do but having a full on shop it is better than not having one.

My question in regards to the machinery is, could that be considered personal stuff that is just coming with me? I'm going to buy a container to put it all in for shipping and I can probably get all my household stuff in there too but maybe not.

That leads to the next question, do you have to have permanent residency there, or at least be in process with it to get the one time exemption to bring personal stuff into the country?

More to come I'm sure.

[Edited on 2-9-2018 by Bajazly]

advrider - 2-8-2018 at 08:10 PM

I dont know the answer to any of your questions but have fun! I might need your talents in SF from time to time, I always brake stuff when down there ridding, good connection to have!

fishbuck - 2-8-2018 at 08:21 PM

Nice. Good job on your deal. I'll be watching your progress... good luck moving forward.
Same here. 1st time no professional job in 39 years.