
Mexicali West import value maximum?

oladulce - 3-17-2018 at 04:37 PM

What is the maximum value of goods you can declare at Mexicali west ( or any non-commercial port).? For example, yrs ago at San Isidro if you had more than $1000 worth of stuff to declare they would make you go to the commercial port Otay Mesa. Can you declare and pay duty on goods over $1000 at Mexicali West?

BajaUtah - 3-17-2018 at 08:47 PM

I've declared $2000 worth of home goods 4 years ago at Mexicali west. Furniture, generator, kitchen stuff. No issue at all. They took one look at my utility trailer packed to the gills, took my list with peso and dollar cost, stamp, stamp, sent me to the bank across the parking lot, stamp, stamp some more and I was down the road.

bajapedro - 3-18-2018 at 07:16 AM

Just crossed at Mexicali last month with several thousand dollars worth new windows and doors for house I'm having built.
Had no receipts. Told them value was $2000. No problem, no issues.
Paid 16% tax with visa, they won't take cash any longer.