
I wonder how long this guy will last in his position?

rts551 - 7-23-2018 at 10:01 AM

rts551 - 7-23-2018 at 10:03 AM

He used to be a denier...

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 10:20 AM

The idea that human produced CO2 causes a rise in global temperatures is a theory that has never been demonstrated with proof to show that human produced CO2 increase causes an increase in temperature either immediately or over long term.

Quite the opposite, in fact, temperature has been shown to precede (lead) CO2 movements by hundreds of years.

Human contribution to CO2 is incredibly small, a tiny portion like %.04, while in the USA we have reduced CO2 contribution greatly every year for more than a decade. This year USA reduced CO2 by 40 million tons.

The greatest contribution to temperature is ... surprise, the Sun, which is 1.3 millions times the size of the earth, and drives our global and solar system temperature and of course growth of plants that produce oxygen to drive our symbiotic relationship. Greater plant life leads greater human life. When Co2 is higher plants grow more successfully. When CO2 % PPM was much higher in the past, there was greater size of animals and increased diversity.

There is identifiable proof that pollution in the form of chemical and plastics production in combination with abusive farming and food production methods is damaging the environment.

IF you have any questions of concern about CO2 consider doing some research into CO2 in the atmosphere. Ask why would someone promote the false narrative that CO2 drives atmospheric temperature, what is their agenda, how do they profit from CO2 controls and carbon credits as a trading scheme, what happened to the predictions of climate catastrophe. What is CO2, where does come from, how is it stored, what role does play in life?

[Edited on 7-23-2018 by gnukid]

rts551 - 7-23-2018 at 10:40 AM

I take it you have not converted like this guy. You whole assumption is there is a false narrative rather than examining the science as Bridenstine was forced to do.

real false narrative " at a climate hearing this week, Republican members of the House Science Committee said that the Earth is not warming (it is), that rocks falling into the ocean are causing sea level rise (they aren’t), and that the Antarctic ice sheet is growing bigger (it’s not)."

[Edited on 7-23-2018 by rts551]

bezzell - 7-23-2018 at 10:41 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
The idea that human produced CO2 causes ...

[Edited on 7-23-2018 by gnukid]

to state that an increase in CO2 directly equals "increased life", and obviously not having a clue re all other variables which would also have to increase etc ... takes a stunning level of ignorance! But deniers are certainly a special breed.

ni modo

rts551 - 7-23-2018 at 10:44 AM

Bridenstine also said he agrees with the international consensus that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and is a major driver of rising temperatures. "We are putting it into the atmosphere in volumes we haven’t seen before," the head of NASA said. "We are responsible for it.”

redmercury - 7-23-2018 at 10:46 AM

Speaking of the Sun. All stars become hotter as they age and burn up their fuel. Our Sun will slowly increase its energy output, which will increase the average temperature of the Earth. In about 1 billion years, all of the water on Earth will have boiled off and the human race will be extinct, billions of years before the Sun goes supernova.

The gradual warming of the Earth is inevitable and human impact on Earth's climate is very insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 10:57 AM

Clearly, there is a level of CO2 % PPM that is dangerous to animal life. Today CO2 varies at about 400 PPM around earth and largely driven by non-anthropogenic sources such as volcanoes. In a closed meeting room, or let's say a plane, CO2 can reach 10,000 % PPM and people do not suffer harm. On the other hand, enclosed green houses gardens require CO2 input for maximum performance.

Carbon has forever been known as the source of life. How you want to qualify that is up to you, but it doesn't change the fact that carbon is the driving life force on earth, without it we would die due to lack of available produced oxygen. The earth is not suffering from high CO2 by any demonstrable measure, nor high temperatures. Greenhouse gases are mostly H20 something like %70 and serve us well, greenhouse gas is not pollution.

Or should we regulate and demonize H20, C02 and O2 since they are in greenhouse gasses and according to you and Al Gore are harmful?

Perhaps it is time to focus on clearly demonstrated pollution like dumping chemicals, plastics and lack of sewage treatment?

Instead of attacking with ad hominem personal attacks please make your point with some substance.

rts551 - 7-23-2018 at 11:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Clearly, there is a level of CO2 % PPM that is dangerous to animal life. Today CO2 varies at about 400 PPM around earth and largely driven by non-anthropogenic sources such as volcanoes. In a closed meeting room, or let's say a plane, CO2 can reach 10,000 % PPM and people do not suffer harm. On the other hand, enclosed green houses gardens require CO2 input for maximum performance.

Carbon has forever been known as the source of life. How you want to qualify that is up to you, but it doesn't change the fact that carbon is the driving life force on earth, without it we would die due to lack of available produced oxygen. The earth is not suffering from high CO2 by any demonstrable measure, nor high temperatures. Greenhouse gases are mostly H20 something like %70 and serve us well, greenhouse gas is not pollution.

Or should we regulate and demonize H20, C02 and O2 since they are in greenhouse gasses and according to you and Al Gore are harmful?

Perhaps it is time to focus on clearly demonstrated pollution like dumping chemicals, plastics and lack of sewage treatment?

Instead of attacking with ad hominem personal attacks please make your point with some substance.

Are you saying the articles are without substance? You may disagree, but you can not get away from what science says and its converts over time.. read the articles..pls.

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 11:24 AM

Clearly there are serious problems with fraud in science relating to temperature tracking and global temperature, do you remember the "hide the decline" Michael Mann emails?

Temperature gauges produce data based on local environments, in many recent cases, temperature gauges are placed in urban areas, at airports and on buildings which artificially affect readings. We no longer have predominant readings from farmers spread across fields of crops. so, today, we must figure out how much to adjust temperature readings based on local influence which is a whole topic unto itself, yet common sense.

Even with urbanization causing artificial increases in temperature readings at airports and on buildings, we are currently in a phase known as the pause meaning the temperatures have not increased significantly over the last 20+ years. So now "scientists" are scrambling to theorize why a pause means catastrophe for climate and update their dire predictions. Or we could just stop polluting with chemicals, plastics and wasteful food production methods? Or you can save the world with a 90k Tesla that has no carbon footprint, right, or does it? Where does solar energy come from really, how is a solar panel made and where is energy stored? How about wind power how effective is it? Time to put some thought into realistic evaluation of the theoretical nonsense.

motoged - 7-23-2018 at 12:10 PM

Before some of you focus on the earth burning up, suffocating, or flooding's "The Big One", a more clear and present danger to your country/planet is the dotard in the White House...


Voting can change that climate threat...

Make America America Again....

And, please, don't bother with "Shut's not your country" type environmental issues will take longer to resolve....and it's up to all countries to address those's up to the American voters to clean up the insane mess of your current political nightmare....

Wake Up :light:

Nomex on :rolleyes:

SFandH - 7-23-2018 at 12:12 PM


bezzell - 7-23-2018 at 12:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Clearly, there is a level of CO2 % PPM that is dangerous to animal life. Today CO2 varies at about 400 PPM around earth and largely driven by non-anthropogenic sources such as volcanoes. In a closed meeting room, or let's say a plane, CO2 can reach 10,000 % PPM and people do not suffer harm. On the other hand, enclosed green houses gardens require CO2 input for maximum performance.

oh ok ... so you're saying that the 200 million tons annually of CO2 from both land and undersea volcanos ... is MORE than the 24 BILLION tons annually of CO2 from automotive and industrial activities (USGS) ??

wow, very interesting math there on planet gnu


I'd carry on (like we've actually been in a solar MINIMUM with increased earth temps .... OOOps there goes the ridiculous sun argument) .... but history has shown what a colossal waste of time that would be.

ni modo

ps (and only b/c I'm a nice guy) the issue is not CO2 levels directly affecting humans ability to live ... it's the affect increased CO2 will have on habitat!!
seriously, you folks are embarrassing when it comes to this issue

bajaguy - 7-23-2018 at 12:28 PM

Don't believe everything you think....

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Before some of you focus on the earth burning up, suffocating, or flooding's "The Big One", a more clear and present danger to your country/planet is the dotard in the White House...


Voting can change that climate threat...

Make America America Again....

And, please, don't bother with "Shut's not your country" type environmental issues will take longer to resolve....and it's up to all countries to address those's up to the American voters to clean up the insane mess of your current political nightmare....

Wake Up :light:

Nomex on :rolleyes:

Skipjack Joe - 7-23-2018 at 12:38 PM

Saying CO2 is good therefore more is better is like saying if you want to be less fat you should eat less fat.

bezzell - 7-23-2018 at 12:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Saying CO2 is good therefore more is better is like saying if you want to be less fat you should eat less fat.

No, the above statement is 100% true (longterm vs short term) but that's another topic

it's like saying water is good for you ... until you're drowning

JoeJustJoe - 7-23-2018 at 01:04 PM

Oh no not another global warming denier thread by a bunch of old ultra conservatives, who don't have much time left on the Earth, so they think it gives them a right to pollute the planet, because they claim, it doesn't matter anyway.

C'mon, global warming is real, it's irrefutable, and since the industrial age, global warning has really increased, and therefore, it's mostly man made.

The Science, and the vast majority of scientists are on my side, except for those scientists, that are on Exxon's payroll, or are paid to confused the issue with mostly ultra conservatives. ( about 95% of all scientist who study this issue say Global warming is real, and mostly caused by man, and only a handful of Scientist loons, say it's not real)

I shortly expect a few Nomad members, to come to this thread and claim Global warming is not real based on their anecdotal evidence from living in Baja.

rts551 - 7-23-2018 at 01:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by motoged  
Before some of you focus on the earth burning up, suffocating, or flooding's "The Big One", a more clear and present danger to your country/planet is the dotard in the White House...


Voting can change that climate threat...

Make America America Again....

And, please, don't bother with "Shut's not your country" type environmental issues will take longer to resolve....and it's up to all countries to address those's up to the American voters to clean up the insane mess of your current political nightmare....

Wake Up :light:

Nomex on :rolleyes:

I would speak up but I am afraid my clearance will be revoked...

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 02:23 PM

Fallacious arguments abound:

I never said an unlimited amount of CO2 is better, only that human contribution (%.04) to the current ~400PPM is not the driver of global and atmospheric temperatures demonstrably. Current temperatures are stable for some reasons, likely solar activity minimum as suggested.

Yes, human contribution to CO2 is minimal, much less than animals, and volcanoes and oceanic and terra plant life breakdown, but it is hard to measure and know for sure.

Humans do not drive Earth's CO2 and do not drive temperature while other factors, the Sun, volcanoes, animals, the ocean and organic plant material deterioration may be a driver of global CO2.

Focus on things you control, like dumping depleted uranium bombs, chemicals, plastics, and destructive food/fish production.

Consider, that many things you were told are wrong and take time to do some research beyond a single source to multiple sources and think outside the box. As humans we have so much to learn and so little we know for certain.

charliemanson - 7-23-2018 at 02:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe
Saying CO2 is good therefore more is better is like saying if you want to be less fat you should eat less fat.

WTF! I guess I need to get a new life after I just realized I wasted 30 seconds of it here!

bezzell - 7-23-2018 at 02:43 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Consider, that many things you were told are wrong and take time to do some research beyond a single source to multiple sources and think outside the box. As humans we have so much to learn and so little we know for certain.

If you took this great advice to heart ... you'd never say ridiculous things like "it's the volcanos" or "it's the sun" or be so out of touch claiming that CO2 level is 400ppm.

It's 2018 brah ... June's average CO2 was 410.79 ppm !!

Drag those knuckles into the 21st century! :D
Take the time. "Clearly", there's much for you to get up-to-speed on re climate.

charliemanson - 7-23-2018 at 02:44 PM

Sorry, its really hot outside and I just had to say what a malformed idiot skipjack is. Not a clue even how anything, including his own body works. Good god, complete idiot.

the worst thing is, I am here typing instead of cleaning my tuna and dorado... at least it is on ice.

skipjack....may I recommend more fat for you as its all good and you will be dead faster ( hum ), slower than us with a brain.

More fat and sun!!!

Skipjack Joe - 7-23-2018 at 03:52 PM


A couple of climate change deniers changing the climate.

Lots of methane here as well. Methane has carbon therefore it's so good for you.

IMG_2269_nomads.jpg - 231kB

bezzell - 7-23-2018 at 03:59 PM

Chuckie mighta lost a few!?? :lol:

bezzell - 7-23-2018 at 04:11 PM

EVERY cell (no exceptions) in the body is fueled by ... wait for it .... SUGAR
The brain is fueled 100% by ... wait for it ... SUGAR (aka carbs / glucose / glycogen etc)

This narrative that SUGAR is the devil ... is just NONSENSE.
Nonsense propaganda to sell product (that just happens to be loaded with fat and protein)

Wake up sheeple.
ANd wake up to the science / evidence now flooding in as to what a mistake capatalism is turning out to be, re habitat longevity !!

Flame away ... I'm done.

ps no, I do not have a solution. The horse has left the barn!

bezzell - 7-23-2018 at 04:39 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Is it time for the photos of the palm tree on the beach (1948-2017), yet? It is still no closer to being underwater at high tide! :lol: :lol:

Stay cool everyone... Summer happens (every 12 months, over and over)!


:lol: only a genius would reference a tree at shoreline as appropriate sea level calibration ... on a tiny planet spinning at 1000mph at the equator!

where's my rubber ducky ... mommy's running a bath? :lol::lol:

David K - 7-23-2018 at 04:41 PM

Yes, and only a blind person cannot SEE that the sea level over nearly 70 years is not rising in any amount to cause panic and hysteria that fuels some here. :cool:

del mar - 7-23-2018 at 04:47 PM

looks to me like its getting closer.....

bezzell - 7-23-2018 at 04:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Yes, and only a blind person cannot SEE that the sea level over nearly 70 years is not rising in any amount to cause panic and hysteria that fuels some here. :cool:

“The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.” Albert Bartlett

no offense ... but it's all a lil' above your pay grade. again, no offense intended, but hey ...

David K - 7-23-2018 at 05:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by del mar  
looks to me like its getting closer.....

Nope, it was just as close 70 years ago and even longer if anyone took photos before WWII there!

Here it is in 1952:

It is just a pretty place, but not the only place where you can compare past with the present. Alfonsina's would be an island as any other beach side resort and boat ramp, breakwater, etc.

rts551 - 7-23-2018 at 05:24 PM

actual measurements of the mean sea level.

lewmt - 7-23-2018 at 08:01 PM

The solution is real simple for all you CO2 alarmists. If you truly believe the "science"

You must discontinue exhaling

Otherwise you are a hypocrite

mtgoat666 - 7-23-2018 at 08:15 PM

Quote: Originally posted by del mar  
looks to me like its getting closer.....

The clump of palms is showing signs of stress due to sea level rise. I see one dead trunk on ground, another dead trunk standing. Sad!

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 08:19 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
actual measurements of the mean sea level.

The article is fraudulent, reading the article it states that for 100 years up to 1993 they used tidal gauges and the sea rise was about ~1.1mm/yr or 4 inches for 100 years (though tidal gauges change based on sun/moon/salt content etc) then they report they changed to satellite data after 1993 and it surged to 3mm/yr or 11 inches in 100 years. Both readings, tidal gauge and satellite readings are fraudulently reported, they quote Michael Mann to support their findings who is at the heart of climate fraud whose emails showed the effort to "hide the decline" in temperature rise.

As well the article quotes Narem, who states, "This acceleration, driven mainly by accelerated melting in Greenland and Antarctica, has the potential to double the total sea level rise by 2100 as compared to projections that assume a constant rate, to more than 60 centimeters instead of about 30," which is not demonstrable but measurable data, as Antartic shows no increase in melt-off year/year at present and is stable.

Yearly Antarctic variability is largely attributed to 100s of underwater volcanoes and hot water upwelling creating a highly diverse ecosystem.

Unique locations may show variation in sea level based on many factors according to studies unrelated to global sea level change

Sea levels have risen for 20,000 years with no evidence of increase

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

mtgoat666 - 7-23-2018 at 08:28 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
actual measurements of the mean sea level.

The article is fraudulent, reading the article it states that for 100 years up to 1993 they used tidal gauges and the sea rise was about ~1.1mm/yr or 4 inches for 100 years (though tidal gauges change based on sun/moon/salt content etc) then they report they changed to satellite data after 1993 and it surged to 3mm/yr or 11 inches in 100 years. Both readings, tidal gauge and satellite readings are fraudulently reported, they quote Michael Mann to support their findings who is at the heart of climate fraud whose emails showed the effort to "hide the decline" in temperature rise.

As well the article quotes Narem, who states, "This acceleration, driven mainly by accelerated melting in Greenland and Antarctica, has the potential to double the total sea level rise by 2100 as compared to projections that assume a constant rate, to more than 60 centimeters instead of about 30," which is not demonstrable but measurable data, as Antartic shows no increase in melt-off year/year at present and is stable.

Yearly Antarctic variability is largely attributed to 100s of underwater volcanoes and hot water upwelling creating a highly diverse ecosystem.

Unique locations may show variation in sea level based on many factors according to studies unrelated to global sea level change

Sea levels have risen for 20,000 years with no evidence of increase

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

Tonga created a climate change trust fund to deal with some of the financial issues around sea level change of their low lieing nation.

Newkid, does your trust fund have contingency plan for sea level change?

blackwolfmt - 7-23-2018 at 08:38 PM

I say DK is doing a little photoshop work on his pics in his spare time:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 08:40 PM

Quote: Originally posted by bezzell  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Consider, that many things you were told are wrong and take time to do some research beyond a single source to multiple sources and think outside the box. As humans we have so much to learn and so little we know for certain.

If you took this great advice to heart ... you'd never say ridiculous things like "it's the volcanos" or "it's the sun" or be so out of touch claiming that CO2 level is 400ppm.

It's 2018 brah ... June's average CO2 was 410.79 ppm !!

Drag those knuckles into the 21st century! :D
Take the time. "Clearly", there's much for you to get up-to-speed on re climate.

CO2 parts per million are a relative gauge to compare location to location. While the earth has experienced much higher CO2 over the past 20,000 years - up to 10,000 PPM well before the industrial revolution - likely driven by warmer temperatures - your reading to highlight 410.79 PPM according to your quoted source comes from June 5th 2018 at the top of Mauna Loa Hawaii which is a reading about 1 month after the first eruption of Kilauea a nearby location and height of recent continuing volcanic activity resulting in higher than normal CO2 readings.

It is shortsighted to overlook the localized volcanic contribution to the CO2 measurement you quote as average, while it clearly demonstrates a localized increase in CO2. The overall global CO2 has been surprisingly stable for some time, while at the same time USA and Europe are decreasing CO2 output year to year, though unfortunately China and India did not. Good job USA

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

David K - 7-23-2018 at 08:52 PM

Quote: Originally posted by blackwolfmt  
I say DK is doing a little photoshop work on his pics in his spare time:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I wouldn't know how, but I am glad your eyes are working and you see the obvious.

Another place you can see that sea levels are not higher is at all the salt flats next to the ocean and lagoons... they are still not underwater all the time! Being just inches above average high tide, they would be the first areas flooded permanently by rising sea level.

Mexitron - 7-23-2018 at 08:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Fallacious arguments abound:

I never said an unlimited amount of CO2 is better, only that human contribution (%.04) to the current ~400PPM is not the driver of global and atmospheric temperatures demonstrably. Current temperatures are stable for some reasons, likely solar activity minimum as suggested.

Yes, human contribution to CO2 is minimal, much less than animals, and volcanoes and oceanic and terra plant life breakdown, but it is hard to measure and know for sure.

Humans do not drive Earth's CO2 and do not drive temperature while other factors, the Sun, volcanoes, animals, the ocean and organic plant material deterioration may be a driver of global CO2.

Focus on things you control, like dumping depleted uranium bombs, chemicals, plastics, and destructive food/fish production.

Consider, that many things you were told are wrong and take time to do some research beyond a single source to multiple sources and think outside the box. As humans we have so much to learn and so little we know for certain.

Volcanoes again?
"Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas and is the primary gas blamed for climate change. While sulfur dioxide released in contemporary volcanic eruptions has occasionally caused detectable global cooling of the lower atmosphere, the carbon dioxide released in contemporary volcanic eruptions has never caused detectable global warming of the atmosphere. In 2010, human activities were responsible for a projected 35 billion metric tons (gigatons) of CO2 emissions. All studies to date of global volcanic carbon dioxide emissions indicate that present-day subaerial and submarine volcanoes release less than a percent of the carbon dioxide released currently by human activities. While it has been proposed that intense volcanic release of carbon dioxide in the deep geologic past did cause global warming, and possibly some mass extinctions, this is a topic of scientific debate at present."

I might add that those possible volcanic extinctions occurred as a result of immense volcanic fields erupting over thousands of years (The Siberian and Deccan Trap episodes).

We are vaporizing 200 million years of carbon that has been locked up in the Earth's crust in the span of a couple centuries. I grant you that in previous interglacial periods like this current one 400 ppm was reached before man was barely a twinkle of an influence on the environment. However we are accelerating that milestone before other past interglacial timelines. Time will tell.

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 09:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
actual measurements of the mean sea level.

The article is fraudulent, reading the article it states that for 100 years up to 1993 they used tidal gauges and the sea rise was about ~1.1mm/yr or 4 inches for 100 years (though tidal gauges change based on sun/moon/salt content etc) then they report they changed to satellite data after 1993 and it surged to 3mm/yr or 11 inches in 100 years. Both readings, tidal gauge and satellite readings are fraudulently reported, they quote Michael Mann to support their findings who is at the heart of climate fraud whose emails showed the effort to "hide the decline" in temperature rise.

As well the article quotes Narem, who states, "This acceleration, driven mainly by accelerated melting in Greenland and Antarctica, has the potential to double the total sea level rise by 2100 as compared to projections that assume a constant rate, to more than 60 centimeters instead of about 30," which is not demonstrable but measurable data, as Antartic shows no increase in melt-off year/year at present and is stable.

Yearly Antarctic variability is largely attributed to 100s of underwater volcanoes and hot water upwelling creating a highly diverse ecosystem.

Unique locations may show variation in sea level based on many factors according to studies unrelated to global sea level change

Sea levels have risen for 20,000 years with no evidence of increase

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

Tonga created a climate change trust fund to deal with some of the financial issues around sea level change of their low lieing nation.

Newkid, does your trust fund have contingency plan for sea level change?

Fraud for financial gain in sea level rise reported in the pacific islands has been identified for some ten years with some politicians prosecuted. National Geographic reports a land increase of 3% during the same period.

Additional sources showing fraud in pacific island sea level rise

Pacific Islands growing not shrinking

There is little to no discernible sea level rise over 2000 years, trends show downward movement while there is clearly identifiable sea level fraud for financial gain to claim sea level rise and demand compensation.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

blackwolfmt - 7-23-2018 at 09:08 PM

High Tide 2018

InkedC8faoOn_LI1.jpg - 26kB

mtgoat666 - 7-23-2018 at 09:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by David K  
Quote: Originally posted by blackwolfmt  
I say DK is doing a little photoshop work on his pics in his spare time:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

I wouldn't know how, but I am glad your eyes are working and you see the obvious.

Another place you can see that sea levels are not higher is at all the salt flats next to the ocean and lagoons... they are still not underwater all the time! Being just inches above average high tide, they would be the first areas flooded permanently by rising sea level.

Actually, some of the low areas (salt flats) in central baja have seen increased inundation at high tides, an effect of sea level change.
So you are correct, the salt flats have been effected by sea level change.
You are learning, grass hopper.

Btw, to see the salt flats submerged pemanently would require a sea level rise greater than the tidal range.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by mtgoat666]

rts551 - 7-23-2018 at 09:10 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Quote: Originally posted by mtgoat666  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
actual measurements of the mean sea level.

The article is fraudulent, reading the article it states that for 100 years up to 1993 they used tidal gauges and the sea rise was about ~1.1mm/yr or 4 inches for 100 years (though tidal gauges change based on sun/moon/salt content etc) then they report they changed to satellite data after 1993 and it surged to 3mm/yr or 11 inches in 100 years. Both readings, tidal gauge and satellite readings are fraudulently reported, they quote Michael Mann to support their findings who is at the heart of climate fraud whose emails showed the effort to "hide the decline" in temperature rise.

As well the article quotes Narem, who states, "This acceleration, driven mainly by accelerated melting in Greenland and Antarctica, has the potential to double the total sea level rise by 2100 as compared to projections that assume a constant rate, to more than 60 centimeters instead of about 30," which is not demonstrable but measurable data, as Antartic shows no increase in melt-off year/year at present and is stable.

Yearly Antarctic variability is largely attributed to 100s of underwater volcanoes and hot water upwelling creating a highly diverse ecosystem.

Unique locations may show variation in sea level based on many factors according to studies unrelated to global sea level change

Sea levels have risen for 20,000 years with no evidence of increase

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

Tonga created a climate change trust fund to deal with some of the financial issues around sea level change of their low lieing nation.

Newkid, does your trust fund have contingency plan for sea level change?

Fraud for financial gain in sea level rise reported in the pacific islands has been identified for some ten years with some politicians prosecuted. National Geographic reports a land increase of 3% during the same period.

Additional sources showing fraud in pacific island sea level rise

Pacific Islands growing not shrinking

There is little to no discernible sea level rise over 2000 years, trends show downward movement while there is clearly identifiable sea level fraud for financial gain to claim sea level rise and demand compensation.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

One of your sources, Dr Morner, claimed that dowsing could be used not only to find water, but also to discover Curry and Hartmann lines. A real scientific approach. Think a will stay with real science.

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 09:16 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Mexitron  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Fallacious arguments abound:

I never said an unlimited amount of CO2 is better, only that human contribution (%.04) to the current ~400PPM is not the driver of global and atmospheric temperatures demonstrably. Current temperatures are stable for some reasons, likely solar activity minimum as suggested.

Yes, human contribution to CO2 is minimal, much less than animals, and volcanoes and oceanic and terra plant life breakdown, but it is hard to measure and know for sure.

Humans do not drive Earth's CO2 and do not drive temperature while other factors, the Sun, volcanoes, animals, the ocean and organic plant material deterioration may be a driver of global CO2.

Focus on things you control, like dumping depleted uranium bombs, chemicals, plastics, and destructive food/fish production.

Consider, that many things you were told are wrong and take time to do some research beyond a single source to multiple sources and think outside the box. As humans we have so much to learn and so little we know for certain.

Volcanoes again?
"Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas and is the primary gas blamed for climate change. While sulfur dioxide released in contemporary volcanic eruptions has occasionally caused detectable global cooling of the lower atmosphere, the carbon dioxide released in contemporary volcanic eruptions has never caused detectable global warming of the atmosphere. In 2010, human activities were responsible for a projected 35 billion metric tons (gigatons) of CO2 emissions. All studies to date of global volcanic carbon dioxide emissions indicate that present-day subaerial and submarine volcanoes release less than a percent of the carbon dioxide released currently by human activities. While it has been proposed that intense volcanic release of carbon dioxide in the deep geologic past did cause global warming, and possibly some mass extinctions, this is a topic of scientific debate at present."

I might add that those possible volcanic extinctions occurred as a result of immense volcanic fields erupting over thousands of years (The Siberian and Deccan Trap episodes).

We are vaporizing 200 million years of carbon that has been locked up in the Earth's crust in the span of a couple centuries. I grant you that in previous interglacial periods like this current one 400 ppm was reached before man was barely a twinkle of an influence on the environment. However we are accelerating that milestone before other past interglacial timelines. Time will tell.

AGW is a theory that is not proven by any means. Volcanos emit more than CO2, they emit ash,sediment and other chemicals and have shown to destroy humanity while human generated CO2 has not been demonstrated to be harmful while it is demonstrated to be the symbiotic plant life force of our earth. There are hundreds and hundreds of volcanos many of them below the surface of the water or terra firmaand few if any are studied up close when active. More study of volcanos is needed.

main-qimg-367c3f24b01674d20f85d0dd217bbfdf.jpeg - 77kB

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 09:30 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  

One of your sources, Dr Morner, claimed that dowsing could be used not only to find water, but also to discover Curry and Hartmann lines. A real scientific approach. Think a will stay with real science.

If you want to show that one of the article's quotes is wrong, why not highlight the quote and demonstrate from sources why it's wrong, instead of making non-sourced rumored accusations if you are so familiar with the literature otherwise it appears that your attempts to call into question the validity of the date sources are just personal attacks.

This is an example of the straw man argument, using fallacious logic. I made no mention or attribution to claims about using sticks to find water or identify Curry and Hartmann lines. You brought up the topic and attributed it to my argument and the sources while it has no reference, bearing or place other than to distract and attempt to associate me with straw man for you to knock down. Fallacious arguments, such as the straw man are used by people who have no facts to present to make their point or refute others points and instead use fallacious arguments to distract the discussion and claim to disprove by association to a false claim.

Furthermore, to suggest that a scientist who theorizes on many topics and pursues research only to determine that a theory is proven to be incorrect, it doesn't disprove or cloud all other research. The suggestion that one disproven theory disproves all other research is also fallacious logic or argument by association.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 10:02 PM

Record Low July 2018 Temperatures in Southern U.S., Alabama at 49 Degrees

Is this a significant trend or an anomaly? Either way, here is a source of temperature reading today showing no significant increase in temperature, while in fact showing a cooling trend for the region.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

rts551 - 7-23-2018 at 10:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Quote: Originally posted by rts551  

One of your sources, Dr Morner, claimed that dowsing could be used not only to find water, but also to discover Curry and Hartmann lines. A real scientific approach. Think a will stay with real science.

If you want to show that one of the article's quotes is wrong, why not highlight the quote and demonstrate from sources why it's wrong, instead of making non-sourced rumored accusations if you are so familiar with the literature otherwise it appears that your attempts to call into question the validity of the date sources are just personal attacks.

This is an example of the straw man argument, using fallacious logic. I made no mention or attribution to claims about using sticks to find water or identify Curry and Hartmann lines. You brought up the topic and attributed it to my argument and the sources while it has no reference, bearing or place other than to distract and attempt to associate me with straw man for you to knock down. Fallacious arguments, such as the straw man are used by people who have no facts to present to make their point or refute others points and instead use fallacious arguments to distract the discussion and claim to disprove by association to a false claim.

Furthermore, to suggest that a scientist who theorizes on many topics and pursues research only to determine that a theory is proven to be incorrect, it doesn't disprove or cloud all other research. The suggestion that one disproven theory disproves all other research is also fallacious logic or argument by association.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

poor ganu. got his feelings hurt. Hope you read Swedish.

Or maybe this will help you out....You quoted a quack...much like yourself.

In 1995, Mörner gave several courses in dowsing at Stockholm University in the summer program, and also outside of the university. He claimed that dowsing could be used not only to find water, but also to discover Curry and Hartmann lines. When reported in the press, he received sharp criticism from the Swedish scientific community and the Swedish skepticism movement. Mörner persisted and the conflict escalated, leading to a formal ban from the president of the university to teach dowsing, citing the Law on Higher Education, until he could present scientific evidence for dowsing. In the summer of 1996 Mörner held a symposium at the university where he presented what he considered to be supporting evidence for his teachings. A committee appointed by the university dismissed Mörner's claims in december 1996. He was named "Confuser of the Year" for 1995 by Vetenskap och Folkbildning, a Swedish organisation in support of the broadening the understanding of the scientific method. The renowned American skepticist James Randi offered him a reward of USD971000 if Mörner could show that dowsing worked in a scientifically controlled experiment. Mörner later rejected the offer. As late as 2002 Mörner reaffirmed his stance in a documentary on Swedish television.

gnukid - 7-23-2018 at 11:06 PM

Du gjorde min poäng igen. tack

Mörner svar:

JoeJustJoe - 7-24-2018 at 08:27 AM

Gnukid, nice try trying to blame volcanoes for the recent ramp up on Global warming in the world today, However according the the scientists who study this area have said, " It has sometimes been suggested by those who seek to disprove human impact on the climate that volcanoes release more CO2 than human activity. This is simply incorrect. ( read the 27 page report linked below)

Gnukid, if you're going to continue posting "denier" opinions on Global Warning, please continue to post links where you are getting your information from, because almost always those sites are paid for by big oil, or are crank sites like you last link from the "Global warming policy foundation," that's very suspect. Read about it below:

Here some real science that says it's not the volcanoes.

How do volcanoes affect the climate?

Volcanoes can have both a cooling and warming effect on the planet's climate

When volcanoes erupt, they emit a mixture of gases and particles into the air. Some of them, such as ash and sulphur dioxide, have a cooling effect, because they (or the substances they cause) reflect sunlight away from the earth. Others, such as CO2, cause warming by adding to the the greenhouse effect.

The cooling influence is particularly marked in the case of large eruptions able to blast sun-blocking particles all the way up to the stratosphere – such as Mount Pinatubo in 1991, which caused a significant dip in global temperatures in the following year or two. It's difficult to know for sure that the cooling observed after a particular eruption is definitely the result of that eruption, but examining the average global temperature change after multiple eruptions proves a strong link.

As for greenhouse gases, underwater and land-based volcanoes are estimated to release, in total, around 100–300 million tonnes of CO2 each year, according to the British Geological Survey and the US Geological Survey. That's a large quantity, but only around 1% of the amount that humans release from burning fossil fuel alone.

As a rule, the cooling influence of an individual volcano will dominate for the period immediately after the eruption but the warming impact will last much longer. So the significance of each depends on the timeframe being considered. A very large volcano in 2011 may significantly reduce temperatures in 2012 but slightly warm them in 2100.

It has sometimes been suggested by those who seek to disprove human impact on the climate that volcanoes release more CO2 than human activity. This is simply incorrect. As the British Geological Survey puts it:

bezzell - 7-24-2018 at 08:50 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Record Low July 2018 Temperatures in Southern U.S., Alabama at 49 Degrees

Is this a significant trend or an anomaly? Either way, here is a source of temperature reading today showing no significant increase in temperature, while in fact showing a cooling trend for the region.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

oh my goodness. Are you serious? or maybe just trolling??
Did you even read the article? It's right there! The jet stream.
Are you clueless re 'climate 101' basics like ... the historically mildly meandering northern jet stream, is now wildly meandering due to the new temperature gradient (and consequently pressure gradient) re equator vs north pole. (the north is heating 3-4 times faster than what's happenning at equator)

This is elementary stuff! If you'd taken your own great advice previously mentioned ... then you'd at least know the basics.
(Snowball in congress anyone?? :lol::lol:)

ni modo

ps and what is this 'source of temperature readings ..." you mentioned?? Do you mean the article linked?
I'm beginning to think you're either a lil coco for coco puffs, or just intellectually lazy. No offense intended.

bezzell - 7-24-2018 at 09:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

While the earth has experienced much higher CO2 over the past 20,000 years - up to 10,000 PPM well before the industrial revolution -
[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

WHAT? are you out of your mind?

bezzell - 7-24-2018 at 09:11 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

The overall global CO2 has been surprisingly stable for some time, while at the same time USA and Europe are decreasing CO2 output year to year, though unfortunately China and India did not. Good job USA
[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

It has NOT been stable
And if it's no problem ... why is it 'unfortunate' that China and India have not reduced CO2 output ?? :o

just wow

bezzell - 7-24-2018 at 09:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Du gjorde min poäng igen. tack

Mörner svar:


JoeJustJoe - 7-24-2018 at 09:26 AM

Your guys counterparts in the Arctic, would probably beg to differ if the climate and sea water levels are rising because things are happening fast up in the Arctic, compared to the much slower Baja.

Quote: Originally posted by del mar  
looks to me like its getting closer.....

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 09:37 AM

Reconstructing past measurements of CO2 or temperatures often use ice cores which require interpretation and may be approximate.

Some say the earth had 20,000 PPM CO2 450,000,000 years and 10,000 PPM CO2 400,000,000 years ago, not 20,000.

Obviously, historical estimates are generally accepted as reference only.

It's not worth arguing about, except to observe that prior to human contribution at present on earth, CO2 was higher than today and our current atmospheric CO2 is not a demonstrable driver of temperature which is the topic of this discussion, as opposed to hurling personal attacks.

CCC_Fig4_2_1.jpg - 42kB

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 09:40 AM

For your consideration:

Some scientists estimate that historically temperature variability was far more common then in recent ~20,000 year history.

paleoclimatologia-temperatura-planeta-dioxido-carbono-0011-720x479.jpg - 56kB

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 09:46 AM

More on using ice core samples to infer historical climate high variability in Antartic

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 09:50 AM

Here's one for you guys from CNN, climate change of 1 degree will cause increase in suicide

bezzell - 7-24-2018 at 09:53 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Reconstructing past measurements of CO2 or temperatures often use ice cores which require interpretation and may be approximate.

Some say the earth had 20,000 PPM CO2 450,000,000 years and 10,000 PPM CO2 400,000,000 years ago, not 20,000.

CO2 has not been above 300ppm for 650,000 years.
research it

MMc - 7-24-2018 at 10:35 AM

Does anybody think the problem will be solved HERE? It' kinda fun to watch but nobody should think anything is going to solved.
Now back to my popcorn.

willardguy - 7-24-2018 at 10:38 AM

I think i've gotten to the bottom of it........

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 10:45 AM

The point is to continue to make dire catastrophic predictions about man made global warming caused by CO2 is silly at this point. No evidence exist tying human generated CO2 to global temperature.

Not one poster here has provided any evidence nor made any substantial point other than to deny the obvious facts that humans contribute very little CO2 ~.04% to the atmosphere and there is no connection showing CO2 as a driver for temperature, quite the opposite.

Clearly CO2 is important to our symbiotic relationship to plants as a life force of the earth. To call CO2 or green gas house gasses pollution is to greatly misunderstand the earth.

Far more interesting would be to consider cycles and variations as normal, stability rare, and ask what drives solar system cycles?

Earth's cyclical changes are also an area to pursue as a driver of temperature such as the Milankovitch orbital elliptical variation.

In any case, adults should be able to present their thoughts without contributors hurling degrading dialogue, fallacious logic, personal insults and grandstanding while failing to providing any reference to facts.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 10:49 AM

The problem to solve is how do we reduce dumping chemical waste, depleted uranium, plastics, reduce abusive farming and fishing practices, improve water quality, sewage treatment and increase quality of food which is well within each of our grasp by making small efforts individually.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

bezzell - 7-24-2018 at 10:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
The point is to continue to make dire catastrophic predictions about man made global warming caused by CO2 is silly at this point. No evidence exist tying human generated CO2 to global temperature.

Not one poster here has provided any evidence nor made any substantial point other than to deny the obvious facts that humans contribute very little CO2 ~.04% to the atmosphere and there is no connection showing CO2 as a driver for temperature, quite the opposite.

Clearly CO2 is important to our symbiotic relationship to plants as a life force of the earth. To call CO2 or green gas house gasses pollution is to greatly misunderstand the earth.

Far more interesting would be to consider cycles and variations as normal, stability rare, and ask what drives solar system cycles?

Earth's cyclical changes are also an area to pursue as a driver of temperature such as the Milankovitch orbital elliptical variation.

In any case, adults should be able to present their thoughts without contributors hurling degrading dialogue, fallacious logic, personal insults and grandstanding while failing to providing any reference to facts.

[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

whoa whoa ... don't dodge the obvious!
YOU actually wrote here, that CO2 had been up to 10000ppm in last 20,000 years. A STUNNINGLY mistaken statement!!
CO2 had not been above 300ppm in last 650,000 years! (now at 410ppm)
Will you address this? or are you going to dodge?
Your credibility gets absolutely shatterred when you make crazy wild claims like this.

bezzell - 7-24-2018 at 11:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

In any case, adults should be able to present their thoughts without contributors hurling degrading dialogue, fallacious logic, personal insults and grandstanding while failing to providing any reference to facts....
[Edited on 7-24-2018 by gnukid]

... without make CRAZY claims like CO2 10000ppm in last 20000 years.

If you had any climate knowledge, you would immediately recognise how wrong that is.

Maybe you meant someone was actually sitting on top of a volcano measuring CO2 during the actual eruption?? Is this what you meant?

JoeJustJoe - 7-24-2018 at 01:14 PM

Here is what's going on here in this global warming denying thread.

We have a lot of older conservatives who sadly think like conservative radio host, Dennis Prager, who sets aside all the overwhelming irrefutable evidence about global warming caused by mankind, and instead brings out the bible, and arrogantly claims God, created earth for mankind, and therefore, mankind can do all the polluting they want on planet Earth.

Others like Trump, Exxon, other dirty corporations, and deep pocket polluters, deny global warming, for purely financial interest reasons.

So what's your excuse for denying the obvious about global warming mostly caused by mankind?

Conservative radio host Dennis Prager said it best: “Liberals love humanity, but hate humans.”

God created the earth for mankind to rule over and enjoy, not for men and women to be treated by their governments like squatters, like landless serfs or intruders upon the earth, deferring to polar bears, melting polar ice caps, spotted owls, kangaroo rats, snail darters or puddles of water in your backyard which the Environmental Protection Agency retroactively now decrees is a “wetland.”

Wake up, America! Who will you believe? The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or that nitwit Al Gore and the globalist, corrupt plutocrats at the United Nations who utterly hate America, Israel and despise natural law, natural rights and natural liberties that can only come from God and therefore cannot lawfully be contravened by man? I choose God.

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 04:10 PM

Clearly there are two camps.

I acknowledged and linked to the theory that ice cores shows 10,000 PPM prior to humans on earth which makes my point even more so. thanks

bezzell - 7-24-2018 at 04:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Clearly there are two camps.

I acknowledged and linked to the theory that ice cores shows 10,000 PPM prior to humans on earth which makes my point even more so. thanks

Translation: you got called out on your insane BS (CO2 @ 10000ppm 20000 yrs ago) but you won't 'fess up.

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 08:21 PM

Bezzell "I wonder if climate change deniers are Kremlin funded?"
JJJ "All of them reject climate change? What is role of Kremlin?"

Skipjack Joe - 7-24-2018 at 08:32 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Bezzell "I wonder if climate change deniers are Kremlin funded?"
JJJ "All of them reject climate change? What is role of Kremlin?"

Now that's incredible even by your standards. It's Putin's fault!!!

A few years ago you compared Obama to Hitler and now Global Warming is a Kremlin conspiracy. What could be more logical?

I don't why you bother to take the time to gather these scraps of information here and there. When you make statements like that you reveal who you really are. A looney.

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 08:33 PM

Climate Change: The worst scientific scandal of our generation

"Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash"

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 08:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Bezzell "I wonder if climate change deniers are Kremlin funded?"
JJJ "All of them reject climate change? What is role of Kremlin?"

Now that's incredible even by your standards. It's Putin's fault!!!

A few years ago you compared Obama to Hitler and now Global Warming is a Kremlin conspiracy. What could be more logical?

I don't why you bother to take the time to gather these scraps of information here and there. When you make statements like that you reveal who you really are. A looney.

Skipjack I have never compared someone to Hitler, that is an extremely inappropriate lie and clearly you can't take a topical joke about Kremlin.

It's makes me sad to see the state of dialogue, critical thinking and humor here at time like this.

It's interesting because any Nomad knows that Mexican people can share ideas and try on opinions, consider alternatives, act intelligently and respect each other but all too often here among Nomads on this forum it's all extreme reaction, insults and lack of thoughtful input, consideration, lack of respect.

You reap what you sow.

bezzell - 7-24-2018 at 08:44 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Bezzell "I wonder if climate change deniers are Kremlin funded?"
JJJ "All of them reject climate change? What is role of Kremlin?"

All I'm pointing out ... is a glaringly ridiculous statement you made. There's no shame in getting something wrong. What you wrote re CO2 levels over the last 20000yrs ... is akin to claiming that the sun is only 5000 miles away.
That's all.

gnukid - 7-24-2018 at 09:11 PM

Bezzell It's so cool that you have all the accurate historical info and scientific data from the past from 20,000 years ago to 650,000,000 years ago, so if anyone has a question they can just ask because you have it for sure because historical theories are always one sided by internet loudmouths named Bezzell who never provide a source but make conflating contradictory confusing attacks and can't progress in a dialogue because who cares about the topic or intellectual discourse among respectful adults.

Good luck with that

rts551 - 7-24-2018 at 09:39 PM

Name calling Ganu...You are an expert. You reap what you sow (sic).

You seemed to be getting frustrated that your illogical conclusions are being called out.

Skipjack Joe - 7-24-2018 at 09:42 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Quote: Originally posted by Skipjack Joe  
Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Bezzell "I wonder if climate change deniers are Kremlin funded?"
JJJ "All of them reject climate change? What is role of Kremlin?"

Now that's incredible even by your standards. It's Putin's fault!!!

A few years ago you compared Obama to Hitler and now Global Warming is a Kremlin conspiracy. What could be more logical?

I don't why you bother to take the time to gather these scraps of information here and there. When you make statements like that you reveal who you really are. A looney.

Skipjack I have never compared someone to Hitler, that is an extremely inappropriate lie and clearly you can't take a topical joke about Kremlin.

Here is a direct quote from you on this thread. You can read it yourself.

Their power is nearly entirely based on populations following hand-crafted Cults of Personality such as Obama, Mussolini, Hitler, Mao, Stalin using mind warping driven political agenda to divide and conquer, profit from and kill masses.

Can you appreciate the fact that you can't just lie and make up facts as it feels your needs?

I know. I know. You were joking back then also.

Gscott - 7-24-2018 at 10:31 PM

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
I take it you have not converted like this guy. You whole assumption is there is a false narrative rather than examining the science as Bridenstine was forced to do.

real false narrative " at a climate hearing this week, Republican members of the House Science Committee said that the Earth is not warming (it is), that rocks falling into the ocean are causing sea level rise (they aren’t), and that the Antarctic ice sheet is growing bigger (it’s not)."
[Edited on 7-23-2018 by rts551]

It's not?

JoeJustJoe - 7-25-2018 at 06:46 AM

It turns out that Gnukid, is quoting a British anti-science crank, named Christopher Booker, who has also opposed the scientific consensus on numerous issues including global warming, the link between second-hand smoke and cancer, and the negative health effects of asbestos.

This is why I love to see global warming deniers, try to provide links to back up their "denier' arguments, because you only have to do a quick Google search, to see most of their links are written from some crank or hired gun from the energy business or other big business.

Here is where "DeSmogBlog" has researched the funding to one of these global warming denier, conferences, that pays Christopher Booker, speaking fees, and no doubt pays him to be a 'denier" hired gun.
A quick Google search, of the name Christopher Booker, will show he is crack, and in the pocket of energy companies, and right-wing foundations.

DeSmogBlog researched the funding behind the conference and found that sponsor organizations had collectively received over $47 million from energy companies and right-wing foundations, with 78% of that total coming from the Scaife Family of foundations.

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Climate Change: The worst scientific scandal of our generation

"Our hopelessly compromised scientific establishment cannot be allowed to get away with the Climategate whitewash"

gnukid - 7-25-2018 at 03:04 PM

Great to see effort to communicate your thoughts on human generated CO2 driving temperature and the costs to the individual and state of CO2 as a commodity, as in Carbon Credits, trading, and taxes.

Is CO2 pollution?

What are your thoughts on global temperature charts showing no overall temperature in crease in about ~20 years as shown in this diagram and published paper.

srep31789-f1-768x650.jpg - 132kB

gnukid - 7-25-2018 at 04:03 PM

In regard to Obama's evolution of thought, finally, which seems appropriate here for his fans, it appears he has come full circle, revealing that he believes it is failure of the democratic to subscribe to identity politics, and that people should “engage with people not only who look different but who hold different views.” “And you can’t do this if you just out of hand disregard what your opponents have to say from the start.

gnukid - 7-25-2018 at 04:14 PM

When sharing an article or study, it doesn't mean the poster agrees with everything the article or author has ever stated in their life and that every person quoted and everything they ever said is affirmed as my own, in fact I point out studies because they include sources that may be evaluated in support or denial of the topic we are discussing, instead of using phrases when you disagree like the "he is a kook" which has no substance nor weight, if you disagree with a study, published paper, or it's contributors, or author or the original poster, state why and find sources to back-up your view to reference.

I am not sure when in the history of thought did identifying source mean you agree with everything the authors of contributors ever said? It seems like a recent phenomenon to ascribe every action of one individual to another person, which is absurd.

For example, I appreciate Benjamin Franklin, Issac Newton, and Pythagorus but I don't agree with everything they ever said or did, I don't agree at all but that doesn't stop me from occasionally referencing their work I do agree with.

Skipjack Joe - 7-25-2018 at 04:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
In regard to Obama's evolution of thought, finally, which seems appropriate here for his fans, it appears he has come full circle, revealing that he believes it is failure of the democratic to subscribe to identity politics, and that people should “engage with people not only who look different but who hold different views.” “And you can’t do this if you just out of hand disregard what your opponents have to say from the start.

That's not the point gnukid. The point is you lied. Your statement wasn't 'supported by 97% of scientist'. It was an outright lie, an indefensible lie. And if you lied about that your credibility about anything else is shot in my opinion.

I couldn't care less about 'Obamas evolution'.

lewmt - 7-25-2018 at 06:03 PM

"And if you lied about that your credibility about anything else is shot in my opinion."

You are obviously seeking any scrap to condemn. Lie or opinion?

Funny how the true believers get as riled up as a tent revival of southern baptists if you question their piety on "climate science". You all sound like someone just yelled praise the devil in an awkward moment of silence under the tent.

Some appreciate & comprehend your points gnukid, others will forever be blinded by their faith

JoeJustJoe - 7-26-2018 at 07:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
When sharing an article or study, it doesn't mean the poster agrees with everything the article or author has ever stated in their life and that every person quoted and everything they ever said is affirmed as my own, in fact I point out studies because they include sources that may be evaluated in support or denial of the topic we are discussing, instead of using phrases when you disagree like the "he is a kook" which has no substance nor weight, if you disagree with a study, published paper, or it's contributors, or author or the original poster, state why and find sources to back-up your view to reference.

I am not sure when in the history of thought did identifying source mean you agree with everything the authors of contributors ever said? It seems like a recent phenomenon to ascribe every action of one individual to another person, which is absurd.

For example, I appreciate Benjamin Franklin, Issac Newton, and Pythagorus but I don't agree with everything they ever said or did, I don't agree at all but that doesn't stop me from occasionally referencing their work I do agree with.

Regarding Issac Newton, he once said, " “If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants,” may serve as a pithy reminder that even the most famous scientists depended on their forebears."

Nobody is asking you Gnukid, to agree with everything of the writer or scientist your quoting, but we want to see where you are getting your information from, and if it involves global warming, we want to see who is funding the person you're quoting, and where they are getting their information from.

If you Gnukid, are standing on the shoulders of some crank or hired gun who is being paid to confuse the issue, or to muddy the waters, about global warming, I for one will call you on it.

For example, Alex Jones, and his "Infowar" is very big global warming, denier, site, but the fact is Alex Jones, is a crazy loon, with a large fan base that is as crazy as he is. So if anybody then starts quoting Alex Jones, it will reflect badly on them, except of course for Alex Jones, fans.

[Edited on 7-26-2018 by JoeJustJoe]

caj13 - 7-26-2018 at 07:25 AM

so you get your science on climate change from some guy you only know by name on the internet?
where do you go o brain surgery?
The guy behind the counter at 7-11?

If you want to question the science done on climate change - and there is an overwhelming amount - quit cherry picking some minute bits of data, taking it out of context, and then believing that it competely disproves the massive amounts of well documented well collected well analyzed data.

I bet you were one of the "18 years" schmucks who repeately spout that "data" without having any idea where that info came from, and what it really means - and why the "18 years" was chosen specifically by partisan hacks looking for a life raft in an ocean of data that completely drowns out their beliefs.

Climate deniers are exactly like the Bigfoot believers I have dealt with on numerous occassions. They hold in their hand the holy grail - some hair or crap or spit. simple science DNA tests prove it wrong - and of course that immediately leads to them attacking me , my methods, the science, etc, and I'm part of the conspiracy.

You want to be taken seriously as a denier - get some data, demonstrate your expertise and understanding, be able to go study by study and specifically show where they went wrong, why their data are wrong, and provide some counter science - not spouting internet blog posts - do a little research, do a little literature review, inform yourself!

or - go take your car to your plumber to be fixed, and have your taxes done by the 12 year old at the corner lemonade stand - both of them certainly have an equivelent knowledge of those subjects as compared to your denier gurus knowledge and understanding of climate science!

Quote: Originally posted by lewmt  
"And if you lied about that your credibility about anything else is shot in my opinion."

You are obviously seeking any scrap to condemn. Lie or opinion?

Funny how the true believers get as riled up as a tent revival of southern baptists if you question their piety on "climate science". You all sound like someone just yelled praise the devil in an awkward moment of silence under the tent.

Some appreciate & comprehend your points gnukid, others will forever be blinded by their faith

[Edited on 7-26-2018 by caj13]

rts551 - 7-26-2018 at 08:45 AM

Quote: Originally posted by lewmt  
"And if you lied about that your credibility about anything else is shot in my opinion."

You are obviously seeking any scrap to condemn. Lie or opinion?

Funny how the true believers get as riled up as a tent revival of southern baptists if you question their piety on "climate science". You all sound like someone just yelled praise the devil in an awkward moment of silence under the tent.

Some appreciate & comprehend your points gnukid, others will forever be blinded by their faith

Same can be said of the deniers... you have obviously bonded.

caj13 - 7-26-2018 at 11:06 AM

Deniers are a "religion" based on faith and belief.
Science is based on proveable fact, expermentation, observation data and verification.
Clearly Lewmt and others recognize the difference, and recognize the power of science, and the failability of belief based dogma.

so they spend inordinant amounts of energy trying to make their "religion" a self proclaimed science,while trying to convince others that science is in fact the religion!
Ironic, isn't it!

Quote: Originally posted by rts551  
Quote: Originally posted by lewmt  
"And if you lied about that your credibility about anything else is shot in my opinion."

You are obviously seeking any scrap to condemn. Lie or opinion?

Funny how the true believers get as riled up as a tent revival of southern baptists if you question their piety on "climate science". You all sound like someone just yelled praise the devil in an awkward moment of silence under the tent.

Some appreciate & comprehend your points gnukid, others will forever be blinded by their faith

Same can be said of the deniers... you have obviously bonded.

SFandH - 7-26-2018 at 12:39 PM

Putting the climate change issue aside, obtaining and burning fossil fuels pollutes the land, sea, and air and is not sustainable. Clearly, the more energy derived from renewable, non-fossil fuel sources, the better off we'll be. The sooner the better. That in itself is reason enough to strive to lessen the burning of fossil fuels.

[Edited on 7-26-2018 by SFandH]

gnukid - 7-26-2018 at 01:42 PM

Great Dialogue - Some Questions

Where does oil come from?

Is oil CO2?

Is oil abiotic or biotic or both? Meaning does it only come from fossils or all organic material or from rocks too?

Was oil created at one time and is no longer produced?

Is oil constantly being produced by the earth's processes?

Is there more oil or less today than 500,000 years ago?

If oil is being constantly produced what will happen is we stop converting it and it begins to pool up and become an excess at the surface of earth?

When we convert oil to energy and output CO2, does CO2 become oil again at some point?

What is sustainable energy?

Does solar/wind electricity have a carbon footprint?

What are signs of a shortage of CO2? What would happen if CO2 PPM was reduced by 50% or 100%?

[Edited on 7-26-2018 by gnukid]

caj13 - 7-26-2018 at 02:45 PM

excellent questions:
All of which have been answered multiple times.
so how about you do some research, come up with the answers,
and post them here - ALONG WITH THE CITATIONS (source material)

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  
Great Dialogue - Some Questions

Where does oil come from?

Is oil CO2?

Is oil abiotic or biotic or both? Meaning does it only come from fossils or all organic material or from rocks too?

Was oil created at one time and is no longer produced?

Is oil constantly being produced by the earth's processes?

Is there more oil or less today than 500,000 years ago?

If oil is being constantly produced what will happen is we stop converting it and it begins to pool up and become an excess at the surface of earth?

When we convert oil to energy and output CO2, does CO2 become oil again at some point?

What is sustainable energy?

Does solar/wind electricity have a carbon footprint?

What are signs of a shortage of CO2? What would happen if CO2 PPM was reduced by 50% or 100%?

[Edited on 7-26-2018 by gnukid]

Skipjack Joe - 7-26-2018 at 03:18 PM

Although fossil fuels are continually being formed via natural processes, they are generally considered to be non-renewable resources because they take millions of years to form and the known viable reserves are being depleted much faster than new ones are being made.

JoeJustJoe - 8-3-2018 at 06:45 AM

Another sign things are heating up. Beaches in San Diego, are hitting 100 year highs, and it's not even an El Nino year!

78.6 degrees at Scripps Pier in La Jolla!

San Diego's Scripps Pier records highest ocean temperature in its 102-year history

he sea surface temperature at the Scripps Pier in La Jolla hit 78.6 degrees on Wednesday, the highest reading in the pier’s 102-year history, according to UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

The reading broke the previous record of 78.4 degrees, which was set in 1931.

Scripps Oceanography officials say that local ocean temperatures have been running above normal for several days at that spot, but the record was not broken until Wednesday.

The institute has been taking sea surface temperatures there since August 1916 as part of its scientific research.

Ocean temperatures also have been above average along the entire San Diego County coastline for much of the summer, and the reason isn’t clear. The region is not experiencing an El Nino, which tends to produce very warm ocean temperatures in the summer and fall.