
Map to offfice for an FMM at Tijuana

Howard - 8-12-2018 at 01:28 PM

I know I have seen it here before but can someone please repost a google type sky map for going Southbound to the office? I know exactly where it is and have past it at least a hundred times but want to give a rookie a visual on how to stay in the right land and not to make the sweeping left turn into the gates.

I know it's simple as can be but a visual will help start their trip off without any worries or hassles.


bajaguy - 8-12-2018 at 01:44 PM

No map necessary -

Get into and stay in the far right "To Declare" lane

Go straight into the Aduana (Customs) parking lot (do not turn left to the gates)

Park in the Aduana lot

Walk through the building, as soon as you exit the building the INM kiosks will be right there

[Edited on 8-12-2018 by bajaguy]

Howard - 8-12-2018 at 02:07 PM

No map needed for you and me but as simple as it is, a visual will make it a lot more stress free for them. I could let them just figure it out themselves but I am just trying to be helpful for them. If there is no visual I'm sure they can figure it out themselves.

John Harper - 8-12-2018 at 02:13 PM

I think there's a big Mexican flag/flagpole. The parking area is behind the architectural bars and the building is blue. Just tell them to keep right and don't go through the border, it's off to the right, lots of room to manuever too.


[Edited on 8-12-2018 by John Harper]

bajaguy - 8-12-2018 at 02:31 PM

Park where the white tents are,-117.0351271,223m/da...

bajaguy - 8-12-2018 at 02:36 PM

Photo #4.....keep to the right "To Declare" lane

Photo to the parking lot where the flagpole is

Bob and Susan - 8-12-2018 at 02:37 PM


visamx.jpg - 33kB

David K - 8-12-2018 at 03:40 PM

On the north side of the one and only building by that giant flagpole is the COVERED parking. Park, walking into that big building (with your passport and a pen) and walk through the building to the opposite doorway (south side). The INM officers are at small standing desks. The bank teller for paying in back inside that building. Then go back out to the officer for the validation stamp. That's it!

You drive out from the covered parking by the giant flag and merge back into the southbound flow of traffic, do the red/green light thing and officially drive into Mexico! (Yes, you were inside Mexico long before the parking lot)

Edit: Bob's photo is taken from the line going into Mexico for those who already have their validated FMM... Good job pointing it all out Bob!

[Edited on 8-12-2018 by David K]

Howard - 8-12-2018 at 07:28 PM

Thanks you to all who replied.

thebajarunner - 8-14-2018 at 05:20 PM

How can you miss it?

Well, last month my sister was going down, told her
"Stay as far right as you can leaving US,
do not cross through the border lines
stay right
and stay right
oh, by the way, did I mention stay right?
Park under the canopy and go into the only building.... on the right"

She missed it!

I think that she was adopted:?::?::?: