
el escorpiones

eetdrt88 - 3-9-2005 at 05:55 PM

this guy wondered into our camp at gonzaga bay last spring,Eleazar(the guy who runs the camp)told us theyre not that harmful.......just wondering if anyone has heard otherwise??

David K - 3-9-2005 at 06:15 PM

Read Graham Mackintosh's first book... He gives a very vivid description of his stings (more than once). Not fatal for most folks...


comitan - 3-9-2005 at 06:18 PM

I find one at least every 10 days or so. When they sting you its usally on the hand and your hand with be somewhat numb for about a week.

Bruce R Leech - 3-9-2005 at 06:45 PM

don't touch it if you git stung you will wish you hadn't. they can kill a small child.


BajaVida - 3-9-2005 at 07:40 PM

read a Smithsonial article a few years ago saying that scorpions can be found everywhere in Baja, but because they are nocturnal, we never see them

I no longer sleep on the ground while camping

Bruce R Leech - 3-9-2005 at 07:44 PM

there are some 34 different kinds in Baja.

They glow in the dark

DanO - 3-9-2005 at 08:48 PM

You can see them at night with a blacklight. Problem is that the damn cord is so unwieldy. Anyone know where you can find a blacklight flashlight?

Bruce R Leech - 3-9-2005 at 08:52 PM

use a counterfeit money detector it is just that a small hand held ultraviolet light battery powered.

Bruce R Leech - 3-9-2005 at 09:02 PM

here is a pretty good one for 16 dollers

check this url.

tim40 - 3-9-2005 at 09:27 PM

It is one of our favorite summer night camping activities to take our battery operated black lights and go hunting for them.....can kinda freak a person out if they let times 'they are every where'. We bought ours a Sav-on.

As other have indicated, most experience a 'severe' bee sting type feeling that last from hours to days.

HotSchott - 3-10-2005 at 06:41 AM

If they get you in the hand, you will be eating and wiping with the other hand for a while. If they get you in the foot, you better hope you don't have to wear shoes to get home. Usually when they sting your hand, they are gone as quick as they sting. When they get your feet (usually because they are in an empty shoe or boot) they sting multiple times as they are being crushed.

Not fun - check your shoes in the morning!!
