
BOOK: 101 Baja California Peninsula

David K - 12-6-2018 at 11:50 AM

I was at Sunbelt Publications yesterday dropping off an order they placed for 80 copies of my book (Baja California Land of Missions), which is now in its 6th printing (November 2018). Sunbelt is the publisher and distributor of many Baja California and Southwest Region books and maps.

My connection at Sunbelt gave me a copy of this 101 book, it was published in 2016 and the text is in both Spanish and English. 224 pages all color showing 101 locations or things of interest in Baja. Places, animals, sea shells, events, are shown and numbered on a 2-part peninsula map.

It is a beautiful book, with heavy stock pages, all color, and could make a good gift book for any past, current, or future Baja travelers.

After thumbing through the pages, I made a few observations being the detail-holic that I am:

Sadly, the author didn't include anything along Hwy. 5 or Hwy. 3 east from Ensenada. Apparently, also didn't drive to San Javier (#56) saying it is not an easy road and an SUV or 4x4 is advisable). La Purísima is not located correctly on the map (#59, is shown south of San Javier). #39 (Grey whale watching (Ojo de Liebre) didn't get on the map at all.

When I did a quick search for 'Baja 101', I got 4x4abc's web page ;)

Here is the book's publisher web page:

Not yet on their web page, Sunbelt is the wholesale distributor:

ISBN 8-89918-051-2 List price is $24.00