
La Bocana update - K Valeria got her visa!! 3/8/19

BajaBlanca - 2-2-2019 at 03:31 PM

Hello has been a while since I posted, so here is a glimpse of what we have been up to.

I asked the scholarship students to do a clean up wherever they happened to be.

Sarahi is at beauty school in Ensenada. She was a straight A student here in La Bocana and surely could have studied anything but her dream was to own her own salon.

Here she is cleaning up in Ensendada.

Sarahi raking 1.jpg - 120kB

Martha is still on vacation and she cleaned up in Punta Abreojos.
Others came to help and they trimmed some palm trees on the main drag since it is going to be repaved soon.

martha-resized-punta-abreojos 1.jpg - 217kB

I have also asked for all the students to pay a visit to the dentist. Here is Karla Valeria and Michelle after their appointment and finding out that they have NO cavities!

Karla Valeria and Michelle after dentist Feb 2019 resized.jpg - 232kB

Not only that but Karla Valeria is actually studying to be a dentist and Dr. Valenzuela let her assist with Michelle. I am in the process of finding a sponsor to cover her $180 visa to go to the states this summer and intern for free - if anyone is interested, please u2u me!

Here she is at school:

karla-valeria-dentistry-dec-20  A.jpg - 233kB

My Mom was here for January and I had her with me on MANY cleanups. I also went to Punta Chivato for their annual rummage sale. They always give me the leftover clothes and I have spent hours organizing clothes for next Christmas.

jan-punta-chivato-donation A.jpg - 216kB

I also heard that I am getting a donation of some laptops from Pat and Kathy from San Ignacio.

What a lucky woman I am!

So that is life in the slow lane - Jan. 2019

[Edited on 3-7-2019 by BajaBlanca]

[Edited on 3-9-2019 by BajaBlanca]

elgatoloco - 2-2-2019 at 10:59 PM


BajaBlanca - 2-3-2019 at 11:21 AM


She has $$$ for the visa!

Life is grand.

BajaBlanca - 3-7-2019 at 10:16 AM

Update #2

Karla Valeria has been fingerprinted and her visa interview date is tomorrow Friday March 8, 2019.

My dream is for her to spend at least 3 weeks to a month in the States this summer.

Anywhere USA is fine!! Preferably with a family that speaks zero Spanish. Might yours be that family?

And at the same time, she could intern with a local dentist your family knows well. She is at the top of her class and will be a wonderful assistant.

Thanks to the super sponsor who paid for the visa :-))))

Karla Valeria visa application payment.jpg - 72kB

BajaBlanca - 3-8-2019 at 06:58 PM


Karla Valeria got a visa!! Yahooooo

It arrives in 3 weeks. Anyone volunteer to spend a day with her and show her around San Diego? Just to give her a taste of our country? Sure wish I lived closer....

I am so happy for her and so thankful to her sponsor!