
A simple question?

MMc - 5-6-2019 at 05:44 PM

Do you help the good people of Baja? Do you give to a charily?

I post about helping the Grandpa's, hoping to inspire other to do so. The other charities I keep between us. These are more of a yes or no question. I you can inspire others, so much better.
I'll see this on Wednesday as I am off to the grandpa's. Phone is off.

Paco Facullo - 5-6-2019 at 05:52 PM

I have stopped and visited the Grandpas after stopping at the Ensenada Costco and got some staples.
I'll be driving down to La Paz in a month or so and have some walkers, crutches and a raised toilet seat for them...

Good on you and all others that help out....

David K - 5-6-2019 at 06:10 PM

Yes, any time and every time I can, I let people know how wonderful and safe a trip to Baja is. I write travel-adventure-history articles to inspire others to appreciate the wonders in Baja and perk a desire in them, perhaps?

The numbers of potential visitors to Baja (=big money to Baja) is constantly reduced by media-hyped stories about crime and border issues. Three murders were reported in the San Diego news yesterday, but nothing making the headlines that tourists should avoid San Diego?!

Peronally, I support and donate to the amazing emergency rescue service provided by Nomad 'BajaCactus' in El Rosario. That is tiny comapered to the potential that more travelers can do by just coming to Baja. Just let them know about the Grandpas and Halcones del Desierto and any other project... and let the people participate.

motoged - 5-6-2019 at 06:16 PM

I don't give $$$ to charities as much of it usually goes to admin costs.....I have given, when appropriate/helpful, the goods needed (clothes, food, tools).

Directly to persons in need....

basautter - 5-7-2019 at 04:34 AM

I usually don't give money, but bring usable things I no longer need to donate to the needy (cloths, canned food, tires...). I also bring dog food and dog treats for the four legged strays. A little goes a long way!:cool:

pacificobob - 5-7-2019 at 06:21 AM

we all see them. the folks who quite obviously need a square meal, maybe a new shirt in which to seek work.i will never miss the $200pepos i hand them. and whats more if i am mistaken, and they go buy beer or mescal, so be it. i would rather give to the wrong person a dozen times than pass up the guy who really needs a break today. the guy who works for me takes the used clothing, toasters and such and gives them to people in his neighborhood that are in need.

[Edited on 5-7-2019 by pacificobob]

defrag4 - 5-7-2019 at 08:38 AM

Is Grandpas a restaurant? sounds delicious

Paco Facullo - 5-7-2019 at 08:45 AM

The Grandpas is in Camalu. It is a retirement home , of sorts, that about 20 old men that have no other family live at and are taken care of...

Here is a link for more info.

MMc - 5-8-2019 at 01:17 PM

Back after helping out the old guys.

Defrag4, there are 12 old guys and 4 caregivers. Some churches do help but they use everything they get.

Thank you to those that give, most of those in need don't have teams promoting their cause, most are people trying to get by.

It's interesting to not see some folks that spend time there not respond, not really important.

Want to make a real impact???

thebajarunner - 5-8-2019 at 03:12 PM

Started by some kids that I helped raise from the Door of Faith Orphanage in La Mision.
To date Hilda has given over $10 million and currently supports 18

How about stopping off at Rancho Santa Marta just south of San Vicente.
I have worked with them since 1973, they are the real deal
In addition to housing lots of kids they have a trade school and a school for special needs kids. Couple hundred kids in the school daily.
Stop and ask Rod for a tour, you will be hooked

And very tiny amounts get taken off for admin, it almost all goes to the kids in both cases.

BajaBlanca - 5-9-2019 at 01:50 PM

What a great thread and what a good way to share all the options of where to donate in Baja. I know that a little goes such a long way! I have two posts that this just urged me to write ....

Thanks everyone for helping my kids. There are so many who have been so generous with clothes and $$ for raffles and cash for filling cavities and college entrance exams and tuitions and monthly expenses.

My gratitude is endless.

Thanks Mike for always taking care of the grandpa's who have no one else in the world to look after them than the home they are at.

sancho - 5-9-2019 at 06:36 PM

One in San Felipe, Volunteers Without Limits, has a Segundo,
accepts clothes, items to sell in their tienda, but foremost provides meals to older, needed locals. For any of us that
visit the Peninsula, seems only moral to give

BajaMama - 5-10-2019 at 07:36 AM

I tip generously, I don't haggle with prices, I purchase from the door to door food salesmen (sometimes lobster/shrimp/scallops, sometimes homemade meals) if I have room in the fridge, anything to spread a little $$ into the local economy.