
Gringo Gazette

weebray - 8-1-2019 at 08:09 AM

The GG has always done its best to pick the nose of Baja in a journalistic sense. Their latest attempt has brought attention to the annual lifting of the shark seda. This is a very complex issue and is rooted in the fabric of S. Baja. Attention to their feeble attempts resulted in this letter to their editor.

"The lifting of restrictions on shark fishing, an annual event, would be best investigated rather than exposed to reactionary inflammation by red journalism. It is easy to pick a small sore into a gaping wound when the state already has enough gaping wounds existing. Take, for instance, the water being used to clean the rocks at the San Juan de la Costa mine. Hou much water do they use to wash those rocks and create a stream? Where does the water come from. Do they have a quality plan of conservation? What do they pay for the water? Do they get a discount for using vast amounts of electricity for their pumps? Just try to send a reporter to cover this gaping wound. Bet you can't. Easier to just pick the low hanging fruit."