
East Cape-La Paz-etc

luna negra - 1-8-2020 at 11:02 AM

Making a 1st time trip to explore the East Cape and La Paz areas in early Feb. Will have 9 days to drive around the area. Would like to also check out Loreto and maybe Mulege but that seems like a lot to cram in.

Our goal is really get the "vibe" for some areas for upcoming retirement. Winters are dreary here in Texas (to me) and looking for some areas to spend part time in. Our favorite spots in Coahuila and Chihuahua are just too unstable now. The Yucatan is nice but that secret's gone a long time ago.

We generally like to stay off the gringo trail but the wife does like to be pampered now and then so looking for a mostly local with a little tourist trip if that make sense. I've already seen enough of CSL and up Hwy 19 so want to focus on this area.

I've read quite a bit on this board and the local knowledge is pretty incredible. Knowing what you know, how would you folks explore the area? Some must haves are one day fishing for me & one day for the wife (think spa-like at the beach). Don't really like big cities, so no more than 1 or 2 days in La Paz but want to see the cultural highlights. The rest of time mostly looking for AirBnBs in small towns or remote areas and will have a SUV-hopefully 4WD, but no guarantees on the rental. We would also like to see the Missions and perhaps some rock art sites but don't want to spend the whole trip just driving. Hope all this makes sense.

Thanks for any insight you can provide, Jon

[Edited on 1-8-2020 by luna negra]

David K - 1-8-2020 at 12:11 PM

Welcome to Baja Nomad.

The missions of the cape region are mostly replaced by modern churches at the sites (Todos Santos/Santa Rosa, Santiago, San Jose del Cabo). The mission site that was in La Paz is lost to the city. The church there is several blocks north of where historians believe the mission was, but some call it the mission.

There are mission visita ruins at San Juanico (southeast of Todos Santos) and at Angel de la Guarda which is a hike above San Blas, north of Hwy. 1, west of El Triunfo.
GPS and photos for these in the book, Baja California Land of Missions.
See also my mission pages that begin here:
and Jack Swords photos at Angel de la Guarda and San Jacinto that begin here:


geraldalexander7 - 1-8-2020 at 01:26 PM

A day of fishing near Puerto San Carlos(Mag Bay) would be great. 35 miles west of Constitucion.

gnukid - 1-8-2020 at 01:57 PM

It's not a very big place and it's fun to explore. It's inappropriate for others to tell you where to go and preempt the adventure aspect so why not just go exploring and see what you find and what you like. You won't be disappointed.

RocketJSquirrel - 1-8-2020 at 02:31 PM

A great way to get to the "vibe" of a place is to eat local food at local establishments. Street food and traditional restaurants are a wonderful part of enjoying the Baja.

luna negra - 1-9-2020 at 09:42 PM

Thanks for replies. Anything else pops out at y'all, like what to see and do, lemme know. We generally travel without a defined itinerary and go where the locals suggest. Gracias!

BajaBlanca - 1-10-2020 at 08:17 AM

You are going to love this trip! La Paz is a biggish town but feels really small, to us. There are outside areas to live in but then you would be close enough to town to get the pampering in. No matter what, remember to rent for 6 months first to make sure the feel is indeed a good fit.

Los Barriles has a lot of gringoes but La Ribera is not far, has fishing, is near to Cabo Pulmo for a day of snorkeling in the aquarium of the world. La Ribera retains a small town feel and has very few gringoes if I am not mistaken.

Todos Santos is an art and craft center.

I can't wait to hear your results afterwards!