
Sending Books to Loreto

Oliver - 3-3-2020 at 11:20 AM

Can anyone suggest a good way to send a dozen new books to Loreto from the U.S.? Are books subject to tariffs like clothes or are they exempt? Thanks Nomads.

David K - 3-3-2020 at 12:28 PM

I know that people going to Loreto have brought books down south. This is just small quantities.

A book store in another town in Baja Sur used an importer and had us send books to the importer's address in San Diego.

You might ask 'BajaBooks' (Guerrero Negro & Ensenada) how they bring in book from the U.S. They sell my book but don't get it directly from me (ie. it comes from Sunbelt Publications, my distributor who also supplies Amazon).

sending books?

John M - 3-3-2020 at 12:45 PM

I went to UPS (here in the high desert) to mail a rather large package to Mulege.

UPS knew exactly what to do with it. I believe they "UPS'd" it to San Ysidro and at San Ysidro it was given to a freight forwarder.

No problems at all and it was delivered quite quickly. I paid all fees at the local UPS center.

John M

JZ - 3-3-2020 at 12:51 PM

Send it electronically. It will be there in seconds.

Oliver - 3-26-2020 at 01:14 PM

It wasn't fast and it wasn't cheap but UPS came through. They delivered a half dozen children's books to Loreto today. Now, two little kids will be amused while they are stuck inside the casa.
Thanks to John M. for the tip.

BajaBlanca - 3-26-2020 at 05:51 PM


That is great!