

bajabrant - 4-2-2020 at 04:55 PM

hearing conflicting reports regarding in mulege being told no fishing except from shore beginning monday. is there a difference launching from a port versus from shore ? commercial versus sport ? no i'm not a tourist

Feathers - 4-2-2020 at 05:42 PM

Here in La Bocana, they've (the Co-op0 suspended sport-fishing. NO touristas.

However, the locals are still fishing... and doing GREAT. My DH caught his first Gulf Coney/Baqueta today. A 30 pounder!

I hope the rumors you're hearing are false.

Bob and Susan - 4-2-2020 at 05:44 PM

sport fishing is CLOSED

Bob and Susan - 4-2-2020 at 05:46 PM

the marinos will be on the water next week

Bob and Susan - 4-2-2020 at 05:47 PM

all beaches are CLOSED

Cancamo - 4-2-2020 at 06:59 PM

Protecion Civil gave me three hours to move the panga off the beach on Tuesday. All the local commercial pangueros were told to go home for at least 30 days.
Water has been cold/green and fishing has been slow recently anyway.
All tourist charters are shut down by order of the Port Captain until further notice.
Still see a few big private sport fishers prowling around, as well as sailors looking for refuge, somewhere to drop the hook.
Not a normal springtime for sure.
Policia and Civil Protection are showing their presence trying to get ahead of Semana Santa.

Marc - 4-3-2020 at 09:39 AM

All of this because of the virus? Or is it fish conservation?

azucena - 4-3-2020 at 09:44 AM

Because of the virus. They are trying to keep EVERYONE off the beaches ahead of Semana Santa

Cancamo - 4-3-2020 at 09:49 AM


Virus.......... social distancing.

Since when has the government been concerned with any kind of fish conservation, and/or enforcement?

The only entity that practices any conservation science is a few, very successful cooperativos.