
Easter Week - Semana Santa

Osprey - 3-25-2005 at 09:19 AM

Happy (Mexican) Campers

Ten O six A.M. A cassette was slipped into the player powered by a humongous amplifier. The unearthly noise blasted from the mega woofers with enough force to nearly rupture the tympanic membrane; dislodge the delicate malleus and stirrup which struggled to stay in place, recognize and reduce the overwhelming signals, send them on to the brain.

Thus began Semana Santa. There are uncountable places on the planet where Easter week is a time for religious solemnity, prayer and quietude. Not here. This little village plays host each year to more than 500 Easter celebrants who turn our quiet beaches into noisy campgrounds. Come close to the shore and your senses will be jarred, excited, tested. Acrid smoke from driftwood campfires lifts the pungent bite of chorizo frying with eggs and chilis, flavors and pervades the crowded place. Tents, campers, trucks, cars and people are tightly packed, chockablock. A time for showing off the brilliant colors of clothes, tents, beach towels ? nothing subdued here. Scores of small children frolick in the surf, oblivious to the riotous pulsing of the huge vocinos, speakers, the daylong chatter of the man near the stage. He must love the sound of his own crisp and witty pronouncements -- his rapid fire colloquy can only be drowned out by the music.

The village prepares for the event as though the guests had rented the place. Graders improve the dirt roads to and around the camping areas, port-a-potties are deployed. Shades and a large stage are erected. Police, ambulance and first aid people patrol the area day and night. The local garbage crews keep the whole staging area clean and free of glass or metal that could cut the children?s feet.

All the small stores in town are well-stocked with beer, ice, water, paper products, eggs and hotdogs. At our house we stocked up long ago, put extra milk and bread in our freezer, eggs in the fridge. At our house we pray. Not so much to consecrate the memory of the Resurrection but to ask for good camping weather for the hard working vacationers. Looks like this year our prayers have been answered.

yankeeirishman - 3-25-2005 at 10:00 AM

I understand clearly of the ruins of Baja during Spring break. The rude drunks. The ear piercing motorcycles whizzing past your camp of peace. That butt naked dude taking a shower near his trailer trash camper. The little punk college kids whom don?t know a word of respect. And here I sit in Sacramento, Ca, due to the Monsoon like rain and winds we had this week? I wish I was in BAJA right now!!!! :O:O:O:O

bajalou - 3-25-2005 at 08:49 PM

Thats all right Yankeeirishman, we're having a good time here just for you. Took the rails and a couple other vehicles out to Canon Diablo and took a look at the waterfalls, nice ride in the desert on a sunny day - just a little breeze to keep the dust away. Stopped by the store in the dry lake for a cool one and back home for supper - another tough day in Baja.


David K - 3-25-2005 at 08:55 PM

Lou, are the streams going further into the desert before going underground because of all the rain?

Bruce R Leech - 3-25-2005 at 09:00 PM

hang in there yankeeirishman you will git here. and it will be quieter.

Bruce R Leech - 3-25-2005 at 09:34 PM


Good one Grover

bajalou - 3-25-2005 at 09:41 PM

Yes the water is flowing above ground quite a way out from the mouth of the canyons. There is a lot of snow still on Picacho del Diabloso it will continue flowing like that here for quite a while. All the canyons have water flowing to or out of the mouths. In just a few months, it will disapear underground farther and farther up the canyons.

Saw some frogs in and around the water today. Some say this is a indicator of good ecosystems in the area.

Several cars with national plates parked in the lot at the base of the canyon as well as some parked in Diablito. Don't know if they are climbing Diablo or not but were there befor us and still there when we left. Saw no one from the cars.

Sure looks to snowy and cold to climb right now.
