
Price of tourist card to double...

bajagrouper - 4-1-2005 at 02:47 PM

It was announced this morning that Presedente Fox,during his visit to Baja California will call for a 100% rise in the fee charged for an FMT (tourist card) staring today...This means the cost will be around $44.00 USD per person for the 180 day card...The prices are to be raised because less tourists are visiting Mexico,but the government wants the same number of dollars entering Mexico...Although some tourists( Canadians) will decide not to pay this extra amount the citizens of Mulege and La Paz are thrilled to get their beaches back this coming winter...April,First.2005

Brilliant move, Fox!

thebajarunner - 4-1-2005 at 03:06 PM

They had too many visitors to Yosemite so a few years back they raised the fee from $5 to $20.
And, visitors to the park dropped a bunch!
(but we Yosemite fans feel like you folks down south, the fewer the better)
Betcha the plan backfires on him...

Baja Arriba!!

Dave - 4-1-2005 at 03:22 PM

Originally posted by bajagrouper
The prices are to be raised because less tourists are visiting Mexico,but the government wants the same number of dollars entering Mexico

I see the Mexican economic model is still alive and well. Five years from now, one tourist card will be issued. Price: $150,000,000.

Happy April fools day y'all.;D


Big Al - 4-1-2005 at 03:24 PM

There are fools everywhere

DianaT - 4-1-2005 at 05:46 PM

Boy, hit the wrong button, and blank reply:no:

Isn't raising the fees what they have done on the toll roads on the mainland because not enough people use them?

Now they are almost totally empty! Great to drive if you are in a hurry and have a fat bank account.



BajaVida - 4-1-2005 at 06:37 PM

Debra - 4-2-2005 at 01:14 AM

:biggrin: I think that was pretty evident, kind of like the Wal-Mart in Mulege.....(Silly "Trix" kids got the 'mix') LOL!!!

You guys are way too funny!

Pappy Jon - 4-3-2005 at 08:48 AM

Had me going, until I saw this at the end of your post ... April,First.2005"