
Los Cabos vs Cartels

Cliffy - 12-21-2023 at 09:24 PM

Popcorn in hand to see where this thread goes-

mtgoat666 - 12-22-2023 at 08:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Cliffy  
Popcorn in hand to see where this thread goes-

The vid did not tell the half of it.

Baja is under total domination by organized crime. From the tourist hot spot of cabo to the rural fishing coops. Cartel takes a pound of flesh from most every lucrative industry.

[Edited on 12-22-2023 by mtgoat666]

RFClark - 12-22-2023 at 12:08 PM


Mexico is the Goat’s personal protected punching bag. Any posts discussing why Mexico especially Baja and not anyplace north of Baja are removed by the moderator. Safety is relative and transient. Statistics generally do not tell any story outside the one preferred by the presenter.

Then there is the “well you need to hire private security” argument. Personally I look at the cost benefit analysis to determine where is a “good safe place” to live. That probably will be deemed “Political”! That said here it is as generic as I can make it.

It comes down to “What do I get for what I pay”? If I pay thousands of dollars in taxes and fees, I expect things like crime, potholes, bad sidewalks and general blight to be dealt with. If I pay thousands of Pesos, I expect a lot less.

The Goat for all his talk about public Safety is basically an “all for me” Anarchist. “Supporting the government is for fools” is how he puts it. If people are loaded into boxcars again the Goat will be watching with a bowl of popcorn.

Past that, there’s no place to go here! I doubt even this generic post will stand!

surabi - 12-22-2023 at 12:42 PM

That the cartels run Mexico doesn't have to do with the taxes you pay, RFC, it is a product of rampant corruption.

RFClark - 12-22-2023 at 12:53 PM

Corruption encompasses far more than just accepting cash bribes and is far more widely encountered than just Mexico!

There’s great fishing here in BCS. Lots of fish! Yet, to-date no reports of fish rotting from the tail up. Go figure!

Which still leaves the issue of a self centered anarchist crying about a lack of public safety.

BTW, you have a bowl of popcorn too?

[Edited on 12-22-2023 by RFClark]

[Edited on 12-22-2023 by RFClark]

DouglasP - 12-22-2023 at 01:53 PM

They drove by my truck at 30:22 in Todo Santos. We had driven down from Punta Chivato for a week or so. Kinda cool.
Interesting video.

surabi - 12-22-2023 at 03:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by RFClark  
Corruption encompasses far more than just accepting cash bribes and is far more widely encountered than just Mexico!

Duh, that's exactly what I meant when saying it has nothing to do with the amount of taxes you pay. And of course Mexico doesn't have a corner on the corruption market.

I was just talking with someone who has spent a lot of time over the years travelling in Africa, where she said the level of corruption makes Mexico look tame by comparison. Like Mexico, it is an issue that goes way back in time, but for other reasons. She said that in Africa, it was always accepted that the tribal chiefs were the wealthy ones who were entitled to everything and that attitude has carried over to modern day politicians.
But it's one thing for a tribal chief of a village to enjoy the best grazing lands for his livestock or the most fertile ground for his crops, and quite another level when politicians are getting stinking rich by dirty deals involving major resource extraction, while the common people live in abject poverty.

Cliffy - 12-22-2023 at 04:58 PM

Corruption takes many forms around the world.
Every continent with maybe the exception of Australia has some form of massive corruption contained therein.
I too have been around the world several times and witnessed same.
Africa? Ya, lots and lots of corruption by government and poverty for the masses.
Europe? Yup! The same thing. Pick a place and you will find it.
Everywhere in the world there is corruption so to carve out Mexico as a singularity is myopic.

Danger? That also is concomitant with corruption.
Lawlessness? Always evident in to some degree in every society regardless of the level of corruption. Need I bring up the south side of Chicago today (or even sung about by Jim Croce 40 years ago)?

The point of taxes vs services is well taken.
World civilizations have ebbed and flowed for eternity in various forms of civility and "lawful" behavior. How well citizens were protected has always depended on who has the power in the society.

Weapons have been the constant to determine that end!
The pendulum always swings to each side and seems to self-correct the trials and tribulations but maybe on a time scale longer than wanted or expected.

Just as this video seemed to express, tourists have not usually been the target of the organized crimes. Local exceptions can be found (as in any society). Even now in the USA kidnappings are wide spread. That crime is not localized to Mexico or any other country. Large numbers of people are shot every day in the USA BUT usually confined to suicide of drug traffickers' and criminals. If you aren't involved in that life style you probably are not going to be directly affected.

After traveling most of the world one learns how to be aware of ones surroundings and not place yourself in jeopardy no matter what country one is in.

I wouldn't walk around south Los Angeles even in the daytime today and I grew up there.

Baja is unique and can be consumed more or less safely if proper precautions (precautions anyone would take anywhere else in the world) are observed. Where ever you go there is always the possibility of danger. Its a fact of life.

You pays your money and you take your choice.

RFClark - 12-22-2023 at 11:42 PM


Sorry to burst your bubble, but Australia has a corruption problem as well!

Outside of the UK, Canada, Australia, NZ & the US what we call corruption is just how business is expected to be done. The position of “Fixer” which goes by a variety of names is a respected and well paid staff position.

FYI the tribal leader(s) around the world usually have the most wives as well. Which brings us to the relatives selling access to whoever’s in-charge issue. Which is also business as usual around the world.

Paying taxes for things that never get done is the issue! No mater what the reason,