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Author: Subject: 'At the limit,' Mexico buckles under migrant surge to U.S.
Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-10-2016 at 03:49 PM
'At the limit,' Mexico buckles under migrant surge to U.S.
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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-10-2016 at 04:25 PM

There have been articles in the San Diego and TJ newspapers for the past few weeks about migrants showing up at the San Ysidro border crossing from the Caribbean, Africa, and the Middle East seeking asylum in the United States. I've read they enter via South American countries that have easy visa requirements and then work their way north to the US border, sneaking across Mexico's southern border. The trip takes months and costs 1000s of dollars.

It's causing problems in TJ because they are camping out at the pedestrian crossing where the US has facilities to process asylum seekers. Many speaking little Spanish or English.

And Cubans are approaching the border via Mexico in record numbers because they are afraid that normalization of relations between Cuba and US will result in the ending of their special status where if the step on US soil, they're in. Get in now or forget about it.

[Edited on 6-10-2016 by SFandH]
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[*] posted on 6-10-2016 at 05:52 PM

Those immigrants are in transit. That's why Mexico allowed them to enter.

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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 07:46 AM

gnu? You might want to report that to the authorities so they could stop it....

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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 10:08 AM

The border is wide open by design of the US Federal administration

Ex Border Chief: "between 5 and 10 percent of border agents and officers are actively corrupt or were at some point in their career".

"On average, at least one agent is arrested daily for misconduct..."

Senate Session documenting Obama Federal non-enforcement of immigration laws and facilitation of cartel migration of illegals

Obama Feds shipped unmarked high power weapons to Cartels then tried to hide with executive privilege. AG Eric Holder held in contempt of the House of Reps (first time AG ever held in contempt).

How Mexican Cartel works with DHS

Obama administration partners with Mexican Cartels

DEA struck deal with Sinaloa Cartel

US Border Human Smuggler Arrested 43 times claims to be underage

DHS knew illegals lied about status

ICE Is Facilitating Human Smuggling and Child Trafficking

How US policy facilitates trafficking forced labor

US Law Helps Drug Cartels Sneak Guns Into Mexico

[Edited on 6-11-2016 by gnukid]
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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 10:42 AM

Did you copy the cops on all this? WOW! You might get a reward or something...

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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 11:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chuckie  
Did you copy the cops on all this? WOW! You might get a reward or something...

It's funny to make jokes about the obvious problems at the border and joke about the corruption of US Feds? When you walk along the seashore in USA or Mexico with your family and you hear the shots fired and you see the daily reports of deaths, or you see the dead bodies yourself, you are personally affected by crime, human trafficking and drugs in your neighborhood, among friends and family and it hits home to every Nomad.

This is not a silly joke, it is painfully obvious that the current US policy now and for a very long time has been to facilitate criminal behavior across the border, perhaps it is for profit, perhaps to destabilize communities, perhaps it's just pure corruption. Let's simply know the facts, US federal policy is corrupt by design and is hurting both countries and hurting families like ours, in Mexico and USA, support for drugs, weapons, human trafficking and massive corruption is not going to end with Democrats or Republicans, the federal corruption issue must be addressed by families and communities and no longer tolerated and accepted as business as usual.

People like Chuckie who make jokes are a big part of the problem, its not clear if he is just in denial like so many, or silly, or drunk, or stupid, but by joking and distracting from serious discussion about the obvious Federal source of criminal behavior, Chuckie behavior is facilitating crime at the border.
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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 11:30 AM

United States is responsible for arming the drug cartels

'Fast and Furious' Weapons Found at Scene of Mexico 'Massacre'

Mexican Cartels Used Fast and Furious Guns For Mass Killings

U.S. government sent thousands of firearms over an international border and directly into the hands of criminals

US is responsible

US banks Launder Billions of Murderous Cartel Drug Money

Corruption Starts at the Top-How Obama and Mexico Corrupted the CBP
CBP aids human trafficking
Obama Presidency Corruption

Border Patrol Unable to Curb Corruption

Corruption Flourishes with CBP

CBP's own internal report states it must change policies to reduce CBP corruption

[Edited on 6-11-2016 by gnukid]
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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 11:59 AM

When it comes to getting tough on immigration, Republican candidates talk the talk, but Obama walks the walk. President Obama has deported more people than any U.S. president before him, and almost more than every other president combined from the 20th century.
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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 12:44 PM

Who said I was joking? If it is as flagrant as you purport it to be, then you should be leading the charge to stop it, rather than posting on the internet. I don't think anyone in government is very interested in stopping it for lots of reasons. I doubt that will change much. Too much big money involved. I lived and worked on the Mexican border, Sierra Vista Az. Bisbee, Las Cruces NM....I have crossed that border my guess, upward of a thousand times....Throwing stuff around to make a political point doesn't impress me....

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Barry A.
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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 12:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Stickers  
When it comes to getting tough on immigration, Republican candidates talk the talk, but Obama walks the walk. President Obama has deported more people than any U.S. president before him, and almost more than every other president combined from the 20th century.

Hmmmm, well, not exactly. Here is the LA Times "take" on that:
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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 01:02 PM

The number of illegal immigrants facilitated to cross the border has skyrocketed under Obama, thus the number of deportees for crime has also skyrocketed.

With so many criminal illegal immigrants arriving at border towns and being shipped by ICE relay to cities deep within the USA and released it is overwhelming all services. It's not hard to see why the Obama admin facilitation of massive criminal illegal immigrants and apparent corruption is a huge burden to towns all over the USA and precipitated a crime wave.

Basically, the policy creates and supports a massive underclass of undocumented workers in crime ravaged communities where illegals start of as illegals without documentation or the ability to depend on police or feel safe and are victimized and abused, living in a criminal underclass that is a burden to every person.

It's confusing, in fact the policy is contradictory on purpose, designed to be corrupt, and so damaging to our infrastructure it is difficult to understand, all the while politicians smirk and continue to burden cities who are breaking under the crime wave? Yet this is the policy of the Obama federal administration against states.

The policy is to break the USA, corrupt every aspect of enforcement and create defacto open borders with massive criminal element to provoke bigger budgets for enforcement (which will also fail) and then they say the only solution is an open border and unlimited support for migrants, with a massive police state, like the EU, he has initiated legislation to provide social security benefits and Obama care to illegal immigrants at increasing costs and reduced services.

This is policy to homogenize US society and increase social services and government funding, reducing the safety and security of society so every person accepts a corrupt and militarized police state with lower quality of life.

To deny the facts in front of you is cognitive dissonance and is a form of mass programming to reduce the ability to think critically. But to many Nomads alike it's a funny joke hahaha the destruction of our core infrastructure, integrity, common sense and critical thought within our country, whether Mexico or USA. Instead of working together people attack each other, blame false puppets and ignore the truth.

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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 01:16 PM
Some facts

number of illegal immigrants: 11 million, 52% Mexican

45% of illegal immigrants are visa over-stayers who entered legally

therefore about 6 million entered illegally

there are 319 million people in the US

therefore 2% entered illegally

the number of illegals is decreasing

there have been recent studies indicating more Mexicans are leaving the US than entering.

the fertility rate for Mexican women has decreased from on average 7 children in the 1960s to 2.2 today, decreasing the rate of increase in job creation in Mexico necessary to employ its youth.

Mexico's per capita GDP (a measure of standard of living) has been trending up over the past decades.

So, IMHO, illegal immigration from Mexico has little and diminishing negative impact.

What is all the noise about??

This is much more troublesome:

"During 2012 alone, incomes of the wealthiest 1 percent rose nearly 20%, whereas the income of the remaining 99 percent rose 1% in comparison."

We're getting raped by the super rich white Americans, not the poor non-white illegal immigrants as one super rich noisy American would have you believe.

[Edited on 6-11-2016 by SFandH]
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Barry A.
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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 02:04 PM

SFandH---------IF you can, please explain to me how the average white American is being "raped by the 1%"? I missed that somewhere along the way. The fact that the 1% are making a lot of money is undeniable, but I can't for the life of me figure out how they are "raping" anybody. "Rape", by definition, is a crime of violence against unwilling participants------why is it that I have never felt "raped" since apparently you think I am?
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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 03:10 PM

I repel from any, and all, "share the wealth discussions" ... Work your best. Mine is mine...yours is yours.

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[*] posted on 6-11-2016 at 06:01 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Barry A.  
SFandH---------IF you can, please explain to me how the average white American is being "raped by the 1%"?

Sorry, I should have said "screwed" by the 1%.

Is that better? :D

If you don't understand how, read about the consequences of income inequality, you have the world's largest, best indexed library at your fingertips.

Sorry for the hijack folks.

Back to migration.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-12-2016 at 10:37 AM

The OP article notes that border detentions have increased 126% year to year (thats huge), many immigrants are detained and then bussed to their US destination documented and released with a court date, and subsequently miss their court date and continue as illegals, according to CBP spokesman.

The number of known and documented border crossings is skyrocketing. How many are not known? Like crime statistics, illegal immigrant statics are based on "reported" numbers not unreported numbers which are an unknown but can be extrapolated up and estimated by known observations and experience.

If the known number of legal hispanic immigrants is about 50 million and the number known illegal immigrants is 11 million then the actual number of unreported illegal immigrants in the US can estimated to be 30-50 million, not the often reported 11 million which is the same number reported for more than the last decade.

Illegal immigrants reportedly filed millions of tax returns for stolen SS numbers and the IRS sent refunds in the billions many directly to Mexico and will make no attempt to recover (this happened to me and many other Nomads resulting in complications and delays to resolve the issue not to mention loss of billions of tax dollars).

The impact of mass migration, and ever increasing mass illegal migration through mexico by nationals of every country and subsequent criminal activity absolutely impacts the US ability to manage services, security and safety as well as alters culture, education, work, and all aspects of our well being.

The deportations occur for only those arrested for criminal activity, those who go under the radar and are not arrested for criminal behavior are never counted. Detention and deportation for reported criminal behavior is up, thus, unreported crime is up / unreported migration is up.

Sanctuary cities do not report non-citizen crimes to ICE and do not cooperate that has resulted in a sanctuary city crime wave. “Sanctuary policies are providing protection for Mexican drug cartels smuggling narcotics, violent criminal gangs from below the wide open Southern border like MS-13, Mexican human smugglers, and convicted criminal illegal aliens whose presence in the USA has been harmful and dangerous to American citizens."

Interestingly, speaking against open borders and sanctuary cities for immigrant criminals is termed as racist in our current PC dialogue, while promoting rights of criminal illegals is supported by legislation, Sanctuary City laws and funded foundations such as La Raza which whose SVP lobbyist was appointed to serve in the whitehouse under Obama.

So who is divisive perhaps Obama, Clinton, Trump and Bush? Is this orchestrated t divide and conquer this Nation with a communist agenda? Why would US taxpayers fund efforts to support and increase mass legal and illegal immigration through Mexico to USA, why does the US administration support confusing destructive high cost destabilization through mass immigration that has increased crime and caused a huge burden for citizens. Why does the US admin support cartels with weapons etc ad inifitum, low fines for US bank cartel drug money laundering? Why are citizens afraid to discuss the negative impact of US policy to support mass legal and illegal immigration to destroy US sovereignty, society and security?

Obama and Clinton both were trained under the philosophy of Saul Alinsky and identify as "Alinskyites" whose goal is to create Socialist highly controlled society. Read his book Rules for Radicals. Bill Ayers was a great friend and mentor to Obama, Ayers is a radical communist activist who supported over-throwing the US capitalist philosophy.

Somehow all the known facts noting mass migration and open borders, current and past events by Obama, Bush and Clinton and Trump are ignored and denied by the ignorant US population (Nomads) who prefer to argue and distract about Trump vs Clinton and pure idiocy, or Bush vs Clinton, all politicians whose history is no where well suited to serve and benefit the USA citizens, and could be treasonous.

Consider mass immigration with a critical mindset about the affects on Mexico and USA?

[Edited on 6-12-2016 by gnukid]
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Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 6-12-2016 at 05:50 PM

Quote: Originally posted by gnukid  

Illegal immigrants reportedly filed millions of tax returns for stolen SS numbers and the IRS sent refunds in the billions many directly to Mexico and will make no attempt to recover (this happened to me and many other Nomads resulting in complications and delays to resolve the issue not to mention loss of billions of tax dollars).

[Edited on 6-12-2016 by gnukid]

Who are all these many NOMADS? Are the illegals gleaning information off this site? or is it just more BS?
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[*] posted on 6-12-2016 at 11:27 PM

Thanks Gnukid ... for all the work on the issue

Documented immigrants = legal immigrants

Undocumented immigrations = illegal immigrants

Say, is Mexico going to start giving free medical care to all undocumented and/or illegal immigrants ... Gov Brown wants to :biggrin::biggrin:
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[*] posted on 6-13-2016 at 02:12 AM

Gnus last quoted thingy about the tax refunds is a real brain twizzler, aint it? I wonder how a tax refund, sent to Mexico, legally or illegally can effect a non related Nomad? Another one of those conundrums...I love the non definitive parts, "reportedly" "in the billions" etc. Perhaps since there are so "many Nomads" he could provide the name of ONE? that could come forward and explain the issue that that was fraught with "complications and delays"? Its hard to solve a problem that is undefined...Or maybe it doesn't exist?....

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