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Author: Subject: Essay Contest (How To Post a Photo With Minimal Hassle)
Super Nomad


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[*] posted on 11-7-2005 at 10:48 PM
Essay Contest (How To Post a Photo With Minimal Hassle)

The winner gets a hearty that-a-boy from several people on this forum I'm sure. I would like to see somebody type up a short essay based on step by step instructions on how to easily get a photo sized down to the size allowed for posting on this forum using an online Photoshop type program. The winning criteria is based on how easy the task can be accomplished via your instructions. Any takers?

[Edited on 07/17/2004 by Packoderm]
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[*] posted on 11-8-2005 at 12:19 AM

I can get them down to 50 kb but I can't get them to show on my posting??

Corky :?: :?:

[Edited on 11-8-2005 by Corky1]

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David K
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[*] posted on 11-8-2005 at 12:23 AM

It has to be UNDER 50 kb (49.9 is fine)!

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David K
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[*] posted on 11-8-2005 at 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Packoderm
The winner gets a hearty that-a-boy from several people on this forum I'm sure. I would like to see somebody type up a short essay based on step by step instructions on how to easily get a photo sized down to the size allowed for posting on this forum using an online Photoshop type program. The winning criteria is based on how easy the task can be accomplished via your instructions. Any takers?

Hi Packo,

I used Windows Picture It in the past... but the last batch (Erle Stanley Gardner Museum Pics) I tried a new way that the great aridologist Neal Johns told me, and it was easy and in a program all pcs have (I think), 'paint'.

If 'paint' isn't on your deck top, do this (click on):

a) Start

b) All Programs

c) Accesories
1) Paint (start here if 'paint' is on your desk top)
2) File

3) Open...

3a) then click on the photo to get reduced (double click).

4) Image

5) Sketch/Skew... then change the % down from 100 in both sketch & skew to a lesser number... My photos were taken at normal quality 55-60 kbs. (vs. HQ or SHQ) and changing the % to around 90% brought the kbs to under 50.

If you are taking HQ images, try reducing to 30%.

Continue to Click on:

6) OK

7) File

8) Save As

8a) now type in a name for the photo or add R to it to indicate it is the reduced one... this is a copy so you don't mess with the original.

9) Save


When you move the mouse over the reduced photo in the files, the kb size will show and let you know if you didn't get it low enough, or too low! In either case, repeat the steps above... after you do a couple it gets pretty easy.

Neal gets the credit for this method, don't thank me if you like it!

[Edited on 11-8-2005 by David K]

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Super Nomad


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[*] posted on 11-8-2005 at 01:42 AM

Ok Dave, I tried it at 30%, but it was a bit small at 28 kb. I'll try it at 45%.

I got the picture on at 39 kb. I may be getting picky, but I think it would be nice to resize a picture while knowing exactly what size will result regardless of what I start out with.

[Edited on 07/17/2004 by Packoderm]
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[*] posted on 11-8-2005 at 08:15 AM

Well, here's how I do it.

To reduce phot size for posting

Get ReducePhoto program free from (a really small program) I keep the Iicon on desktop.

Click on ReducePhoto - screeh reminds you that you can reduce more that one at the same time - click OK

A window opens for you to select the photo to reduce - locate it and click Open

A window askes for Output Size - 640x480. 320x240 or 160.120 - for posting I use the larger 640x480 - click OK

A window "Output Quality" opens It tells origional size, and JPEG Quality with a "Select" button. Imput lower number in the JPEG Quality window and click Select - the new size (in KB) is shown. Try different numbers - 55, 58, 65, etc until the Output size is what you want. For the Forum 49 or 48 is great. Click on Save and the output is saved in the same folder as the origional with the same name but a "x" added after the name.

Go back to the Nomads and post your picture.


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[*] posted on 11-8-2005 at 09:29 AM
For WindowsXP Users...

There is a great tool available for users of WindowsXP to easily re-size photos. It is one of the "Power Toys", available from Microsoft and for this application you would want the "IMAGE RESIZER" tool. You can find it here:

The downloads are listed on the right hand side of the page, and you'll see the Image Resizer when you scroll down.

Download and install the Image Resizer.

Open the photo you want to resize. When you RIGHT-CLICK the photo, you will now see a "Resize Pictures" option. Click on that, and select the new size for your photo. The "Handheld" pixel settings are fine and will get you well under 50kb; more like in 15kb in most cases.

The resized photo will appear in the same folder as your original photo, but will have a different name. That's it.
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[*] posted on 11-8-2005 at 05:10 PM

i agree with mia. MPR is free and easy to use. but there are numerous programs that all accomplish the same thing...your mileage may vary.

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