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Author: Subject: When Don Willy visits Los Barriles
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[*] posted on 4-26-2004 at 01:02 PM
When Don Willy visits Los Barriles

In counting my good fortune to be the person that I am, I must give homage and credit to the teachers who have had much influence in forming my very being; those that I have met in "real life” and those who’s work lives on for them, all of those whom I have had opportunity to learn from along this path now taken for some 50 plus odd years.

One teacher who truly amazes me that I should have had the good fortune to study under is William Shakespeare; Really, I am just sitting here in amassment, truly with thanks to the God’s at my good fortune, that yet again, I have been given the opportunity to study and practice and act out the poetry of such a great Master Smith of the English language, as Shakespeare truly is.

Who can imagine such a wildly wondrous world, where one has the opportunity to take so many different paths, learn from so many different teachers; that someone as simple as I truly am, might encounter the opportunity to study this Great Master’s dance of words. How can I even begin to count my supreme luck in finding this opportunity to live in these times, in the Western Hemisphere, in Mexico, on the Sea of Cortez, in a small remote fishing village such as Los Barriles truly is, and hook in with this opportunity to study the work of this Master who has trespassed continents, cultures and 4 centuries now to teach yet one more humble soul the workings of human nature, (nothing has really changed there in the last four hundred years), the many facets of ones own self and an inkling of the art of expressing oneself.

Every year for four years now, I am given the opportunity to pull his words off of paper, to personify yet another character in one of this great master's plays. I read and I reread what my character sez, I study how the other characters interact with mine own and each other. Little by little, I watch the plot deepen and develop and suddenly we are on stage and the words come to life and Magic happens and I am given yet another opportunity to participate in a moment of perfect inspiration beyond my wildest dreams and my heart does sing with the what is presented me to learn; and I am left dumb struck in awe once more with wonder as to how one may make words dance off the page right on to the stage in order to create a living breathing image.

And I am equally amazed at the people that surround me in their effort to also learn from this most unique opportunity. We are a diverse bunch, coming from all walks of life, each taking our own path, but for this moment our roads merge in this effort; all of us beckoned by the words of a Master Poet, who wrote so very long ago those very same words we now act out. Yes, most certainly we are all blessed to be able to participate in the invoking of his vision.

Los Barriles must surely be a magical place; here, where life is much simpler, and the sea sings bright blue, and the sky is so clean one can see more stars at night than just about any where on our little planet, here of all places, here in this most primitive setting, are gathered 'every day people', who in this moment of like mind do work together in an endeavour of acting out the words written way back when, which to this day are so completely valid to describe what us humans do to one and other.

We are lead by two of the finest thespians of our century, Bob & Lesley Currier, who come all the way from Marin County to direct us simple folk in our effort. How lucky can we all be as to have them lead us! Each year I know may be my last chance at such a wonder evoking experience, so I will relish in the moment and give thanks to the Poet, this Place, these Times and each and everyone of Us that is a part of making this most special evocation of the dance of a Master's words yet again come to life on a sweet Baja starry night.

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Baja Bernie
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[*] posted on 4-27-2004 at 09:38 PM
Who woulda thunk!!

As you all can see the Muse sings again in this persons ear.
Welcome back!

My smidgen of a claim to fame is that I have had so many really good friends. By Bernie Swaim December 2007
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