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Hmmmmmm ! does this ring a bell like " PUNTA BANDA " ?
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Quote: | Originally posted by BAJA.DESERT.RAT
Hmmmmmm ! does this ring a bell like " PUNTA BANDA " ?
Unfortunately, those people were the perfect example of how not to invest in real estate in Mexico.
Ultra Nomad
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It is a very nice development with expensive homes. It could be a big loss for some very unfortunate people.
Strive For The Ideal, But Deal With What\'s Real.
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“The sincere pursuit of truth requires you to entertain the possibility that everything you believe to be true may in fact be false”
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Ray Novelli, Michael Schaible etc. It's time the people of baja rid these crooks who prey on the people of baja.
Super Nomad
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Jeez, Goodtimes Ray has left a trail of destruction and bankruptcy across the continent for over a decade. He must be good friends with Donald Trump.
Christopher Bruno, Elk Grove, CA.
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Can anyone link of with the article in ZETA about Noevelli? I know the area where Maravia is located but think the homes are a bit under designed for
the potential area. In other words they are very ugly.
Ultra Nomad
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I have driven through there a few times and I think they are very nice looking and expensive.
Strive For The Ideal, But Deal With What\'s Real.
Every day is a new day, better than the day before.(from some song)
Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.
“The sincere pursuit of truth requires you to entertain the possibility that everything you believe to be true may in fact be false”
Elite Nomad
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About “Goodtimes” Ray
Raymond NovelliRaymond “Ray” Novelli is the chairman and chief executive officer of Revcon Motorcoach, Inc., manufacturer of luxurious front wheel
drive and 4 wheel drive motor coaches since 1971.
Mr. Novelli is also a member of the board of directors and officer of All Seasons Resorts, Inc., Ponderosa Park, Inc., Hussong’s Resorts and Cutty’s
Resorts, Inc.
Mr. Novelli’s background includes the controlling stock interest in 5 Texas banks, founder of Presidential Airlines, owner and developer of over 5,000
apartment units in Texas, Nevada and California.
And now president of Travel America after other ventures went bankrupt.
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Thanks. No offense Comitan but I still think they are ugly. For the view I think I would have put a little more into designing the places. Perhaps
something closer to Palmilla or Punta Ballena maybe. I will say that the streets and sidewalks are really top notch for baja.
Ultra Nomad
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What I see with the location period, is the wind,bad,bad, view great.
Strive For The Ideal, But Deal With What\'s Real.
Every day is a new day, better than the day before.(from some song)
Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.
“The sincere pursuit of truth requires you to entertain the possibility that everything you believe to be true may in fact be false”
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The view and the beaches are the best in baja. From Playa Balandra, Tecolote, Predio Azul, Coyote etc. nothing beats the area. Can't wait to read the
article on that crook.
Platinum Nomad
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Strange how La Paz seems to attract these types.. Wasn't just a few months ago... the head of a cartel was found living in La Paz.. with knowledge of
LE officials and others?
Ultra Nomad
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Has posted some impressive info on Novelli why the bad mouthing?
Strive For The Ideal, But Deal With What\'s Real.
Every day is a new day, better than the day before.(from some song)
Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.
“The sincere pursuit of truth requires you to entertain the possibility that everything you believe to be true may in fact be false”
Super Nomad
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Quote: | Originally posted by comitan
Has posted some impressive info on Novelli why the bad mouthing? |
Comitan, Google "Raymond Novelli"....he's not a nice nor honest kinda guy!
rts551, thinks you didn't read beyond the first entry.
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If you google his name" Ray Novelli lawsuits" you will he is involved in many lawsuits while he owned his travel company. He's probably in baja
because it got to "hot' for him here and on baja he can at least pay to get what he wants.
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With all the lawusits this guy has i's amazing no one took him out.
Here is the ZETA article in spanish
Gobierno de BCS solapa a prófugo
Arrastrando más de 70 demandas por fraude, el empresario inmobiliario Raymon Novelli salió de Estados Unidos en el año 2000 sin responder a la
justicia y desde entonces vive en La Paz, Baja California Sur, donde fue acusado de despojo después que anunció una millonaria inversión en un
proyecto turístico, el inversionista continúa en libertad. «Nos preocupa el hecho de que se están invirtiendo recursos de dudosa procedencia»,
reclaman los empresarios.
Gerardo Zúñiga Pacheco
La Paz, Baja California Sur.- Llegó a Baja California Sur en papel de inversionista. Sin investigarlo, el gobierno le otorgó apoyo y protección que
usó para cometer delitos en contra de ciudadanos sudcalifornianos. Una de las víctimas lo denunció y el proceso terminó exponiéndolo como un prófugo
de la justicia en Estados Unidos.
Se llama Raymon Novelli y en su país de origen está acusado de fraude, estafa, despojo y abuso de confianza, pero eso no importó.
El 7 de febrero del 2000, un juez del estado de California falló contra el extranjero Raymond Ray Novelli acusado de declarar en quiebra a su compañía
para evitar devolver la inversión de sus principales socios comerciales, miembros, acreedores y recuperar impuestos retenidos por el gobierno
La operación de carácter fraudulento obtuvo sentencia cuatro meses después, en julio del 2000. El juez penal ordenó al propietario de la organización
Novelli –All Seasons Resorts, Travel America y The Apollo Group– devolver bienes y pagar daños a todos los afectados. La prensa escrita de la Unión
Americana dio cuenta de este hecho.
Ese caso detonó una ola de denuncias penales en su contra por toda la Unión Americana. Los defraudados vivían en Ohio, Miami, California, Alabama,
Michigan, Mississippi, Washington, Texas y Arizona. Y destapó 77 denuncias penales previas, fechadas entre el 17 de septiembre de 1986 y el 28 de
abril de 1998, todas por haber quebrado las compañías en forma engañosa.
Fue a mediados del 2000 que desapareció del territorio estadounidense y no había razón de su paradero. Los defraudados declararon a la prensa que
«pareciera que a Novelli se lo había tragado la tierra».
Precisamente en esas fechas quedó registrada la llegada del extranjero a Baja California Sur.
Durante más de siete años, estuvo oculto de sus perseguidores en un terreno donde construyó una pequeña casa. Ubicado a 20 kilómetros al Este de La
Paz, en la zona conocida como la playa de «El Coyote», en un lugar donde sólo van bañistas perdidos o parejitas «a ver la puesta del sol» o en algunas
De los millones que Novelli presuntamente había defraudado en la Unión Americana no se supo nada.
Fue hasta el 18 de mayo del 2007, después de siete años, que Novelli reapareció públicamente. Estaba retratado con el gobernador de Baja California
Sur, Narciso Agúndez Montaño.
Porque en esa fecha, el extranjero anunció que «invertiría» 100 millones de dólares en un proyecto turístico llamado «Maravia», y dijo haber comprado
mil 750 hectáreas de esa zona. Anunció que construiría 2 mil 65 lotes residenciales, dos campos de golf, áreas de recreación, una plaza comercial y un
hotel de cinco estrellas.
El problema fue que la propiedad del predio en cuestión fue reclamada por Guadalupe Cota Rochín, una integrante de la familia, que por generaciones
tuvo la posesión del terreno, producto de una herencia familiar en 1862. Entregó escrituras para sustentar su demanda.
Novelli sólo manifestó que la transacción se realizó en Ensenada, Baja California, pero no hizo público el nombre del vendedor ni tampoco ha
presentado escrituras.
La señora Cota Rochín, con su marido Martín Búrquez, presentaron una denuncia penal en contra del extranjero a principios del 2002 por el delito de
despojo. Lo acusaron de haberse apoderado de las mil 750 hectáreas en forma ilegal y pretender construir un desarrollo turístico en el terreno de su
Pero la denuncia penal que en su momento interpuso en la Agencia del Ministerio Público del Fuero Común de la Procuraduría General de Justicia del
Estado (PGJE) no prosperó, se archivó.
«¿Qué intereses puede tener ahí el gobernador?», se preguntó Martín Búrquez, refiriendo la presencia de Narciso Agúndez Montaño en la presentación del
proyecto turístico, en el que se dio tiempo para el brindis, tomarse la foto del recuerdo y hasta abrazar y felicitar a Novelli. En ese acto, también
estuvo como testigo el entonces Presidente Municipal de La Paz, Víctor Manuel Castro Cosío.
Expuso que le sorprendió la asistencia de ambos funcionarios, porque «tenían conocimiento que ese predio es de la familia Cota Rochín».
Y fue más allá: «…no es posible que el gobernador esté ayudando o respaldando a un extranjero que viene a despojar a los verdaderos dueños que son
mexicanos, sobre la propiedad».
Focos rojos
Para el dirigente de la COPARMEX en Baja California Sur, Guillermo Beltrán Rochín, la captura de Kerry Rogers Lee, la semana pasada, por razones
similares a las que ahora se acusa a Raymon Novelli, prendió los focos rojos sobre la integridad, y sobre todo, el origen del dinero que se está
invirtiendo en Baja California Sur.
«Debemos tomar este caso como una experiencia para analizar y que las autoridades hagan una autoevaluación de lo que está sucediendo. No es posible
que cualquier delincuente venga a invertir a nuestro estado dinero que obtuvo de una manera ilícita y nadie se preocupe por revisar quién es, de dónde
viene, a qué se dedicaba en su país de origen», demandó.
El dirigente empresarial dijo que tras la captura del extranjero, se deben revisar todas las inversiones que han entrado al estado y buscar
información en sus países de donde provienen y han hecho negocios los extranjeros que están invirtiendo en el estado.
«No vaya a ser que tengamos más casos y entonces, nos veamos inmersos en más escándalos», refirió.
El también empresario opinó que el blindaje que promociona el gobierno, deja de ser efectivo ante hechos como ése que afectan de sobremanera al sector
empresarial de Baja California Sur.
«Nos preocupa el hecho de que se están invirtiendo recursos de dudosa procedencia, porque podemos llegar al caso de que nos veamos rebasados por ese
tipo de inversiones. Como es dinero que no ha costado trabajo ganarlo, pues es más fácil que se invierta y que se perjudique al sector empresarial».
El empresario dijo que este problema no es sólo del gobierno del estado, sino del gobierno municipal y federal, pues a todos corresponde vigilar qué
tipo de inversiones están llegando y buscar información en sus lugares de origen.
«Creo que aquí hay un problema de comunicación, porque se supone que hay intercambio de información con otros países. El fraude de Kerry Rogers se
pudo haber evitado si se hubieran tenido ese tipo de datos a la mano, y bueno, poner en antecedente el caso», concluyó.
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O.K. now the babble fish version
Here is the Z article in spanish Government of BCS lapel to fugitive Dragging more than 70 demands by fraud, the real estate industralist Raymon
Novelli left the United States in the year 2000 without responding to justice and since then he lives in La Paz, South Baja California, where he was
accused of despoliation after he announced a millionaire investment in a tourist project, the investor continues in freedom. “He worries to Us the
fact that resources of doubtful origin are being reversed”, the industralists protest. Gerald Zúñiga Pacheco La Paz, South Baja California. - It
arrived at South Baja California in investor paper. Without investigating it, the government granted support and protection to him that used to commit
crimes against sudcalifornianos citizens. One of denounced it to the victims and the process ended up exposing it like a fugitive of justice in the
United States. Raymon Novelli is called and in his country of origin it is accused of fraud, it swindles, despoliation and breach of trust, but that
did not matter. The 7 of February of the 2000, a judge of the state of California failed against the foreigner Raymond Ray accused Novelli to declare
in bankruptcy to his company to avoid to give back the investment of his main commercial, member, deserving partners and to reclaim taxes retained by
the American government. The operation of fraudulent character obtained sentence four months later, in July of the 2000. The penal judge ordered the
proprietor of the organization Novelli - All Seasons Resorts, Travel America and The Apollo Group- to give back goods and to pay damages all the
affected. The written press of the American Union gave account of this fact. That case detonated a wave of penal denunciations in his against by all
the American Union. The defrauded ones lived in Ohio, Miami, California, Alabama, Michigan, Mississippi, Washington, Texas and Arizona. And it opened
77 previous penal denunciations, dated between the 17 of September of 1986 and the 28 of April of 1998, all by to have broken the companies in
deceptive form. It was in the middle of the 2000 that disappeared of the American territory and there was reason of his no whereabouts. The defrauded
ones declared to the press that “seemed that to Novelli the Earth had swallowed it”. Indeed in those dates it was registered the arrival from the
foreigner to South Baja California. For more than seven years, he was hidden of his pursuers in a land where it constructed a small house. Located to
20 kilometers to the East of La Paz, in the well-known zone like the beach of “the Coyote”, in a place where lost or parejitas swimmers are only going
“to see the putting of the sun” or sometimes. Of million that Novelli presumably had defrauded in the American Union not nothing knew. It was until
the 18 of May of the 2007, after seven years, that Novelli reappeared publicly. It was portrayed with the governor of South Baja California, Narcissus
Agúndez Montaño. Because in that date, the foreigner announced that “he would invest” 100 million dollars in a tourist project called “Maravia”, and
said to have bought thousand 750 hectares of that zone. He announced that he would construct 2 thousand 65 residential lots, two golf courses, areas
of recreation, a commercial place and a hotel of five stars. The problem was that the property of the estate at issue was demanded by Guadalupe Rochín
Level, a member of the family, that by generations had the possession of the land, product of a familiar inheritance in 1862. It gave writings to
sustain his demand. Novelli only declared that the transaction was realised in Cove, Baja California, but the name did not make public of the salesman
nor has presented/displayed writings either. Mrs. Cota Rochín, with their husband Martin Búrquez, presented/displayed a penal denunciation against the
foreigner at the beginning of the 2002 by the crime of despoliation. They accused it to have empowered of the thousand 750 hectares in illegal form
and to try to construct a tourist development in the land of its property. But the penal denunciation that interposed at the time in the Agency of the
Public Ministry of the Common Law of the General Office of the judge advocate general of Justice of Estado (PGJE) did not prosper, was filed. “What I
interest can have the governor there? ”, the presence of Narcissus Agúndez Montaño in the presentation of the tourist project was asked to Martin
Búrquez, referring, in which time for the toast occurred, to take the photo from the memory and until embracing and congratulating to Novelli. In that
act, also he was like witness then President Municipal of La Paz, Victor Manuel Castro Cosío. It exposed that it surprised the attendance to him of
both civil servants, because “they had knowledge that estate is of the family Rochín Level”. And it was further on: “… it is not possible that the
governor is helping or endorsing a foreigner who comes to undress the true owners who are Mexican, on the property”. Red centers For the leader of the
COPARMEX in South Baja California, Guillermo Beltrán Rochín, the capture of Kerry Rogers Lee, the last week, for reasons similar to which now accuses
Raymon Novelli, caught the red centers on integrity, and mainly, the origin of the money that is being reversed in South Baja California. “We must
take this case like a experience to analyze and that the authorities do a self-evaluation than is happening. It is not possible that any delinquent
comes to invest to our state money that she obtained from an illicit way and nobody worries to review who is, from where she comes, to what was
dedicated in its country of origin”, demanded. The enterprise leader said that after the capture of the foreigner, all the investments are due to
review that have entered the state and to look for information in their countries from where they come and they have made businesses the foreigners
who are investing in the state. “It is not going to be that we have more then cases and, we are ourselves immersed in more scandals”, referred. Also
the industralist thought that the shield that promotes the government, stops being effective before facts like which they affect of excessively the
enterprise sector of South Baja California. “He worries to Us the fact that resources of doubtful origin are being reversed, because we can arrive at
the case that we are ourselves escaped by that type of investments. As it is money that has not cost work to gain it, because it is easier that it is
reversed and that harms the enterprise sector”. The industralist said that this problem is not only of the government of the state, but of the
municipal and federal government, because to all corresponds to watch what type of investments is arriving and to look for information in its places
of origin. “I believe that here there is a communication problem, because one assumes that there is exchange of information with other countries. The
fraud of Kerry Rogers could have been avoided if they had had that data type at the hand, and good, to put in antecedent the case”, it concluded.
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So basically Novelli ripped people off while in the states and is using his ill gotten money to invest in baja as a so called legitimate investor.
Also heard he is harassing some land owners in the coyote area and trying to swindle them too but it's not working.
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Here are his OC Superior Court Cases alone.
Case No. Participant Type Participant Name Filing Date Case Type
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