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Author: Subject: Mark & Olivia; Playa Buenaventura
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[*] posted on 2-28-2012 at 08:06 PM

Just remember the rules in Mexico---Americans can buy and Mexican Courts can and will take away if Mexican citizen goes after your property. Yes this means with whatever documents they come up with 30 years or more later. Just the way it is and will always be! Note, nothing is worth losing your life over unless it is family, so my advise would be get out before they carry you out! I know it would be tough and most would hate to do it but watching someone you loved being killed right before your eyes would be worse!

If you want fairness there is none not even in the USA, as those with money can also take private property with the governments help, Just the Way it is!! Fairness is just something that will not be found anywhere. So, enjoy life, enjoy family, enjoy those things you have been told to do without as everything will kill you apparently. Take Care & Travel Safe---"No Hurry, No Worry, Just FUN" bajafun777

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[*] posted on 2-28-2012 at 11:54 PM


I ratified the charges to the Federal Police against the Baja District Attorney Gamil Arreola Leal, Sub District Attorney North zone Hugo Galindo Camacho and Mulege District Attorney Aloy Aguiar Yee, with more than 3 hours showing documents.

Many will say, what do I care???

Well, maybe some not, but this will show a road to people who face problems in Mexico and how to solve them in Mexico. The more important point is that you really can solve problems in Mexico.

To those who did not believe in Mexico, I have bad news for you:

I.- Sorry angel, your laugh will end tomorrow, my people is coming out without charges, because the false charges were dropped a few minutes ago.

II.- Aloy Aguiar Yee the Mulege District attorney’s head is going to roll and will be prosecuted and fired at once.

III.- Hugo Galindo Camacho, North Zone District Attorney’s head will also roll and be fired and prosecuted also at once.

IV.- The Estate District Attorney was misinformed by his help and made a big mistake that he will correct tomorrow letting my people go without charges and with one big I AM SORRY, IT WAS A MISTAKE, cutting both of the Olivia’s criminal official partners heads, so he will keep his post for a while at least, because the South Baja’s Governor, is not exactly happy with him.

V.- La Vaquera and Nark, urgent investigation was finished by the Federal Police and found enough grounds to prosecute and was frankly incredible for them, that they are still walking the streets, so they will be prosecuted for all, but all their crimes, now for a change by a honest district atorney, beginning with the 10 criminal investigations that her partners in crime were keeping in the freezer, also she will be called to serve her jail sentence for the turtle soup and Jimmy's in juries.

I have been too optimist in the past on this matter, but not wrong and certainly hope that by tomorrow noon, all this will be over for my people.

My people will be taking a couple of days off, and my security chief a week, because sadly while he was in jail, his mother died.

After that rest period, my people will be back at Buenaventura, Olivia permit to cross my property gone and for you Nomads who like to go eat at her restaurant, you will have to hike a little to go there but not for too long, because in a very short time, you will find other people tending it, or if you like, you can go and eat with Olivia and Nark inside the Santa Rosalia’s jail where they will be opening their new restaurant and they will now be open 24/7/365.25 for about 50 years. who say this has no happy ending for all.

I know, from this time till tomorrow, several newbies will be making fun about this and that is why I write it now 0:51 AM, so they have at least some fun time; some because it will not last much.

All this mean, that if your constitutional rights are violated in Mexico, just have to go to the right level of government and do the right thing in a legal way and then your problems will be corrected with justice.

Please do not make the mistake I did, to try to fight the crooks with one hand tied behind your back, cry strong and high and your problems will be corrected by people who also believe we are in a law state.

The open letter published tomorrow, was already on the press when this information was communicated to me, so it will kick the Estate District attorney’s knees very hard; sorry, but the blow was already flying and he was responsible, because he made the wrong public declaration to the press at the wrong time and certainly looked like he was behind La Vaquera criminal.

My faith is in Mexico and tomorrow we will see if I am right or wrong about that faith but I know at the end I will be right.

Some of you are very pessimistic about justice, but being that way, make you hopeless and then decide not to fight, because you already believe you lost and that will become true.

Wooosh, remember that the one who get angry, loose, Nomads are smart people and see through their intentions, it is not necessary for you to expose them, they do it fine themselves. Remember, violence is the recourse of people who are not smart enough.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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[*] posted on 2-28-2012 at 11:56 PM

To be published today at SoutCaliforniano

29 Febrero 2012
C. Presidente de la Republica FELIPE CALDERÓN HINOJOSA
C. Procuradora General de Justicia MARISELA MORALES IBÁÑEZ
C. Gobernador del Estado de Baja California Sur MARCOS ALBERTO COBARRUBIAS VILLASENOR
Respetado Sr. Gobernador:
El C. Procurador de Justicia del Estado LIC. GAMIL ARREOLA LEAL, El Sub Procurador de la Zona Norte LIC. HUGO GALINDO CAMACHO y el Agente del Ministerio Publico de la ciudad de Mulege LIC. ALOY AGUIAR YEE , invadieron el Hotel Buenaventura de mi legitima propiedad, sin orden de juez, sin denuncia previa y con todo el cinismo del mundo en apoyo a la criminal conocida María Olivia Higuera Aguilar alias La Vaquera o La Tía como es conocida por la PGR y su esposo el norteamericano Mark Jerome Burbey.
En ese operativo ilegal, que el mismo procurador EN SU PORTAL DEL ESTADO, declara que el Sub Procurador de la Zona Norte lo realizo para asegurar el predio, ACEPTANDO Y CONFESANDO QUE LO HIZO SIN ORDEN DE AUTORIDAD COMPETENTE, operativo ilegal en el que se detuvo a todo mi personal, sin siquiera decirles el motivo, incluyendo a mi licenciado Joaquín Cuesta Romero, todo sin orden de autoridad y bajo el grito de que ellos eran la Ley.
El C. Procurador, claramente ayuda a la Vaquera para robar mi propiedad y en su conferencia de prensa cínicamente la cita para que ella misma declare que el Procurador NO LE AYUDO A DESPOJARME DE MI PROPIEDAD y si es así, por que no la detuvo en el acto de apoyarlo, sobre todo cuando la Vaquera esta sentenciada por vender Caguama, una especie protegida en su restaurante, por que no la detuvo por estar confesa de falsedad ante autoridad, por que no la detuvo por las 10 averiguaciones previas que tiene por robo, robo con violencia, daño a la propiedad, intento de invasión, asalto a mano armada, intento de asesinato y muchas mas, que su procuraduría le ha permitido cometer con impunidad hasta la fecha y no solo en administraciones pasadas.
El C. Procurador dice que el ahora si aplicara la ley, a pesar de que administraciones pasadas no lo hubieren hecho, pero es el caso que, las administraciones pasadas no ayudaron activamente a los criminales a despojar propiedades, y no niego que si los encubrieron pasivamente no persiguiéndolos, pero el actual Procurador, no solo los ayuda pasivamente, si no que se convirtió en su brazo armado y con eso, deja indefenso a todo el estado, no hay nadie a salvo de las ambiciones de los criminales.
Mi inmueble esta totalmente legalizado, con titulo de propiedad emitido por el gobierno federal, esta registrado ante el Registro Publico de la Propiedad y el Comercio, paga impuesto predial, hay una inversión de millones de dólares y el Hotel Buenaventura es la única fuente formal de trabajo en 30 kilómetros a la redonda y por sus acciones esta cerrado y en franco pillaje protegido por la autoridad que se supone debería protegerlo y sin embargo, la Vaquera opera una tiendita de drogas sin papel alguno de propiedad, debe 7 anos de su concesión de zona federal, se le sorprendió vendiendo especies protegidas y se le sentencio por ese crimen, se le abrió investigación por falsedad ante autoridad judicial y esta confesa de ese crimen, acusada de intento de asesinato de un Americano y sin embargo, a esa criminal conocida y sentenciada pero en libertad inexplicable la llama el Procurador de Justicia a apoyar al Procurador negando el apoyo, cuando el apoyo es claro y a la vista de todos.
A la Vaquera no se le pido papeles de propiedad y a mi para investigar me piden hasta para la gasolina, a ella no se le persigue por los crímenes denunciados formalmente, probados y confesos y a mi personal se le inventan crímenes y se le arraiga ilegalmente, a mi personal el Ministerio Publico Aloy Aguiar Yee le quito el dinero que traía, me pide $30,000 pesos por devolverme los vehículos del hotel y me amenaza con inventarnos todos los delitos que pueda si no dejamos de mencionar su nombre. Es eso a lo que el Procurador se refiere con que ahora si aplicara la Ley.
Sr. Presidente, Sr. Gobernador, El Procurador y sus actos denigran al segundo estado con mayor velocidad de crecimiento en el país, así no podemos crecer pues no hay seguridad para la inversión, mientras ellos solo esperan que pase la tormenta de noticias para que queden impunes y eso de la propia voz de la Vaquera.
Sra. Procuradora, admiro su valor, pero sus agentes me preguntan a mi que a que horas son los desembarcos, eso seria mejor que se lo preguntaran a la Vaquera, además me especificaron que ellos no van a ver lo de el despojo y yo le recuerdo que mi denuncia es por despojo por parte de las autoridades Judiciales del Estado y eso es de competencia federal y por lo tanto suya, no se trata de combatir el narcotráfico y cerrar los ojos a todos los demás crímenes de los funcionarios, crimen es crimen y un crimen alimenta a otro.
Sr. Presidente, ya denuncie ante usted esto dos veces en cartas que tengo selladas por su oficina de atención a la ciudadanía, le comunico que no ha habido atención y si hubo un poco, no hubo resultados.
Sr. Gobernador, usted ofreció acabar con los despojos en el estado, le pido que acabe con los cometidos por su propia gente que es el Sr. Procurador de Justicia del Estado Gamil Arreola Leal. O es que se refería solo a los despojos cometidos por otros. Así mismo, le recuerdo que el PAN, su supuesto partido, esta ofreciendo cadena perpetua a los funcionarios que se alíen con el crimen organizado y se les exigirá que cumplan con su promesa y que empiecen por los estados que aun controla y que esperamos no sea suya el primero.
Sr. Gobernador, Sr. Presidente, Estas cartas, seguirán apareciendo periódicamente hasta que su aparato de supuesta justicia libere a mis empleados secuestrados ilegalmente y castigue a los criminales que invadieron mi propiedad, así sean de su gobierno del Estado y de no obtener resultados se publicara a nivel Nacional y de no obtener resultados a nivel internacional y se solicitara el apoyo de todas las asociaciones relacionadas con el turismo.
Por lo anterior, como ciudadano exijo se respeten nuestros derechos constitucionales que en este momento son pisoteados en Baja California Sur y pido en base a ellos.
La liberación inmediata de mi administradora y jefe de seguridad.
La inmediata destitución y consignación de los funcionarios corruptos.
La instauración de seguridad para operar mi legal negocio en Bahía Concepción, ofreciéndole un lugar digno para instalar un destacamento militar.
La consignación inmediata de los criminales que motivaron este ataque injustificado e ilegal, María Olivia Higuera Aguilar alias La Vaquera y el norteamericano Mark Jerome Burbey alias el Nark.
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 06:32 AM

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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 07:46 AM

More predictions by the Dreamweaver !! :lol:

$10 says your goons are still in jail tomorrow. :P
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 09:34 AM

i'll take a piece of that action!

dyslexia is never having to say you\'re yrros.
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 10:06 AM

My first prediction became true, you acted exactly as I said you would, the same as Mulegemichael;)
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 10:39 AM

Interesting ... from faceBook to court ...

Will be following this case, for the final outcome.. as you have in the past posted "documents" which have supported your positon.

Thanks for the update 53.. always like supporting "documentation" ... it does seem to help .. in following an investigation and one's getting their legal claim into court for a "Legal" call... on the point and/or points of disagreement

Support the legal redress of any claim by either party and truly hope for a "Leal" decision based on fact .. PERIOD !! Whether in Mexico, USA or anywhere ...

As what do we have without the rule of LAW ... which exists to address problems of this type and all others... not much, other than he said, she said .. IMHO ..

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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 10:52 AM

Thanks for the update Raphael. I know I would have given up against the squatter Ortiz had you not encouraged me to continue the legal fight, be persistent, stay non-violent and follow the law. I was beaten, attacked with a 2x4 and my family threatened while the squatter Ortiz had her police and PGJE friends hold all the charges I filed against her (in the freezer as you say) until the four years passed for her to get the "squatters title" (prescripcion positiva) and claim it as her private property. Too bad she didn't understand she went through all that for nothing- because a squatter's title can't take away a federal zone concession and make it private property.

The real estate laws in Mexico are not long-winded or complicated. With your help I was able to translate them and make the legal case to support our concession. It is just a long and tedious process to go step by step as you have shown me to do. The only thing I can't figure out is why it is my responsibility to defend a Federal Land Title, it should be the government defending the title once they award it.

I look forward to both of us resolving our legal problems correctly and completely while we are still young enough to celebrate a victory. Viva la Mexico!

[Edited on 2-29-2012 by Woooosh]

\"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing\"
1961- JFK to Canadian parliament (Edmund Burke)
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 10:59 AM

Are they out yet ??
I can hardly wait. :spingrin:

"Thank you for the update Mr Ramunal."
Starting to sound like a broken record from an old TV News show.

I wonder if any of the former homeowners might have a chance to recoup some $ or their homes when all of this is finally settled.
What do you think Mr Ramuna ??
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 01:22 PM

I don't know who is in the right here Mark & Olivia, or Ramuma.

This is a kind of real estate problem that should be played out in the Mexican court where facts are presented by both parties to the judge and not "Nomad" members.

However I do have a few comments:

I love the guts of Mark & Olivia, especially Olivia who goes up against Ramuma's hired gun holding a rifle and pepper-spraying the hired thug! It's not a smart thing to do on Olivia's part, and I'm not sure this is worth the fight, but Olivia has one admirer in me JoeJustJoe. The Nomad good O' boys supposedly ex-US military types would probably be running away with their tails between their legs! The Nomad women seem to have all the guts. Josie, aka La Guera a few years back, and now Olivia.

see picture from from page of this thread:

Ramuma's legal and Mexican real estate knowledge is impressive, and I sure wouldn't want to go against Ramuma in a Mexican court or dark alley. Ramuma might even have a good legal case here, and even if he didn't I'm sure he could make one.

Note to Diver: Why are you attacking Ramuma's English writing skills among everything else about him? His writing skills are fine, although he could get a little long winded at times. I think we're witnessing racist undertones here from Diver towards Ramuma.

Note to Ramuma: I think probably most "Nomad" members support Mark & Olivia over you because for no other reason than they're white and either Americans or Canadians, and they could easily put themselves in Mark & Olivia's shoes and imagine this could happen to them. Perhaps Ramuma if you stick to the legal case and didn't pound your chest so loud. I think you could have more "Nomad" members supporting you than just ELINVESTIG8R and Woooosh.( more about Woooosh in a minute)

If I have any criticism towards Ramuma is the way he uses secondary issues having nothing to do with the property dispute to destroy Mark & Olivia's reputation and credibility. Is unrelated crap like that even allowed in the Mexican courts?

C' mon Ramuma I doubt anybody actually believes the "Turtle soup" incident. The turtle soup smells "set-up" all the way, and even if it were true, and I doubt it is. What does it have to do with your real estate dispute? ( put them in jail and all your problems go away, and even if convicted it just means it was a good set-up)

Now the drug running thing is interesting, and it does lend support to a plausible explaining why the government officials are protecting Mark & Olivia. It's because they're all in cahoots with each other and Ramuma is the only good guy here. But where is the proof? Looks to be another hatchet job by you Ramuma to spread malicious rumors about Mark & Olivia. ( if M & O are involved with drug traffickers. How come they don't have their own Mexican goons to deal with Ramuma?)

My favorite Ramuma quote about the evil Mark & Olivia is they were bringing in young girls from Sinaloa to be with old gringos, and giving a new meaning to bed & breakfast. Really Ramuma? Were they underage and sex slaves brought to the hotel by padrotes, or are Mark & Olivia human traffickers too?

Where is the EVIDENCE and what does this have to do with the property depute? These character assassinations do seem to work, and already I can't help but not trust Mark & Olivia either, and frankly I don't care about this case either way, but it does have great entertainment value.

I also have a few comments about Woooosh. Woooosh seems to fall apart after getting trolled from Angel a newbie, and obvious "second handle." I'm giving 10-1 odds it's from Woooosh's friends from his favorite hate forum.

But the thing about Woooosh I have noticed a couple of times is his willingness to sleep with the devil if Satan is willing to help Woooosh out with his own real estate problems in Baja.

I think there are some serious possible issues here with Ramuma if he is employing hired guns, and the extent to which he is willing to take this issue, although he may have legal rights here.

In my opinion the only reason why Woooosh supports Ramuma is because Ramuma who is a Mexican real estate lawyer offered Woooosh some good advice. Woooosh then blindly puts on those narrow vision glasses an supports Ramuma 100 percent. I have seen this type of behavior from Woooosh before in his blind support for Fulano. Fulano was a "Baja Nomad" cancer who tried to hurt and has hurt lots of "Nomad" members, but because Fulano helped Woooosh with real estate advice. Woooosh thinks the world of Fulano, and doesn't care about the damage this insane nut does.

I hear Charles Manson is going to call up Woooosh and give him real estate advice, as only Charlie knows, and no doubt after getting the good advise. Woooosh will become a Manson cult follower.

PS I'm in no way comparing Ramuma to Charles Manson, but clearly Ramuma as a few scary issues, but I am comparing Manson with Fulano. They're a lot a like in so many ways.

Shame on Woooosh the selfish sheep for sleeping with the devil. I think Woooosh wrote the book, " Looking out for number #1."

JoeJustJoe back for a brief visit from being on hiatus, and returning to my hiatus state after this brief visit. ( Be sure to read my JoeJustJoe blog in the "OT)
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 01:53 PM

That was a fairly good summation JJJ. I don't know who is right or wrong, but I am understanding Mexican land law better. Not many Mexicans step up to help Americans in real estate law down here, and posts it all for free in English no less. Even if you don't like his tactics and the battles he chooses- you have to give Raphael a lot of credit for that. The multiple charges of varying levels of believability from Raphael towards M&O are interesting and disturbing at the same time. (You left out the guy hit in the head with the machete and left to die). With the legal system so slow and non-transparent down here there is the tendency to throw everything you have at them and see if anything actually sticks. Only time will tell us what did actually stick in this case.

As for that attacks against me personally, no big deal. I asked Doug to leave everything up and edit nothing because it shows the lengths of what a misguided group of Nomads will do (when in the right or the wrong) to attack the other side and try to shut them down. It intimidates the lurkers on the board from ever posting- and that is not good. I correctly asked them to continue the personal attack conversation in Off-Topic, but they haven't done so. I don't think this is Fulano acting as "Angel". "Angel" was the next Nomad member to join right after "XPBres"- so they are likely associated with this issue. They support their friends M&O and I understand that, up to a point. They are trying to kill the thread because the legal facts are working against them. 10 years ago in the Turtle Soup thread they had a huge advantage against Raphael because no one knew Mexican real estate law enough to ask the basic questions being raised now. For sure their bullying methods and blind attempts to defend M&O will keep more people from going anywhere near there.

In the absence of verifiable facts to the contrary, I continue to support those who have supported me. The enemy of my enemy is my friend- so to speak. That's all subject to more factual evidence being released about this case. Until them- it's just an exercise in futility.

[Edited on 2-29-2012 by Woooosh]

\"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing\"
1961- JFK to Canadian parliament (Edmund Burke)
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 02:19 PM

Not sure about the enemy of my enemy stuff ,,, ?

Who is who's enemy ?

Or do you mean the enemy of my friend is my enemy ?

Then you are Ramuna's friend ?


Then you may never be allowed in Mark and Olivia's bar and you may never experience the pleasure of having Mark's parrot cr-p on your shoulder !
You may never be able to buy cheap drugs from their beach, eat their turtle soup or bed some of the young mainland girls.
But I bet you'll never get a free room in Ramuna's hotel either !!
I feel for you, dude.

Just funnin' ya Mr Wooosh.
It'll be interesting if there is ever a real conclusion to this mess.....
I'll buy you a beer and we can laugh about it.

On edit;
DK, you can buy your own. .:P

[Edited on 2-29-2012 by Diver]
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 03:15 PM

Originally posted by Diver
Not sure about the enemy of my enemy stuff ,,, ?

Who is who's enemy ?

Or do you mean the enemy of my friend is my enemy ?

Then you are Ramuna's friend ?


Then you may never be allowed in Mark and Olivia's bar and you may never experience the pleasure of having Mark's parrot cr-p on your shoulder !
You may never be able to buy cheap drugs from their beach, eat their turtle soup or bed some of the young mainland girls.
But I bet you'll never get a free room in Ramuna's hotel either !!
I feel for you, dude.

Just funnin' ya Mr Wooosh.
It'll be interesting if there is ever a real conclusion to this mess.....
I'll buy you a beer and we can laugh about it.

On edit;
DK, you can buy your own. .:P

[Edited on 2-29-2012 by Diver]

We'll just have to wait and see how this unfolds. I very much appreciate the civil tone today. It sounds like getting to the restaurant is going to take a ladder, a hike and a snakebite kit though- if Raphael closes the access. I know Raphael will keep us posted on the legal steps accomplished as part of his Nomad education project.

Free hotel night from Raphael? You missed by a mile. He offered us a brand new condo building for free actually. Still may take him up on it if it works to our mutual advantage. I hate to see that building just sit there empty and deteriorate.

(btw: Raphael saved US investors from a $5 Million real estate scam by presenting a legal, stamped SRA payment receipt for the land under that condo tower. The seller claimed a clear land title with title insurance. Raphael went toe to toe with Grupo Aries and they ran away and abandoned the building last July. So I'd say when Raphael is right, he is right in a big way. It was impressive to me because so few Mexicans would or have acted to protect US investors here in Rosarito Beach. None in fact, just him. )

\"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing\"
1961- JFK to Canadian parliament (Edmund Burke)
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 03:53 PM

Almost 4:00PM.
Are they out of not-jail yet ?? :rolleyes:

Thank you for your update....... :yawn:
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[*] posted on 2-29-2012 at 08:54 PM

Sr. Munoz offered us condos in trade for are improvements as part of his initial offer. His web site shows that development, just south of Buenaventura, again 10 years ago. He is having a hard time just making a go at this property and could not even keep a hotel that was already built managed and operated working. He promised us so much (desalination, internet, security, etc…) and none of it has come to pass, not even Olivia’s departure.

I want this to be over more than anyone, but that doesn’t make it happen.

I have very little doubt as to his right to the property, but the devastation is not acceptable. In 10 years since this mess started the only improvements to the beach were brought about by the homeowners-renters. Otherwise the beach has turned into a war zone.

There is so much that has gone on by both sides that it does make it hard to be unbiased. There’s going to be people on both sides making claims as to their good intentions. Most of these people are reacting to their personal experience with these 2 parties.

I ask any of them if they are in a lease agreement with either party or have invested $100,000 or more with them? Have any of you had these people move into your home when you’re not there?
We lived on the beach in harmony, we had a beer and hamburger with them and it was great, not quite the same thing!

I realize that a lot of the responsibility for what has happened to us falls on me.
The Baja, the Bahia are the real losers in this story, the others are just LOSERS!

[Edited on 3-1-2012 by XPBRes]
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[*] posted on 3-1-2012 at 06:19 AM

Junior Nomad, created just for this thread
You lie openly, if you refer to me, because I have never offered condos in exchange for improvements.

I do not offer condos, because my property has never been subdivided and a condo is a Condominium that needs a legal procedure to become a shared dominium unit.

No one has a lease agreement with me but maybe you are referring to Olivia Higuera Aguilar while she was Manager for Roberto Meloni.

At that time and that is the reason why she was fired, she started to believe she was the owner and started to defraud Americans, offering them part of a property she did not own for improvements.

The people who fell for this were.
Ted Clinite (left without a word when he knew the Federal police was investigating Olivia)
Thad Braxton (The last to leave without a word)
Mr. & Mrs. Christ. (Who later sued Olivia and George Michael and won without results)
Stan Valentine (Died at Buenaventura last year)

Using a contract she made with the Ejido La Purisima north of Km. 94.5, she defrauded them, making them belive that she was renting Buenaventura that is located at Km. 93.8; those contracts clearly say the locations but she lied and told them that the Kilometer number was changed.

Mr. Stan Valentine invested with her more than $250,000 dollars and all the furniture in the Restaurant now Olivia call hers, was bought by him and with his money.

Then Roberto Meloni fired her and she started to press those Americans to leave, they checked the Public Registry and found out that Olivia had lied to them.

Roberto Meloni called me to return my property and void his rent contract becuse he wanted to return to Italy with Franca; I bought what he had built on my land, Hotel Buenaventura.
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[*] posted on 3-1-2012 at 06:32 AM

My employees are still in jail.

The Mulege District attorney is inventing more and more crimes on them making true his threats.

The South Baja Governor, has failed to deliver the deals he made with my attorneys and he is now openly supporting the Estate District Attorney.

I will start publishing the open letters in Mexico city untill my employyees are free.

This will start to turn in to a political issue in the next Presidential campaign.

I am hiring one of the best criminal attorneys in Mexico city to help prosecute the case and free my employees.

The Mulege District attorney Aloy Aguiar Yee is hiding from the Federal Judge so he can not legally notify him about the Amparo filled by my attorneys, to delay their freedom.

Looks like the Baja Governor is going to put his head in jeopardy to protect Olivia, something we did not expect at this political time, because his party is offering to put the political figures who support organized crime on a life sentence.

Looke like the problem just started for the Baja South Authorities.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 3-1-2012 at 07:04 AM

Originally posted by ramuma53
My employees are still in jail.

If you go down to visit them, I bet they have a cell for you too.
After alll, they were acting on your orders.
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Select Nomad

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[*] posted on 3-1-2012 at 08:04 AM

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