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Author: Subject: All PHOTOBUCKET Users... Please:
David K
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eureka.gif posted on 1-11-2014 at 11:44 PM
All PHOTOBUCKET Users... Please:

There are many new Nomads, so this is for them and those who have not yet set the size. When you upload photos from your computer to your album for Baja Nomad sharing, please don't exceed the width of Baja Nomad (800 pixels). The standard Photobucket upload size is 1024 pixels, and while that may be okay on other web sites, it is wider than this one. People using larger monitors do not notice any problem, so the request is for those who use standard 15" monitors to read Nomad.

The quality is not affected nor is your photo harmed, in fact 800 pixels is HUGE and to go bigger only stretches the Nomad page off the screen and makes reading any text or viewing the entire photo impossible without scrolling off the screen to the right (on standard monitors). 640 pixels is actually a nice large viewing size, but 800 is the biggest.

Someday this site will have automatic resizing as do other forums, and it will likely resize them smaller than 800... or make them clickable thumbnails. I enjoy seeing large photos while scrolling down the page, just not bigger than the page is wide. To shrink the page (Ctrl -) makes the text too small to enjoy reading for us senior citizens, too.

For a while, it was a bit complicated to set the resizing on Photobucket, but it is super easy now!

1) When you upload new photos to your Photobucket album, you click the UPLOAD button and get this screen:

2) CLICK on that little GEAR symbol in the upper right corner BEFORE uploading any photos! SEE THIS:

3) Click the 800 x 600 size for MAXIMUM NOMAD FRAME PHOTOS
or the 640 x 480 size for LARGE photos. By-the-way, avatar size is 100 x 75 if you want to make a custom avatar.

4) CLICK SAVE and you only need to revisit this menu if you want to change a size.

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David K
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[*] posted on 1-12-2014 at 12:03 AM

800 Pixels:

640 Pixels:

320 Pixels:

So, you can see three sizes of photos... from the full Nomad size (800) and two smaller choices.

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David K
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[*] posted on 1-12-2014 at 12:06 AM

Of the different links to share the photo, copy the IMG link and paste that directly onto the Nomad post you are writing. Add captions and double space between the links so the photos are separated. You can put several photos per post.

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Ken Bondy
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[*] posted on 1-12-2014 at 07:19 AM

Excellent advice David. I didn't realize I could adjust the size of all the images with one click (With the UPLOAD OPTIONS) before I started uploading. I was resizing each individual image, which takes a LOT more time than with your way. Thanks again, ++Ken++

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[*] posted on 1-12-2014 at 08:21 AM

It all has to do with resolution of your monitor. Not size. Nomads only takes up 2/3 of my standard 15 inch laptop screen.

as of first half 2012 less than 2% of web users used 800x600 resolution. (see table in web site)

and "The standard resolution was 800x600 until around 2000. Microsoft Windows XP, released in 2001, was designed to run at 800x600 minimum, although it is possible to select the original 640x480 in the Advanced Settings window."

[Edited on 1-12-2014 by rts551]
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[*] posted on 1-12-2014 at 08:22 AM

DK, I just ran your plates. "Verrry interrresting...:lol::lol::lol:
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[*] posted on 1-12-2014 at 08:55 AM

Be aware that uploading your pictures at a lower resolution may cause you to lose some clarity. Save your originals or upload twice (once for Nomads only).
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[*] posted on 1-12-2014 at 09:17 AM

the worst is that years ago when I first joined nomads, our computer had an app that AUTOMATICALLY let you choose to change the size of the photo and also let you keep the original size. All our photos had a number for the original and we added an A at the end to show we had added another size.

The computer crashed and neither of us could remember what the name of the app was! So now I use photobucket and really, the whole process is too long.


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[*] posted on 1-12-2014 at 10:02 AM

THANKS DAVID... I guess my first classified post with pictures of those trailer tires for sale must have prompted your post... now i know better!
Alan from San Diego
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David K
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[*] posted on 1-12-2014 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by DocRey
DK, I just ran your plates. "Verrry interrresting...:lol::lol::lol:

In Jan. 2009: Different Truck... different plates! :light:

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