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Poll: BN Members' perspective on the economic impact
The pandemic has benefited me financially. --- 6 (15.38%)
The pandemic really hasn't impacted me financially. --- 24 (61.54%)
The pandemic has forced me to tighten my belt somewhat. --- 6 (15.38%)
The pandemic has caused substantial negative impact on my current and future financial status. --- 2 (5.13%)
I'm desperate. --- 1 (2.56%)

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Author: Subject: BN Members' perspective on the economic impact
Super Nomad

Posts: 1906
Registered: 3-29-2014
Location: Buckeye, Az
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Mood: It's 5 o'clock somewhere

[*] posted on 11-12-2020 at 09:07 AM

Quote: Originally posted by surabi  
Quote: Originally posted by jajajaja  
My take.

Born in 87. My generation and younger are bearing the brunt of all of comfort and success. Blame a president. Blame a dog, you all contributed.

A bunch of old people, who have no worries,

Funny, all my offspring, born in '73, '77, and '82 are doing quite well for themselves. All have good jobs, homes, don't lack for anything, really. And are grateful for what they have.

You know what I see with your generation (not all, for sure, but your post is indicative of this)? Lack of responsibility, everyone but you is at fault for your failings, an over-inflated sense of self-importance, no respect for anyone or anything. You'll whine about not being able to afford to buy a house, but the thought of denying yourself the latest iphone, or daily Starbucks coffees or $200 pre-ripped jeans so you can save for something don't enter your minds.

And if you think being retired means people "have no worries" that just shows how out-of-touch you are.

Very well said. I too have seen just what you describe. My daughter' born in 90 struggled a little but overcame it and is doing well. She continually refuses our help and handles things on her own. She has friends that are the exact opposite.
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