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Author: Subject: mulege status - just got this
Elite Nomad

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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 03:38 PM

How 'bout loading up a boat or two from the mainland? They could carry a lot more than a couple of piper cubs.
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 03:57 PM

Do you know if Serenidad's airstrip is usable?
Thank you,
an Aeromedico
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 04:12 PM

Pompano is up north.
His place sustained only minor damage.

Whoa....very bad news, Marv.
Glad you are safe.
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Barry A.
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 04:38 PM
More info on Mulege------

Just received an e-mail from Dr. Vince Flynn who has a house at Coyote Bay for over 30 years-----the following reported to him by a "Patsi Hodges" on the situation in Mulege---------(Dr. Flynn is in Coronado, CA)

Hi Vince,

Unfortunately the news of Mulege is not good. We haven't been into town yet but have been told by people who have that anything along the river is gone. They said the water was to the top os the palm trees. The flood hit sometime early sun morn and sun afternoon trailers and cars were still floating out to sea. People got away with the clothes on their backs. There is no power in town so no water (it's contaminated anyway) and no gas. They said something about the military bringing in water and gas. I hope so. Geary from Burro went into town and said 100's of people are just wandering around wondering what to do. They are left with absolutely nothing. We are so lucky here.

The water was in Mikes house but its just water and it doesn't take long for the tile to dry out. Our house was full, too. No big deal. Gives it a good cleaning once every couple of years.

The roads are out between here and Sta Rosalia and between here and Loreto. But we see a road crew out (two Mexican's in the back of a pick-up kicking rocks out of the road.)

Two days before the storm hit we saw dozens of cherry picker trucks heading south and then huge empty dump trucks also in the dozens. I guess so they would be there when it hit Cabo. Wrong!! We need them.

I'll write more as I find out more,

Dr. Flynn wrote:
Wow!! Thanks for the report, Patti. That must have been quite a storm. You mentioned Mike had alot of water, was it damaging or just nearby? Sometimes those lower lying houses really get flooded. Would be interested in any damage reports on the houses on the river, we have a friend who has one next to the bed and breakfast close to Serenedad. And also the runway at Serenedad, and of course the road. Thanks, and good luck. Vince

[Edited on 9-4-2006 by Barry A.]
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 05:02 PM

Marv: this is joe barnes and betty-from Orchard (poker) golf etc. Presently at other home in Tokeland. Wa.

On the deaths-anybody we might know? Talked to George and Cheryl and Alacran(Paul) Sat. am. Have no Idea how they are or all our other friends--really glad you got through and guess?? your house wasn't damaged too much and you are ok?

If you don't have time to respond will understand. Oh-If you have been up the orchard-do you know if my house is still there--understand 10 feet of water? Thanks-e-mail is: God bless. Joe
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 05:21 PM
mulege status Monday 1330 PDT

My name is Dan Donohue. Just joined forum so info is about 4 hours old as of this post
Onsite report as of 1330 PDT Monday from Gaby Saul & Hugo Martinez
Rriver crested at the level of the Church steps across to the other side of river.
Road is passable to Sta Rosalia 4wd only. Debris up to 6 ft plus washed out road. , BUT THERE IS NO GASOLINE RESERVES AVAILABLE.
No one getting through from San Ignacio.
Gas stations were under water. Several homes on the American side were washed away. Some deaths rptd.
No water, electric yet,
LANDLINE phone lines are now on in Sta Rosalia
Serenidad reported washed out in spots.
Palo Verde airstrip no reported problem from here. Chivato may also be OK.

Please advise if Palo Verde availability is confirmed. What is the name of the scheduled commercial air service to/from San Carlos??

I am looking to go down ASAP to help out, but am not a pilot. I am looking for a ride. If you need/want an extra body, call me at 951-317-8824

Food & water will be most important short term.
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 05:44 PM

Fox flew over the entire peninsula .. I am certain arrangements are being made to address the disaster .. tho I cannot provide more specific info.

Tho our provisions are not making it far enough we will keep the trucks going for as long as needed.

God bless and thank you to those who have made the anonymous $10 contributions - the money will be spent to purchase supplies and gasoline.
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Ultra Nomad

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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 05:57 PM

I would think that it would be inappropriate to confirm any names of people who have died in this forum. Their first of kin should be notified first.

We, who have homes there, are all curious because they are our friends and we want to know that they are OK.

I propose a more positive approach:

1. If anyone can CONFIRM SURVIVORSHIP of specific persons that relatives and friends have been requesting information on.
A. Joan Frikke of The Orchard
B. George and Cheryl of The Orchard
C. Hugh Llewellen of The Orchard
D. The Roberto Saucedo Family
Please make an effort to find these people and report. (and anyone else who requests it.

2. Can someone there start a list of survivors and post them here daily, as the list grows? This worked when I was trapped in Panajachel, Guatemala during the big earthquake of 1976. In that case we set up a regular meeting place and everyone participated. The list was compiled and runners (on foot) ran the list down to Guatemala City and delivered it to the Red Cross. I see by some posts that the Red Cross does not operate in Baja. There must be an agency in Sta Rosalia that can transmit the list. Or maybe the list can be handed to pilots or other rescuers when the are able to get in there.

3. Any other ideas?
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 06:08 PM

I didn't respond initially because I agree that it would not be appropriate.
The one name I have is not on that list.
I'm pretty sure Roberto got his family out early and I'll see what I can find out about the others.
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 06:09 PM
Hi Marv

The house in your picture is my friends Tanya and Hermans house or what there house used to be. I have not heard from them and I'm very worried. If there is any way you can find out about them and post here, Thank you,k
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capt. mike
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 06:32 PM

Kenny - just got a report, the Strip was heavily washed out. will be days if not weeks as don's grader will be doing work elsewhere 1st.

formerly Ordained in Rev. Ewing\'s Church by Mail - busted on tax fraud.......
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Bruce R Leech
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 06:35 PM
Mulege report

some one told me to be carful of what I wish for and they were right. Mulege was devestated by John and some many have lost everything. some peple are still mising and we are looking for them. I have been helping to rescue peple sence saterday night with little sleep. Mulege is compleetly cut off from every ware and with out power water and phone service. the stores have very little food and no drinking water. it looks like it is going to be a cople of weeks befor anything changes so it is going to be real tough on a lot of peple here. every form of help is needed sence bouth the hospital and clinc were flooded. we compleetly lost 2 schools including the new high school. als many business and hundereds of homes. the ones tha are left sufered servire damege,also it took out all of the city water wells so it will be a very long time for them to get us water again. many of us are staying in the kindergarden . I hope every one will excuse my spelling I am very tired and dont have spell check here. so far ther have only been a few deaths confermend but rummers are runing ramped. I will not be abel to respond to this untill they have restored phones and electricty in Mulege.

on a personal not we sufered no property damege to eather our house and business in town or at my ranch and all of my family are just fine.


Bruce R Leech

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mulege marv
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 06:58 PM

all i can say is they are not on the missing list, so im sure they are ok

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mulege marv
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 07:02 PM
im sorry

i cant not keep up with all your emails , though i love the concern, just to busy and only have a generator to use so much. just let me say its as bad as you could imagine, its very sad. thanks, i will try to keep up, im not ignoring you just very busy. im sure you understand

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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 07:28 PM

Russ has posted from Punta chivato but no one has reported on the condition of the airstrip. The strip at Palo Verde, which is a little further soouth is serviced by Vuelos de Guerrero Negro. Santa Rosalia numbers are 01-615-15-2-31-81 And the Guaymas number is 01 622 22 1 28 00. If Punta Chivato were open it would not be too far to go to Mulege by boat, but it sounds like some 4x4's were able to get through from Santa Rosalia to Mulege. The reports that I have at Santa Rosalia through Ejido San Lucas are that all arroyos have flooded and every one that crosses the highway has taken out a large hunk of road. Some were still running. It was not possible to get to Palo Verde from Santa Rosalia as of this afternoon.
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 08:41 PM

Toneart and all others: I apologize for my concern-you are correct in what you said--

I am concerned about everyone in Mulege-period--Trying to get enough information to make a decision on whether to head down or not.

At this point-no gasoline? no water-no housing-no electricity-roads impassable etc. I can be out of here in one day-once I know it makes sense to be there--or if i can get there---many of you -- I am sure feel the same way.

I am very concerned and apologize for upsetting anybody. Joe Barnes
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 09:03 PM
Organzing Relief for Mulege

After talking to my daughter's relatives in Mulege and hearing the same reports that are coming from others posting here, I know that all of you who are organizing relief and supplies for the is much needed. Any of you who are flying or driving when possible, please post here if you are starting from or passing through San Diego. I have been getting clothes and non-perishable food to send down and if I can connect with someone headed for Mulege who can take supplies, I would really like to contribute. Thanks and keep this community in your thoughts.
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 09:05 PM

This is a pix taken at noon showing some standing water. I could not walk across it without sinking in even at the middle of the strip where this pix was taken. You pilots know what is damage and what is not, but seems to me that it only requires a drying out and not a or no?
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 09:16 PM

Not only needs to dry out but it needs to firm up.

If it's a bog then trigear stay away , taildraggers only:bounce:
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[*] posted on 9-4-2006 at 09:17 PM

The guy in the photo is Jessy, a caretaker there at the park. He said where he is standing only the tip of his head would show above the water yesterday. This is about second row back. For those who know the park, the laundry had only three feet of water inside. No injurys at this place. Many cars and trucks with hoods and doors open to dry out.
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