

Baja Bernie - 11-12-2006 at 04:53 PM

Guess I catch it again!

Two dead, murdered, Mexican members of a Nomad Family and just look at the junk that some think is more important--those posts in front of Doug's announcement.

Look into your hearts and think back to the last Nomand member lost.

Life and the Living.

MrBillM - 11-12-2006 at 05:07 PM

One can appreciate and regret the passing of a relative, colleague, friend or acquaintance and Still live their own lives and pursue their interests without being maudlin.

I've been to enough funerals and wakes in my lifetime to know how many of those sincerely affected discussed (for whatever reason) Many subjects Other than the deceased. It is not necessary or reasonable to expect Everyone, even those who knew [them] well, to confine ALL of their thoughts to their passing. It is unreasonable to judge others by the length of their "sorrow" display.

[Edited on 11-13-2006 by MrBillM]

jerry - 11-12-2006 at 05:26 PM

i said nothing about it because after reading the artical i didnt know who or how anyone was related to anyone
now that i think i know ill say a prayer to antonio and his family

Diver - 11-12-2006 at 05:28 PM

I agree with MrBillM wholeheartedly.

Bernie, you are "amazing" again yourself !
I realize that like many of us, you are probably just angry and frustrated at the recent losses but thats no reason to start a post just to say others are "amazing".... Nomads are not the ones to be mad at !!

And weren't we asked not to comment ?? Maybe some aren't sure what to say.


[Edited on 11-13-2006 by Diver]

Natalie Ann - 11-12-2006 at 05:31 PM

Thank you, Diver.

Karyn Ivie - 11-12-2006 at 05:48 PM

The state of affairs being what they are in parts of Mexico, I think that it is prudent (as Doug Suggested) to be extremely careful so as not to put anyone's safety at risk. There is a time for public outpouring of feelings, and there is a time to keep them private. My prayers go to the family.


Baja Bernie - 11-12-2006 at 05:57 PM

This in reply to your very un-nice U-2U

Stick it where the sun don't shine. I have no use for the likes of you! You lay in the weeds until I post and then you pounce. So, again, I say--- stick it!

To the rest of you I might be sorry, but I doubt it because I keep thinking of the post you all admired about the Mexicans being happy and smiling folks--BS they hurt and deeply when they lose a friend or a family member and they do not smile!

Antonio is a friend of mine and I knew Hector and I hurt for them and their families!

Live as you will --but remember how upset you all got and how long you chose to be 'offended' when that nice lady from Baja Sur was killed. AND how long you forgot about living your normal lives.

I really would like to ask you how you spell hypocrite!

Diver - 11-12-2006 at 06:03 PM

Thank you Bernie,
My u2 just stated my opinion as you have, but in private, and without the nasty name-calling.
Amazing that you totally miss the point, again.
Sorry for you.


David K - 11-12-2006 at 06:11 PM

Bernie, I really thought we should wait for Antonio to post something before anything else was done.

Doug posted as little as possible because there was the SD Union story which is public, waiting for BajaCactus himself to make a statement with details...

I received the email saying who was killed as did you and Doug... It was a terrible and disgusting thing, but the rest of the Baja Nomads do not know who was killed or how they relate to Antonio (BajaCactus).

Perhaps posting too little was more harmful than posting too much... You are upset as am I since we both met Hector and know he was one of the 'good' ones... as was his brother Gerardo.

So the other Nomads may know why you are so upset or why they should be too, Gerardo and Hector are Lorenia's brothers... Lorenia is Antonio's wife, Sra. BajaCactus. Bernie wrote about Hector in his newest book and it even features a cartoon showing Hector bar-b-quing for us at JR's when we met that wonderful Muñoz/Gaxiola family.

Please let's not get upset with each other over this tragidy... Let everyone respond or not, as they wish... Hector wouldn't want what happened to him to be a reaon for friends to get mad at each other... would he?

Vaya Con Dios Hermanos!

marv sherrill - 11-12-2006 at 06:20 PM

David - thanks for clearing up a few details - I also did not realize the relationship to Antonio and his wife - I will be seeing them at the end of this week, and will relay our condolences. They are wonderful people and deserve our support.

David K - 11-12-2006 at 06:25 PM

Originally posted by marv sherrill
David - thanks for clearing up a few details - I also did not realize the relationship to Antonio and his wife - I will be seeing them at the end of this week, and will relay our condolences. They are wonderful people and deserve our support.

You are welcome Marv... Antonio was going to be in Rosario next week, but the murders may very well change things... They live in Tijuana primarily. Check your u2u...

Diver - 11-12-2006 at 06:30 PM

One thing I find surprising is the depth of feeling that I and others have felt over the passing of JR, Tucker, Mike, and now this. Even for others less known such as the plane that was recently lost from Mulege' and for Raquel and Larry, and for the recent hurricane victims, we have had deep feelings. Nomads are an amazing group of compassionate individuals and I am proud to be among you.

Thank you for your post David.
Bernie, I hope we meet in better times for both of us and are able to shake hands.

David K

Baja Bernie - 11-12-2006 at 06:36 PM

Thanks for your thoughts

Here is my answer to Dougs question to me about posting what he did [here on his board]

Hi Doug,

I don't believe that it will matter. They already know who their friends and family are and where they can find them if they chose. Like the story says all of the law enforcement agencies in Baja have cartel folks on their payroll and there is absolutely no security. You guys probably met a couple
of the cartel guys as you toured the ECC ( emergency control center).
Antonio wrote me earlier and it is so sad----

David, Yes, as a good Mexian Hector would have been hurt and offended at the cavalier attitude of a few on this board. He certainly would have not been smiling as he read their comments. But, unlike me, he would never had said what he thought!

Sorry, but I offer no excuses to my comments about whoever Diver might prove to be.

Should my honest and straightforward thoughts be too much for the members of this board to accept then I will just leave quietly as so many of the other senior guys and gals have chosen to do, You make the call!

DENNIS - 11-12-2006 at 06:57 PM

You seem to have a talent for creating threads which go on forever. As much as I respect you, I hope this isn't one of them.


bajaguy - 11-12-2006 at 07:03 PM

Check your u2u

Bruce R Leech - 11-12-2006 at 07:32 PM

everyone check your u2u:yes:

My Sincerest Condolences

Gypsy Jan - 11-12-2006 at 08:09 PM

To Sra. Lorenia and Sr. Antonio

It is a terrible, awful event when righteous people are lost to violent actions by others.

I weep for the family.

To Bernie, your grief and outrage is completely understandable.

Lo siento a todos.

Minnow - 11-12-2006 at 08:55 PM


everyone ?

fdt - 11-12-2006 at 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Bruce R Leech
everyone check your u2u:yes:

JESSE - 11-12-2006 at 09:30 PM

Its not that we dont care Bernie, its just that out of respect for Bajacactus, many of us have prefered to say as little as possible.

My condolences to cactus and his family.

David K - 11-12-2006 at 09:49 PM

Exactly Jesse... I didn't want to say anything before Antonio could, but given the direction of this thread and what had already been posted... I wanted everyone to understand what Bernie was so emotional about to understand why he is reacting so strongly. I do think we all can grieve in our own way.

I sure hope 2007 is a better year for everyone, this one has just been far to hard on most!

FARASHA - 11-13-2006 at 12:32 AM

Originally posted by David K
I sure hope 2007 is a better year for everyone, this one has just been far to hard on most!


Grieving has several stages, and everyone goes through them at a different pace.
It's alright to have a rant, and equally it's alright to be silent, or to be silly or which way ever one deals with a trauma.
This Board has proved to be full with caring people the last couple month, maybe all has been really too much lately.
That can make one thin skinned, even though ones!

I'm a newbie to this Board, comparing to other members.
Out of respect, or lack of knowledge I wouldn't post on a thread with such an serious issue (as on the one from Doug), especially when told to be careful.

Sorry BERNIE that this is hurting you so much. And it's alright to get it off your chest.

toneart - 11-13-2006 at 12:54 AM


The need for silence should be apparent and respected. It is more important than anyone's personal need to continue this string. I suggest that it be allowed to end. Communicate privately through U2Us.

Iflyfish - 11-13-2006 at 01:35 AM

I now better understand. The more I know, the sadder I am. I feel angry when good, vital people die. We are left to feel the void that their leaving us holds. I sincerly express my regrets for the losses of those on this list and for the people of TJ and Mexico. We are diminished.

I have no more words.


capt. mike - 11-13-2006 at 10:09 AM

sorry to hear. never met cactus, seems like a good joe tho. mexico and baja will not change soon, my buddies plane seems to have been ripped from mulege yesterday - no one ever expected aircraft theft from el gallito with the hotel on grounds and the military there 24/7 - so.............wTF!!

they steal 210s and for one purpose............drugs.

now i am hearing from several that own nice planes that they are done if mulege can't be trusted. too bad, lost revenue for the johnsons and the town. and the peninsula for that matter.

The truth should be spoken...

BajaCactus - 11-13-2006 at 11:21 AM

Hi this is Lorenia Gaxiola AKA Sra. Baja Cactus.
I'm in Antonio's laptop and I'm not to good writing in english, so I will do it in spanish and I hope someone here can translate... Antonio is not in here at this time, but I need to write, and I do not want him to translate for obvious reasons.


El dolor toco mi casa, mi familia, mi muerte llego de una manera muy fuerte y dolorosa, todo estaba listo para que con mis hermanos murieran tambien las almas de mis 4 hermanas y mi hermano sobrevivientes, para que perdieramos a mi madre por el dolor tan grande, por la daga que habia atravesado nuestras vidas, pero no fue asi y por eso hoy les escribo. Se que somos humanos y tenemos miedos y dudas por eso yo les voy a decir quienes fueron en este mundo mis hermanos....
Yo soy la tercera hija de una familia de 3 hombres y 5 mujeres, mi padre era un amante de la Baja y el hombre mas honesto, honrado, recto y formal que he conocido en la vida, y asi nos educo a todos sus hijos. Mi hermano Gerardo fue un hombre trabajador, se caso a los 18 anos y desde entonces se dedico a cuidar de su esposa y su familia, de recien casado tuvo hasta tres trabajos, la vida es dura en Mexico, yo lo vi levantandose a las 7 de la manana para lavar los pisoso en un supermeracado, salir corriendo a las 3 de la tarde para ir a trabajar a una maquiladora y despues arreglar carros el dia libre para poder mantener a su familia, mas tarde el emigro legalmente a los Estados Unidos y tambien trabajo muy duro, gracias a su conocimiento en mecanica automotriz trabajo en mossy nissan, y como habia estudiado hasta la escuela preparatoria una carrera tecnica en administracion, decidio poner su negocio de venta de carros usados aqui en Mexico y otro en Estados Unidos, el tenia 2 hijas y un hijo, su esposa esta enferma de cancer desde hace mas de 5 anos, como veran el era un hombre que tenia muchas razones para vivir, y todo lo que tenia lo habia ganado de una forma honesta, su familia vive en un departamento rentado en Estados Unidos porque es muy dificil pagar una hipoteca en Estados Unidos.
Ahora les hablare de Hector, desde pequeno Hector se sintio atraido por la policia, el concepto de atrapar a los malos era el todo de su vida desde que empezo a entender este mundo, el era "Bosley" y nosotras los "Angeles de Charly" en los juegos de ninos, estudio hace 14 anos la academia de policia, tiene una preciosa familia y 10 anos de casado, pagaba 400 dolares mensuales de la hipoteca de su casa aqui en Tijuana, en sus tiempos libres compraba carros en los remates americanos, los arreglaba y los vendia aqui en Tijuana para ayudar a su economia familiar, su esposa tambien trabaja y sus 2 hijos van a escuelas publicas. Como veran ellos no tenian una vida opulenta, ni estaban llenos de dinero como aqui ha dicho la prensa. Ellos fueron buenos seres humanos.

Que paso entonces, exactamente no lo se... lo unico que se es que cuando alguien atento el dia jueves contra la vida de mi hermano Hector, el le llamo al nextel a Gerardo, le dijo que estaba en la estacion de policia de la calle 8 y Gerardo, queriendo proteger a su hermano, se fue inmediatamente a buscarlo, desde que lo vio no volvio a separse de el, estuvo a su lado "para cuidarlo", para que nadie lo lastimara, ellos hablaron con nosotros y nos dijeron que estaban rodeados de policias y que estaban seguros, que estaban en la estacion de la calle 8, la ultima llamada con ellos fua a las 9 de la noche...
De lo demas no sabemos nada, ellos no fueron torturados, yo personalmente vi sus cuerpos, los destrozaron porque el arma utilizada era demasiado potente, y hace mucho dano, estaban esposados el uno con el otro, uno de su mano derecha y el otro de la mano izquiera, como pueden ver murieron juntos, el mas grande protegiendo al mas pequeno, como mi Padre lo hubiera querido, cuidandonos los unos a los otros.

Se que esto sera muy duro de ler para muchos, pero en nombre de la vida de mis hermanos les pido que tengan Paz, Dios se ha manifestado en la vida de todos nosotros de una manera increible, si alguien me lo hubiera contado yo hubiera creido que esa persona habia enloquecido, pero no es asi, estamos tranquilos, estamos felices porque el mensaje de paz de Dios nuestro Senor fue recibido, y asi queremos que esten ustedes tambien. Gracias por todo su amor, gracias por su coraje e indignacion, es repudiable como el narcotrafico y la mala voluntad ha lastimado nuestras vidas y nos ha arrebatado la vida de nuestros hermanos, y estoy de acuerdo que mientras haya consumidores esto va a seguir. Porque al final de cuentas todo esto paso por DINERO, porque alguien quiere seguir siendo rico....o mas rico...
Ahora no me pregunto que paso, porque no soluciono nada con saberlo, porque nuestras vidas estan llenas de cosas buenas venidas de Dios y queremos que asi sigan, ahora yo estoy haciendo oracion y le pido a Dios que les de a todos ustedes la calma y el amor que sus corazones necesitan, desde este foro le mando la bendicion a los asesinos de mis hermanos, a los que traicionaron a Hector y a los que ordenaron su muerte, a todos aquellos involucrados que Dios les llene de su Luz y que sea Dios quien haga justicia Divina.

Senores....amigos y amigas....yo solo pido PAZ EN LA TIERRA A LOS HOMBRES DE BUENA VOLUNTAD....y que dios nos bendiga a todos. Gracias

Su amiga,

Lorenia Gaxiola Gamez

[Edited on 11-13-2006 by BajaCactus]

bajajudy - 11-13-2006 at 12:14 PM

Su dolor es mi dolor
Por favor acepte mis condolencias y oraciones para su familia

jerry - 11-13-2006 at 12:31 PM

i hope someone will transulate this for us dummys

Baja Bernie - 11-13-2006 at 12:33 PM

I could read a lot of it but not enough to translate---It is powerful!

Someone does need to translate it for the rest of us.

vgabndo - 11-13-2006 at 12:55 PM

What a remarkable woman! What incredible strength, and faith. What a terrible waste of two hard-working family men.
I'm so sorry this came to pass. Will there ever be JUSTICE?

Minnow - 11-13-2006 at 01:34 PM

estamos contigo, pues nos has hecho sentir tu dolor junto con tu compacion y valor, no siempre en esta vida todo es justo, nos da coraje la injusticia por la que tu familia esta pasando, te admiramos por la fuerza y el gran soporte que eres para tu familia, sinceramente lamentamos su perdida, e de admitir que en lo personal su historia quedara grabada en mi mente y en mi corazon gracias a ti gran autora.
nuestras condolencias para ti y tu familia Lorenia.

JESSE - 11-13-2006 at 01:50 PM

I have lost many close friends in similar situations and thats one of the reasons why i left Tijuana. Been to too many funerals where mothers and brothers and sons where left with broken hearts. I hope Sra Gaxiola takes comfort in the fact that compared to other similar situations, the word is that her two relatives where clean and honest productive members of society. I know this wont heal the huge pain they feel in their hearts, but rarely these days do you learn about a Police officer who was clean and honest and DID NOT deserve what happened.

Oso - 11-13-2006 at 03:43 PM

Unless someone else has already started, I'll give the translation a try. Give me about an hour and I'll post it here.

bajalou - 11-13-2006 at 04:34 PM

Thanks Oso, I've been waiting for your help.

The truth should be spoken...

BajaCactus - 11-13-2006 at 04:45 PM

Hi this is Lorenia Gaxiola AKA Sra. Baja Cactus.

I'm in Antonio's laptop and I'm not to good writing in english, so I will do it in spanish and I hope someone here can translate... Antonio is not in here at this time, but I need to write, and I do not want him to translate for obvious reasons.


My friends:

Pain came to my home, my family, mi blood... death came to us in a very strong and painful way, everything was so that along with my brothers, also the souls of my 4 living sisters and brother were also ready to die, for us to loose our dear mother because of the so heavy pain, for the dagger that cut through our lives, but it was not so and this is why today I write to you.

I know that we are all humans and that we have fears and doubts and because of that I will tell you who my bothers were in this world...

I am the third daughter of a family 3 boys and 5 girls, my father was a thru Baja lover and the most honest, decent, straight forward and formal man I have ever known in my life, and that was the way he raised all of his children.

My brother Gerardo, the oldest of all, was a hard working man, he got married when he was 18 years and since then he devoted his life to take care of his wife and family, when he was just married he had up to three jobs, life is hard in Mexico, I saw him woke up at 7 morning to go and clean the floors in a supermarket, then go out running at 3 in the afternoon to work in a maquiladora and then fix cars on his off day to be able to support his family, later he legally bacame an American citizen in the United States, where he worked even harder. Thanks to his knowledge of fixing cars, he worked in Mossy Nissan, and since he had studied Administration at College, he then decided to open up his own business of used cars, opening up a car lot in Mexico and another one in the States. He had 2 daughters and a son, his wife is very ill, she has been struggling with cancer for 5 years now, as you see, he was a man who had to many reasons to live, and everything he had was earned in an honest way, his family lives in a rented apartment in the US because it is very difficult to pay for a mortage in the United States.

Now, I will tell you about Hector, since very early he felt strongly drawn to police work, the concept of upholding the law and catch criminals was everything is his life since he began to understand this world, he was "Bosley" and we were his "Charlie's Angels" in our childhood games, 14 years ago, he went to Police Academy, he has a beautiful family and 10 years of marriage, he paid $400 US dlls monthly of mortage for a small hous here in Tijuana, in his free time he bought used cars at auctions in the States, he fixed them and then sold them here in Tijuana to help aliviate a bit his family economy, his wife also works and his son and daughter go to public schools.

As you all can see, they did not have an opulent life, nor were they rich and full of money as the press has been implying or saying. They were good human beings.

What happened then, I do not exactly know... the only think I know is that when someone threatened against my brother Hector's life on thursday, he called Gerardo over his Nextel, who was in the States, he told him he was at the Police Station in downtown at 8th street, and Gerardo, wanting to protect his little brother, inmediately came to his rescue, since he saw him, he never left his side in order "to protect" him, so nobody could harm him. They spoke to us over the phone and told us they were surrounded by police escorts and that they were safe, that they were at the Police Station at 8th street, the last call with them was at 9 in the night...

After that, we know nothing more, they were not tortured, I personaly saw their bodies, they were completely destroyed because the weapons used were so very powerful and they caused so much destruction, they were handcuffed to each other, one on his right hand and the other on the left, as you can see, they died together, the older protecting the little brother, as my father would had wished, all of us taking care of each other.

I know this will very hard to read for many, but in the name of my brother's lifes, I ask you to have peace, our Lord has manifested himself in all our lifes in an incredible way, if someone had told me I would have believed that person had become insane, but it is not so, we are peaceful, we are happy because the message of peace God gave us, has been received, and that is how we would like for you to be and feel.

Thank you so much for your love, thank you for your anger and indignation, it is hateful how the organized crime and the bad will has harm our lifes and has ripped away the life of our brothers, and I agree that while we have consumers this will keep happening. Because at the end, this all happened because of MONEY, because someone wants to be richer... or more rich...

Now I do not asked what happened, because there is nothing to gain with it, because our lives are filled with so many good things that come from God and we want them to keep them coming, now I am praying and I ask God that he gives you all the peace and love you all need in your hearts, from this forums I send my blessings to my brother's assasins, to those who betrayed Hector and to those who ordered their deaths, to all those involved I ask that God fills them with his light and that is God who makes divine justice.

My friends... I only ask for PEACE ON EARHT TO ALL MAN OF GOOD WILL...and let God Bless us all.

Thank you.

Your friend.

Lorenia Gaxiola Gamez

[Edited on 11-14-2006 by BajaCactus]

Oso - 11-13-2006 at 05:04 PM

Can't improve on that... Just finished my translation offline, almost identical but it's better coming from Antonio.

That was a tough one, for many reasons.

Diver - 11-13-2006 at 06:10 PM

Thank you so much for sharing with us.
Your writings are some of the most beautiful thoughts I have read.
You are an amazing woman.
Best wishes of much future happiness for your family.


David K - 11-13-2006 at 08:19 PM

There are no words... I am just so sorry for the pain that has come to the entire family... a wonderful family...

Gracias Lorenia

fdt - 11-14-2006 at 12:09 AM

Admiro tu fé y cordura en estos momentos tan dificiles.
Thank you Lorenia;
I admire your faith and wisdome in these difficult times.

FARASHA - 11-14-2006 at 02:31 AM

Originally posted by BajaCactus
Hi this is Lorenia Gaxiola AKA Sra. Baja Cactus.

Now I do not asked what happened, because there is nothing to gain with it, because our lives are filled with so many good things that come from God and we want them to keep them coming, now I am praying and I ask God that he gives you all the peace and love you all need in your hearts, from this forums I send my blessings to my brother's assasins, to those who betrayed Hector and to those who ordered their deaths, to all those involved I ask that God fills them with his light and that is God who makes divine justice.

My friends... I only ask for PEACE ON EARHT TO ALL MAN OF GOOD WILL...and let God Bless us all.

Thank you.

Your friend.

Lorenia Gaxiola Gamez

[Edited on 11-14-2006 by BajaCactus]

I wish I could be as altruistic, after such an tragedy happened to me.
What a strong person, what a powerful statement is this letter!
One must be very happy to have a sister/wife/friend of this quality.

My deepest respect !!! along with my condolences !!

Eli - 11-14-2006 at 06:19 AM

Lorenia Gaxiola Gamez, I too daily pray for peace; peace in my neighborhood, peace in my pueblo, peace in my world, and most of all peace in my heart. Thank you so much for your words, may they somehow help me in my continued search for peace of mind. My heart goes out to you in these trying times, Dios Lo Bindiga, Sara

[Edited on 11-14-2006 by Eli]

CaboMagic - 11-14-2006 at 08:09 AM

Please receive and accept these condolences from all of our extended families - Our prayers and thoughts are respectfully with you, Tommy & Lori Garcia

mulegeloco - 11-14-2006 at 04:49 PM

mi más sincero pésame y mis mayores deseos de que la paz continúe alumbrando la vera de su familia
Carlos Milon

DianaT - 11-14-2006 at 05:06 PM

An amazing and beautiful letter----

My sincere condolences for your horrendous loss, and my deepest admiration for your strength and character.
