
This is not a plug....

msawin - 2-13-2004 at 10:04 PM

I have to put in for all of you that are on the fence on buying Capt. Mike Baja map..My day ends [week week] ok weekends too,, looking on my wall of the great expanse of Baja Calif. I love my map...again I love my map of Baja.. I am telling you that if you have the room for very large area, it is great to sit and point ay all the places to have been and going to...... A must have.... This is not a plug for sales just a very happy customer....Thanks mike .... Marty sawin

elgatoloco - 2-13-2004 at 11:18 PM

I have seen that map. It's AWESOME!

When I grow up I hope I have a wall big enough to put one on!! :lol:

It's a great value ,too!


well!! thx Guys!

capt. mike - 2-14-2004 at 06:07 AM

Mateo, we partied so much last sat when you were over that i forgot to show you the one that covers a wall in my bed room. you must have seen it though, or some place else. Yes, thx Marty too, they are cool and not expensive for a baja enthusiast! so....keep those orders coming, i make only about a 6-pack's worth of beer on each you're all helping this old sometimes drunk piloto..

well gotta go now, am meeting the crew in San Felipe around 10:00

pre runners and post partiers.....woohoo big fun! i may swoop over the course.

Bob and Susan - 2-14-2004 at 06:46 AM

We put up our GREAT copy of the Capt's map in the hallway....

Everyone that comes over touches it....

It will be worn theu soon....

Thanks Mike:yes::yes:

Thx Bob y Susan.

capt. mike - 2-14-2004 at 07:20 AM

your care package will arrive in mulege on fri mar 12th. let Candice know she can get it at my trailer at the serenidad.

thx!! looking forward to buying you a margie with the "slush" fund you generously sent!


JZ - 2-15-2004 at 12:46 AM

Ok... how do I get one of these great maps!

BajaNomad - 2-15-2004 at 10:36 AM

Originally posted by JZ
Ok... how do I get one of these great maps!

Me No - 2-15-2004 at 11:12 AM

Mike, bring me one when I pick you up at the San Felipe airport on the 27th.